18.10.010 Purposes
18.10.020 Applicable Regulations
18.10.030 Land Uses
18.10.040 Development Standards
18.10.050 Permitted Encroachments, Projections and Exceptions
18.10.060 Parking
18.10.070 Accessory and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units
18.10.080 Accessory Uses and Facilities
18.10.090 Basements
18.10.100 Standards for Agricultural Uses
18.10.110 Home Improvement Exceptions
18.10.120 Architectural Review
18.10.130 Historical Review
18.10.140 Neighborhood Preservation Combining District (NP) Standards
18.10.150 Grandfathered Uses
Three low-density residential districts are defined in this chapter. Requirements for the single-family residential (R-1) district and related subdistricts and combining districts are included in Chapter 18.12. The specific purpose of each low-density residential district is stated below:
(a) Residential Estate District [RE]
The RE residential estate district is intended to create and maintain single-family living areas characterized by compatibility with the natural terrain and native vegetation. The RE district provides locations for residential, limited agricultural, and open space activities most suitably located in areas of very low density or rural qualities. Accessory dwelling unit(s) and accessory structures or buildings are appropriate where consistent with the site and neighborhood character. Community uses and facilities should be limited unless no net loss of housing units would result.
(b) Two Family Residential District [R-2]
The R-2 two-family residence district is intended to allow a second dwelling unit under the same ownership as the initial dwelling unit on appropriate sites in areas designated for single-family use by the Palo Alto Comprehensive Plan, under regulations that preserve the essential character of single-family use. Community uses and facilities should be limited unless no net loss of housing would result.
(c) Two Unit Multiple-Family Residential District [RMD]
The RMD two-unit multiple-family residence district is intended to allow a second dwelling unit under the same ownership as the initial dwelling unit on appropriate sites in areas designated for multiple-family use by the Palo Alto Comprehensive Plan. The RMD district is intended to minimize incentives to replace existing single-family dwellings, maintain existing neighborhood character and increase the variety of housing opportunities available within the community. The maximum density in this zone shall not exceed seventeen dwelling units per acre.
(Ord. 5412 § 3, 2017: Ord. 4875 § 2 (part), 2005)
The specific regulations of this chapter and the additional regulations and procedures established by Chapters 18.52 to 18.80 inclusive shall apply to all low-density residential districts. Such regulations shall apply to construction of two units on an RE-zoned lot pursuant to California Government Code Section 65852.21 (SB 9, 2021), except as modified by Section 18.42.180.
(Ord. 5542 § 2, 2022: Ord. 5538 § 2, 2021: Ord. 4875 § 2 (part), 2005)
Table 1 shows the permitted and conditionally permitted uses for the low-density residential districts.
[P = Permitted Use -- CUP = Conditional Use Permit Required]
R-E | R-2 | RMD | Subject to Regulations in: |
R-E | R-2 | RMD | Subject to Regulations in: | |
Accessory facilities and uses customarily incidental to permitted uses (no limit on number of plumbing fixtures) | P | P | P | |
Home Occupations, when accessory to permitted residential uses. | P | P | P | |
Horticulture, gardening, and growing of food products for consumption by occupants of the site. | P | P | P | |
Sale of agricultural products produced on the premises (1) | P | |||
Accessory Dwelling Units | P | P | P | |
Junior Accessory Dwelling Units | P | P(2) | P(2) | |
Agriculture | P | |||
Private Educational Facilities | CUP | CUP | CUP | |
Religious Congregations and Institutions | CUP | CUP | CUP | |
Community Centers | CUP | CUP | CUP | |
Utility Facilities essential to provision of utility services to the neighborhood, but excluding business offices, construction or storage yards, maintenance facilities, or corporation yards. | CUP | CUP | CUP | |
Neighborhood Recreational Centers | CUP | |||
Outdoor Recreation Services | CUP | CUP | ||
Single-Family | P | P | P | |
Two-Family use, under one ownership | P
(4) | P | P | |
Mobile Homes | P | P | P | |
Residential Care Homes | P | P | P | |
Cemeteries | CUP | |||
Commercial Plant Nurseries | CUP | |||
Convalescent Facilities | CUP | |||
Day Care Centers | CUP | CUP | CUP | |
Small Adult Day Care Homes | P | P | P | |
Large Adult Day Care Homes | CUP | CUP | CUP | |
Small Family Day Care Homes | P | P | P | |
Large Family Day Care Homes | P | P | P | |
Bed & Breakfast Inns | P(3) | |||
P = Permitted Use | CUP = Conditional Use Permit Required | |||
(1) Sale of Agricultural Products: No permanent commercial structures for the sale or processing of agricultural products are permitted.
