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Parma Heights Overview
Parma Heights, OH Code of Ordinances
TITLE ONE - General Provisions
TITLE THREE - Legislative
TITLE FIVE - Administrative
CHAPTER 141 Mayor
CHAPTER 142 Director of Administration, Personnel and Intergovernmental Relations
CHAPTER 143 Department of Law
CHAPTER 145 Department of Finance
CHAPTER 147 Department of Public Service
CHAPTER 149 Department of Public Safety
CHAPTER 151 Department of Police
CHAPTER 153 Department of Fire
CHAPTER 155 Department of Recreation
CHAPTER 157 Department of Public Information and Public Relations
CHAPTER 158 Director of Human Services
CHAPTER 159 Municipal Engineer
CHAPTER 161 Building Inspector
CHAPTER 163 Boards and Commissions Generally
CHAPTER 165 Civil Service Commission
CHAPTER 167 Building Commission
CHAPTER 169 Recreation Commission
CHAPTER 170 Fair Housing Review Board
CHAPTER 171 Moral Claims Commission (Repealed)
CHAPTER 172 Public Properties Commission
CHAPTER 173 Planning Commission
CHAPTER 175 Board of Zoning Appeals
CHAPTER 176 Community Improvement Corporation
CHAPTER 177 Board of Tax Appeals
CHAPTER 179 Employees Generally
TITLE SEVEN - Judicial
TITLE NINE - Taxation
   (a)   There shall be a Juvenile Bureau within the Department of Police, to be administered and controlled by the Chief of Police, subject to the laws of the State, these Codified Ordinances and the direction of the Director of Public Safety. The Chief may assign other members of the Department or employees to assist the Juvenile Bureau whenever he or she deems it necessary.
   (b)   Any police officer assigned to duty in the Juvenile Bureau shall be a high school graduate and shall have at least two years of general police experience. Any police officer serving in the Juvenile Bureau shall be paid the prevailing rate for a similar rank and comparable position in the Department.
   (c)   The Juvenile Bureau shall maintain activity and statistical records. All juvenile records shall be kept separate from those of adults. All records shall be available to the Ohio Youth Commission and to other authorized personnel.
   (d)   The Juvenile Bureau is established and shall be administered to attain at least, but not limited to, the following objectives:
      (1)   The apprehension of offenders;
      (2)   The interview of juveniles taken into custody and of the parents or guardians of these juveniles;
      (3)   The investigation of offenses or alleged offenses involving juveniles;
      (4)   The police disposition through clearance and/or referral of juveniles to agencies or to the Juvenile Court;
      (5)   The preventive surveillance of juvenile gathering places;
      (6)   The development of working relationships and programs with schools and community agencies; and
      (7)   Department of Police representation in community planning and public relations in regard to children and youth.
(Ord. 2019-5. Passed 2-11-19.)
      (a)   The Chief of Police shall, under the direction of the Mayor, be the executive head of the Department of Police. In his absence from duty or incapacity the Chief, or in his absence the Mayor, shall have the authority to designate any full-time officer from the rank of Sergeant and above in the Police Department to serve as the acting Chief.
(Ord. 1955-67. Passed 8-1-55; Ord. 2012-36. Passed 8-6-12.)
   (b)   (1)   The Chief of Police shall be entitled to the following employee benefits: uniform allowances, medical and life insurance coverage, vacations, holidays, longevity compensation, sick leave, emergency responder pay and college education pay, as described in the employment contract entered into by the City with the Ohio Patrolmen's Benevolent Association for the Police Sergeants and Captains.
      (2)   The Assistant Chief of Police shall receive the same fringe benefits, effective upon the same dates and in the same amounts, as provided to the rank of Captain by the employment contract entered into by the City with the Ohio Patrolman's Benevolent Association for Police Sergeants and Captains.
   (c)   Effective January 1, 1985, when any vacancy in the office of Chief of Police occurs due to retirement, death, termination, or any other circumstances provided in the Civil Service Rules, and a member of the Department is assigned the duty of "Acting Chief" on a temporary or interim basis, such member may be paid at the Chiefs normal rate of pay for such duty during the interim time period until a new Chief is appointed.
   (d)   Each nonaligned regular, full-time member of the Police Department holding the position of Chief of Police or Assistant Chief of Police shall be entitled to emergency responder allowance in addition to his or her regular compensation. Such allowance shall be paid as follows: six percent of the base annual salary, payable in two equal installments, on the pay days closest to May 1 and November 1 of each calendar year. When an employee leaves the Department through retirement, resignation or termination, the emergency responder allowance shall be pro-rated and the amount paid but unearned shall be deducted from the employee's final paycheck.
(Ord. 2019-5. Passed 2-11-19; Ord. 2023-61. Passed 9-25-23.)
   Members of the Department of Police shall have all the powers conferred by law upon police officers under the Ohio Revised Code and such other powers, not inconsistent with the nature of their offices, as are conferred by City ordinances from time to time.
(Ord. 2019-5. Passed 2-11-19.)
   (a)   Each non-aligned, regular full-time sworn officer of the Police Department shall be entitled to a uniform allowance of seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750.00) yearly; and in addition, shall be entitled to a safety equipment/leather gear maintenance allowance of seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750.00) yearly. Said uniform and safety equipment/ leather gear maintenance allowances, shall for payment purposes, be combined into one payment totaling one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500) per year; payable in equal amounts of seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750.00) on the closest pay to February 1 and August 1 of each year.
   (b)   Each person employed as a non-aligned full-time Chiefs Secretary/Matron shall receive an annual uniform allowance of nine hundred and seventy-five dollars ($975.00) per year; payable in equal amounts of four hundred and eighty-seven dollars and fifty cents ($487.50) on the pay closest to February 1 and August 1 of each year.