(2) Junior Accessory Dwelling Units in R-2 and RMD Zones: A Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit is permitted only in conjunction with a single-family residence, subject to the provisions of Chapter 18.09.
(3) Bed and Breakfast Inns: Bed and breakfast inns are limited to no more than 4 units (including the owner/resident's unit) in the RMD district.
(4) Two Unit Development Pursuant to California Government Code Section 65852.21 (SB 9, 2021): Construction of two units is permitted on an RE-zoned lot, subject to the regulations in Section 18.42.180.
(Ord. 5587 § 4, 2023: Ord. 5574 § 3, 2023: Ord. 5542 § 3, 2022: Ord. 5538 § 3, 2021: Ord. 5412 § 4, 2017: Ord. 4875 § 2 (part), 2005)
(a) Site Specifications, Building Size, Height and Bulk, and Residential Density
The development standards for the low-density residential districts are shown in Table 2:
(6) | R-2 | RMD | Subject to Regulations in: |
(6) | R-2 | RMD | Subject to Regulations in: | |
Minimum Site Specifications | ||||
Site Area (ft
) | ||||
All lots except flag lots(1) | 1 acre | 6,000 | 5,000 | 18.10.040(c) |
Flag lots | As established by Section 21.20.301 (Subdivision Ord.) | |||
Site Width (ft) | 100 | 60 | 50 | |
Site Depth (ft) | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
Maximum Lot Size Lot Area (square feet) | None | 11,999 | 9,999 | 18.10.040(g) |
Minimum Setbacks | Setback lines imposed by a special setback map pursuant to Chapter 20.08 of this code may also apply. | 18.10.050 | ||
Front Yard (ft) | 30 | 20 | 20 | |
Rear Yard (ft) | 30 | 20 | 20 | |
Interior Side Yard (ft) | 15 | 6 | 6 | |
Street Side Yard (ft) | 24 | 16 | 16 | |
Maximum Height (as measured to the peak of the roof) (ft) | 30 | 30 (2) | 35 | 18.04.030(67) 18.10.050 |
Side Daylight Plane (Side lot lines) | 18.04.030(44); 18.10.050 | |||
Initial Height (ft) | 10 | 10 | 15 | |
Angle (degrees) | 45 | 45 | 45 | |
Front Daylight Plane (Front setback line) | 18.10.050 | |||
Initial Height (ft) | 16 | 16(3) | ||
Angle (degrees) | 60 | 60 | ||
Rear Daylight Plane (Rear setback line) | 18.10.050 | |||
Initial Height (ft) | 16 | 16(3) | 15 | |
Angle (degrees) | 60 | 60 | 45 | |
Maximum Site Coverage: | 18.04.030 (86A) | |||
Single story development | 25% | 40% | 40% | |
Multiple story development | 25% | 35% | 40% | |
Additional area permitted to be covered by a patio or overhang | 5% | |||
Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
2 | 18.04.030(65) | |||
First 5,000 square feet | .45 | .45 | .50 | |
Square footage in excess of 5,000 square feet | .30 | .30 | .50 | |
Additional floor area permitted for covering of one parking space (ft
) | 200(4) | 200(4) | ||
Maximum House Size (ft
) | 6,000(5) | 6,000(5) | 6,000(5) | |
Minimum Usable Open Space (ft
) | 450 sf per unit | |||
Residential Density Minimum site area permitting two units | 1 acre | 7,500 | 5,000 | For second unit re-quirements, see 18.10.070 |
Parking | See Sec. 18.10.060 (Parking) | Chs. 18.52,18.54 | ||
(1) Minimum Lot Size: Any lot less than the minimum lot size may be used in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.40.
(2) R-2 Floodzone Heights: Provided, in a special flood hazard area as defined in Chapter 16.52, the maximum heights are increased by one-half of the increase in elevation required to reach base flood elevation, up to a maximum building height of 33 feet.
(3) R-2 Floodzone Daylight Plane: Provided, if the site is in a special flood hazard area and is entitled to an increase in the maximum height, the heights for the daylight planes shall be adjusted by the same amount.
(4) Exemption from Floor Area for Covered Parking Required for Two-Family Uses: In the R-2 and RMD districts, for two-family uses, floor area limits may be exceeded by a maximum of two hundred square feet, for purposes of providing one required covered parking space.
(5) Maximum House Size: The gross floor area of attached garages and attached accessory dwelling units and junior accessory dwelling units are included in the calculation of maximum house size. If there is no garage attached to the house, then the square footage of one detached covered parking space shall be included in the calculation. This provision applies only to single-family residences, not to duplexes allowed in the R-2 and RMD districts.
(b) Substandard and Flag Lots in R-2 Districts
The following site development regulations shall apply to all new construction on substandard and flag lots within the R-2 district in lieu of comparable provisions in subsection (a).
(1) Substandard Lots
(A) For the purposes of this subsection (c), a substandard lot shall be a lot with a width of less than 50 feet or a depth of less than 83 feet and an area less than 83% of the minimum area required by the zoning of the parcel.
(B) Development Standards
(i) The maximum height shall be 17 feet, as measured to the peak of the roof.
(ii) There shall be a limit of one habitable floor. Habitable floors include lofts, mezzanines, and similar area with interior heights of five feet (5) or more from the roof to the floor, but exclude basements and exclude attics that have no stairway or built-in access. The chief building official shall make the final determination as to whether a floor is habitable.
(iii) For lots less than 50 feet in width, the required street side setback shall be 10 feet.
(C) Nothing in this subsection (c) shall affect or otherwise redefine the provisions of Section 18.40.080 as to whether a substandard lot may be used as a lot under this title.
(2) Flag Lots
(B) Flag Lot Development Standards:
(i) The maximum height shall be 17 feet, as measured to the peak of the roof.
(ii) There shall be a limit of one habitable floor. Habitable floors include lofts, mezzanines, and similar areas with interior heights of five feet (5') or more from the roof to the floor, but exclude basements and exclude attics that have no stairway or built-in access. The chief building official shall make the final determination as to whether a floor is habitable.
(iii) Front Setback: 10 feet. Flag lots are not subject to contextual front setback requirements.
(iv) Flag lots are not subject to contextual garage placement requirements.
(c) Maximum Lot Sizes in R-2 and RMD Districts
This provision limits the potential for lot combinations with a net loss of housing stock and resultant homes that would be out of scale with homes in the surrounding neighborhood. In the R-2 and RMD districts, no new lot shall be created equal to or exceeding two times the minimum lot size prescribed for the district, as prescribed in Table 2. Lots larger than the prescribed maximum size are permitted only under the following circumstances: (i) where a Village Residential land use is approved concurrent with the new lot, resulting in no net loss of housing on the site(s); (ii) where underlying lots must be merged to eliminate nonconformities and no net loss of housing units would result; and (iii) where an adjacent substandard lot of less than 25 feet in width is combined with another lot, resulting in no net loss of housing units on the site.
(d) Garage Doors in R-2 District
In the R-2 district, for garages located within 50 feet from a street frontage, on lots less than 75 feet in width, the total combined width of garage doors which are parallel to the street shall not exceed 20 feet.
(e) Special Setbacks
Where applicable, setback lines imposed by a special setback map pursuant to Chapter 20.08 of this code shall be followed for the purpose of determining legal setback requirements.
(f) Certification of Daylight Plane Compliance
Upon request by the building official, any person building or making improvements to a structure in the low density residential districts shall provide a certification that the structure, as built, complies with the daylight plane provisions in subsection (a). Such certification shall be prepared by a licensed engineer, architect, or surveyor, and shall be provided prior to frame inspection.
(g) Lighting in R-2 District
In the R-2 district, recreational and security lighting shall be permitted only so long as the lighting is shielded so that the direct light does not extend beyond the property where it is located. Free- standing recreational and security lighting installed on or later than March 11, 1991, shall be restricted to twelve feet (12') in height.
(h) Location of Noise-Producing Equipment and Electrification Equipment
(1) Electrification Equipment and any associated housing, screening, insulation, or bollards necessary to enable compliance with the applicable regulations, including Chapter 9.10 of this Code, shall provide a minimum three foot interior side and rear yard setback and a minimum ten foot street sideyard setback. Except as otherwise provided in this Title EVSE and energy storage systems, Electrification Equipment shall not be located in the required front yard setback and shall at all times provide sufficient clearance for fire safety purposes. All other noise-producing equipment, such as gas powered generators, commercial kitchen fans, and similar service equipment, shall be located outside of the front, rear and side yard setbacks. Such equipment may, however, be located up to 6 feet into the street sideyard setback. All noise-producing equipment, including Electrification Equipment, shall be insulated and housed, except where doing so would interfere with the operation of the equipment. The Planning Director may also permit installation without housing and insulation, provided that a combination of technical noise specifications, location of equipment, and/or other screening or buffering will assure compliance with the City’s Noise Ordinance at the nearest property line. All service equipment must meet the City Noise Ordinance in Chapter 9.10 of this code.