   (c)   Every school guard shall be entitled to a uniform allowance of one hundred twenty dollars ($120.00) yearly, payable in equal amounts of sixty dollars ($60.00) on April 1 and on October 1 of each calendar year.
(Ord. 2019-5. Passed 2-11-19.)
151.07   OVERTIME.
   All non-aligned regular full-time members of the Police Department, excluding the Police Chief, shall be paid, in addition to their regular compensation, for the performance of overtime duties as provided for in Section 179.07.
(Ord. 2019-5. Passed 2-11-19.)
   (a)   Medical Insurance. Each non-aligned regular full-time employee of the Police Department shall, after one month of such full-time service, be entitled to health insurance provided by the City. Health benefit plan design, coverage options and employee cost of participation shall be determined annually; and such conditions to be outlined in a Health Benefit Summary document to be provided to employee at the inception of each benefit year.
   (b)   Insurance-Group Life. Effective January 1, 2013, each non-aligned full-time employee of the Police Department shall, after one year of such full-time service, be entitled to fully paid group life insurance in the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000).
   (c)   Vacations.
      (1)   Each nonaligned regular and civilian full-time member of the Police Department shall be entitled to the following annual vacation benefits, based on the length of continuous employment: two weeks of vacation with pay at the end of one year of full-time active duty; three weeks of vacation with pay at the end of five years of full-time active duty; four weeks of vacation with pay at the end of ten years of full-time active duty; five weeks of vacation with pay at the end of seventeen years of full-time active duty and six weeks of vacation with pay after twenty-four years full-time active duty.
      (2)   Vacation shall be earned as of January 1 of each year and shall be taken by the employee in the calendar year in which it is earned, provided, however, that when an employee has an anniversary of employment in a calendar year which would entitle the employee to receive an additional increment of vacation, the employee shall be entitled to observe the additional increment of vacation in the twelve-month period measured from the anniversary. Vacation shall not be accrued from year to year or payment made in lieu thereof, except by special arrangement with the Director of Public Service, provided, however, that any full-time member of the Department of Public Service who has concluded twenty-one continuous years of service, may, at his or her option, bank not more than three weeks per year, up to a maximum of nine weeks. Such employee may receive cash payment for such banked vacation one time, either at retirement or before, but may not thereafter bank additional hours after the nine weeks have been utilized. In lieu of banking vacation time, an employee may turn in for annual payment not more than three weeks per year, up to a maximum amount of nine weeks. The Finance Department must be notified of this intent not later than November 1 of the calendar year in which payment is requested. Said payment shall be made on the last pay of the calendar year in which payment is requested.
      (3)   Vacation or payment in lieu of accrued vacation shall be granted to an employee after his or her retirement or termination of employment, unless such termination of employment is made for cause, in which event no such vacation or payment in lieu thereof shall be allowed. Payment in lieu of vacation shall be calculated at the employee's normal rate of pay.
   (d)   Holidays.
      (1)   Each nonaligned regular and civilian full-time employee of the Police Department shall be entitled to the following twelve paid holidays:
         A.   The first day in January, known as New Year's Day;
         B.   The third Monday in January, known as Martin Luther King Day;
         C.   The third Monday in February, known as Washington-Lincoln or Presidents' Day;
         D.   Decoration or Memorial Day (date of observance as established by State Legislature);
         E.   The fourth day in July, known as Independence Day;
         F.   The first Monday in September, known as Labor Day;
         G.   The second Monday in October, known as Columbus Day;
         H.   The eleventh day in November, known as Veterans' Day;
         I.   The fourth Thursday in November, known as Thanksgiving Day;
         J.   The twenty-fifth day of December, known as Christmas Day;
         K.   A floating holiday to be taken on a day of the employee's choice, subject to approval of departmental supervision; and
         L.   The employee's birthday.
      (2)   The City, in response to certain reductions in the workweek hours for the City firefighters, does hereby agree to grant each full-time non-aligned employee the following additional three holidays.
         A.   The fourth Friday of November, known as the day after Thanksgiving.
         B.   The twenty-fourth day of December, known as Christmas Eve Day.
         C.   Effective January 1, 2001, a floating holiday to be taken on a day of the employee's choice, subject to approval of departmental supervision.
   (e)   Longevity Pay.
      (1)   Additional compensation for continuous, full-time employment, which shall be entitled "longevity pay", shall be paid for each calendar year at the first pay period in December of that calendar year. The rate of longevity pay to which an employee shall be entitled in any calendar year shall be computed in accordance with the following schedule:
Years of Continuous, Full-Time Employment Completed as of the Anniversary Date of Employment
Rate of Longevity
Pay Per Month
Years of Continuous, Full-Time Employment Completed as of the Anniversary Date of Employment
Rate of Longevity
Pay Per Month
      (2)   The amount of longevity pay to which an employee is entitled in a calendar year shall be computed by multiplying the number of months in such calendar year preceding and subsequent to his or her anniversary date of employment in that year by the applicable rate or rates of monthly longevity pay based upon the number of full years of continuous, full-time employment completed in that year as determined in accordance with the above schedule.
      (3)   In each calendar year, the anniversary date of employment shall be the first day of the month in which the employee commenced his or her continuous, full-time employment with the City. In calculating the length of an employee's continuous employment, full-time service in all departments of the City shall be included.
   (f)   Jury Duty Compensation. Each non-aligned regular and civilian full-time employee of the Police Department shall, if called for jury duty, receive their regular compensation during the time spent in the capacity as jurors, less the amount paid them by the Court for such duty as jurors.
(Ord. 2019-5. Passed 2-11-19.)