(2) Where existing improvements comply with front setback requirements, EVSE may encroach up to four feet into the required front setback. Where existing improvements do not comply with front setback requirements, EVSE may encroach into the otherwise required front setback by two feet beyond the existing improvement. EVSE and energy storage systems and associated equipment and safety bollards may be located within required on-site parking spaces, as further described in PAMC Chapter 18.54 Section 18.54.020.
(3) The Planning Director may publish administrative regulations to further implement this subsection (h), including a list of equipment or technologies that may presumptively be installed without housing and insulation due to noise generation below applicable maximums.
(i) Individual Review
The Individual Review provisions of Section 18.12.110 of the Zoning Ordinance shall be applied to any single-family or two-family residence in the R-2 or RMD districts to those sides of a site that share an interior side lot line with the interior side or rear lot line of a property zoned for or used for single-family or two-family dwellings. The individual review criteria shall be applied only to the project’s effects on adjacent single-family and two-family uses. A project that complies with the objective standards for two-story development adopted by the City Council shall not be subject to individual review.
(Ord. 5645 § 9, 2025: Ord. 5641 § 9, 2024: Ord. 5601 § 2, 2023: Ord. 5587 § 5, 2023: Ord. 5542 § 4, 2022: Ord. 5538 § 4, 2021: Ord. 5412 § 5, 2017: Ord. 5373 § 8 (part), 2016; Ord. 4964 § 9, 2007: Ord. 4875 § 2 (part), 2005)
The following projections and encroachments into required yards, daylight plane and height are permitted, provided a projection shall not be permitted to encroach into a special setback, as established by the setback map pursuant to Chapter 20.08 of the Palo Alto Municipal Code, except as noted in (a)(1)(D) below.
(a) Setback/Yard Encroachments and Projections
(1) Horizontal Additions
In the R-2 district and the RMD district, where a single-family dwelling legally constructed according to existing yard and setback regulations at the time of construction encroaches upon present required yards, one encroaching side (first floor wall) of the existing structure at a height not to exceed 12 feet may be extended in accord with this section. Only one such extension shall be permitted for the life of such building. This subsection shall not be construed to allow the further extension of an encroachment by any building which is the result of the granting of a variance, either before or after such property became part of the city.
(A) Front Yard. In cases where the existing setback is less than 20 feet, but at least 14 feet, the existing encroachment may be extended for a distance of not more than 100% of the length of the encroaching wall to be extended; provided, that the total length of the existing encroaching wall and the additional wall shall together not exceed one-half the maximum existing width of such building.
(B) Interior Side Yard. In cases where the existing setback is less than 8 feet, but at least 5 feet, the existing encroachment may be extended for a distance of not more than 100% of the length of the encroaching wall to be extended, but not to exceed 20 additional feet.
(C) Street Side Yard. In cases where the existing setback is less than 16 feet, but at least 10 feet, the existing encroachment may be extended for a distance of not more than 100% of the length of the encroaching wall to be extended, but not to exceed 20 feet.
(D) Special Setbacks. In cases where a Special Setback is prescribed pursuant to Chapter 20.08 of the Municipal Code, and the existing setback is less than the Special Setback distance, but is at least 14 feet for the front setback or at least 10 feet for the street side yard setback, the existing encroachment may be extended for a distance of not more than 100% of the length of the encroaching wall to be extended, provided that the total length of the existing encroaching wall and the additional wall shall together not exceed one-half the maximum existing width of such building.
(2) Rear Yard Encroachments for Portions of Homes
A portion of a main building that is less than half the maximum width of the building may extend into the required rear yard no more than six feet and with a height of no more than one story, except that a corner lot having a common rear property line with an adjoining corner lot may extend into the required rear yard not more than ten feet with a height of no more than one story.
(3) Allowed Projections
(A) Cornices, Eaves, Fireplaces, and Similar Architectural Features
For cornices, eaves, fireplaces, and similar architectural features, excluding flat or continuous walls or enclosures of usable interior space, the following projections are permitted:
(i) A maximum of two feet into a required side yard. Fireplaces in a required side yard may not exceed five feet in width. Fireplaces not exceeding five feet in width may project into a required side yard no more than two feet.
(ii) A maximum of four feet into a required front yard
(iii) A maximum of four feet into a required rear yard
(B) Window Surfaces
Window surfaces, such as bay windows or greenhouse windows, may extend into a required side or rear yard a distance not to exceed two feet, or into a required front yard a distance not exceeding three feet. The window surface may not extend into any yard above a first story.
(C) Detached Storage Structures
In addition to the provisions for location of accessory structures under Section 18.12.080(b), the following further projections are permitted. For structures not over six feet in height or twenty-five square feet in floor area, used exclusively for storage purposes, the following projections are permitted:
(i) A maximum of two feet into a required side yard.
(ii) A maximum of four feet into a required front yard.
(iii) A maximum of four feet into a required rear yard.
(D) Patios, Decks, Stairways, Landings, Balconies, or Fire Escapes
For uncovered porches (less than 30 inches above grade), patios, decks, stairways, landings, balconies, or fire escapes the following projections are permitted, provided these projections are not permitted above the first story:
(i) A maximum of three feet into a required side yard.
(ii) A maximum of six feet into a required front yard.
(iii) A maximum of six feet into a required rear yard.
(E) Canopy or Patio Cover
A canopy or patio cover may be located in the required rear yard or that portion of the interior side yard, which is more than 75 feet from the street lot line measured along the common lot line. Such canopies shall be subject to the following conditions:
(i) A canopy or patio cover shall not be more than 12 feet in height.
(ii) The canopy or patio cover shall be included in the computation of building coverage.
(iii) The canopy or patio cover and other structures shall not occupy more than 50 percent of the required rear yard.
(iv) The canopy or patio cover shall not be enclosed on more than two sides.
(F) Pools, Spas, and Hot Tubs
(i) Pools, spas, and hot tubs may extend into a required rear yard a distance not to exceed fourteen feet, provided that a minimum setback of six feet from the property line shall be maintained.
(ii) No swimming pool, hot tub, spa, or similar accessory facility shall be located in any portion of a required front or street side yard.
(iii) No swimming pool, hot tub, spa, or similar accessory facility shall be located closer than six feet from an interior side yard property line.
(b) Height Exceptions
The following features may exceed the height limit established by the specified districts:
(1) RE and R-2 Districts: In the RE and R-2 districts, flues, chimneys, and antennas may exceed the established height limit by not more than 15 feet.
(2) RMD District: In the RMD district, flues, chimneys, exhaust fans or air conditioning equipment, elevator equipment, cooling towers, antennas, and similar architectural, utility, or mechanical features may exceed the height limit established in any district by not more than 15 feet, provided that no such feature or structure in excess of the height limit shall be used for habitable space, or for any commercial or advertising purposes.
(c) Daylight Plane Exceptions
The following features may extend beyond the daylight plane established by the applicable district, provided that such features do not exceed the height limit for the district unless permitted to do so by subsection (b):
(1) RE and R-2 districts:
(A) Television and radio antennas;
(B) Chimneys and flues, provided that chimneys do not extend past the required daylight plane a distance exceeding the minimum allowed pursuant to Chapter 16.04 of this code;
(C) Dormers, roof decks, gables, or similar architectural features, provided that
(i) the sum of the horizontal lengths of all such features shall not exceed 15 feet on each side; and
(ii) the height of such features does not exceed 24 feet.
(D) Cornices, eaves, and similar architectural features, excluding flat or continuous walls or enclosures of usable interior space, provided such features do not extend past the daylight plane more than 2 feet.
(2) RMD District:
(A) Television and radio antennas; and
(B) Chimneys and flues.
(Ord. 4875 § 2 (part), 2005)
Off-street parking and loading facilities shall be required for all permitted and conditional uses in accord with Chapters 18.52 and 18.54 of this title. The following parking requirements apply in the R-E, R-2, and RMD districts. These requirements are included for reference purposes only, and in the event of a conflict between this Section 18.10.060 and any requirement of Chapters 18.52 and 18.54, Chapters 18.52 and 18.54 shall apply, except in the case of parcels created pursuant to section 18.10.130(c) (subdivision incentive for historic preservation).
(a) Parking Requirements for Specific Uses
Table 3 shows the minimum off-street automobile parking requirements for specific uses.
Use | Minimum Off-Street Parking Requirement |
Single-family residential use (excluding accessory dwelling units) | 2 spaces per unit, of which one must be covered |
Two family in the RE district, pursuant to California Government Code Section 65852.21 (SB 9, 2021) | 1 space per unit. No spaces required if located within one-half mile walking distance of either a high-quality transit corridor or a major transit stop, or located within one block of a car share vehicle. |
Two family (R2 & RMD districts) | 3 spaces total, of which at least two must be covered |
Accessory dwelling unit, attached or detached: | No parking required |
Junior accessory dwelling unit | No parking required |
Other Uses | See Chapter 18.40 |
(b) Parking and Driveway Surfaces
Parking and driveway surfaces may have either permeable or impermeable paving. Materials shall be those acceptable to public works department standards. Gravel and similar loose materials shall not be used for driveway or parking surfaces within 10 feet of the public right of way.
(c) Parking in Yards
(1) No required parking space shall be located in a required front yard.
(2) No required parking space shall be located in the first ten feet adjoining the property line of a required street side yard.
(d) Tandem Parking
Tandem parking shall be permitted for single-family uses and for single-family uses with a permitted second dwelling unit. Tandem parking is permitted for two-family uses where both spaces in tandem (front space and tandem space) are designated for use by the same unit.
(e) Bicycle Parking
For two family uses, at least one Class I bicycle parking space shall be required.
(f) Design of Parking Areas
Parking facilities shall comply with all applicable regulations of Chapter 18.54 (Parking Facility Design Standards).
(g) Parking Facilities on Lots Created Pursuant to Section 18.10.130(c) (subdivision incentive for historic preservation)
Legal non-conforming parking facilities existing prior to the subdivision of a parcel having a historic residence(s) may be maintained as existing non-complying facilities or may be improved to greater compliance with parking requirements, as approved by the Director of Planning and Development Services or his/her designee. Preservation covenants may allow non-historic residences to be remodeled; however, floor area expansions shall be subject to the Director’s discretionary action regarding improvements to on-site parking conditions associated with such increased floor area and when floor area over 400 square feet is proposed to be added to a non-historic residence having legal non-complying parking facilities prior to subdivision, parking facilities shall be brought into greater compliance with Chapter 18.52, wherever feasible. A subdivided property having no existing on-site parking facilities prior to subdivision may be permitted to continue as such as long as preservation covenants allowing for this continuance and any associated access easements have been recorded.
(Ord. 5587 § 6, 2023: Ord. 5542 § 5, 2022: Ord. 5538 § 5, 2021: Ord. 5494 § 3, 2020: Ord. 5412 § 6, 2017: Ord. 5373 § 8 (part), 2016; Ord. 5051 § 3, 2009: Ord. 4875 § 2 (part), 2005)
Accessory Dwelling Units and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units are subject to the regulations set forth in Chapter 18.09.
(Ord. 5587 § 7, 2023: Ord. 5542 § 6, 2022: Ord. 5538 § 6, 2021: Ord. 5412 § 7, 2017)
Accessory uses and facilities, as referenced in Section 18.10.030, shall be permitted when incidental to and associated with a permitted use or facility in the R-E, R-2, or RMD districts, or when incidental to and associated with an allowable and authorized conditional use therein, subject to the provisions below and of Chapters 18.40 and 18.42.
(a) Types of Accessory Uses
Accessory uses and facilities include, but are not limited to, the following list of examples; provided that each accessory use or facility shall comply with the provisions of this title:
(1) Residential garages, carports, and parking facilities, together with access and circulation elements necessary thereto;
(2) Facilities for storage incidental to a permitted use; and
(3) Recreational uses and facilities for the use and convenience of occupants or employees, or guests thereof, of a principal use or facility;
(b) Location and Development Standards
Except as otherwise provided in this section, accessory buildings shall at all times be located in conformance with requirements for principal buildings, and shall not be located in any required front, side, or rear yard. See Section 18.10.050(a)(3)(C) for allowed encroachments for small storage structures. Accessory buildings may be located in a required interior yard subject to the following limitations:
(1) An accessory building shall not be used for living and/or sleeping purposes unless the building was legally constructed for or was legally converted to living and/or sleeping purposes prior to October 13, 1983.
(2) An accessory building shall not be located in a required front yard, required street yard, or required rear yard of a through lot.
(3) An accessory building shall not be located in a required interior side or rear yard unless the building is at least seventy-five feet from any property line adjacent to a street, measured along the respective lot line. Provided, on corner lots, accessory buildings including detached garages and carports may be located in the rear yard if located at least 75 feet from the front street and at least 20 feet from the side street property lines.
(4) Accessory buildings located within a required interior yard as permitted by this section shall be subject to a maximum height established by a daylight plane beginning at a height of eight feet at the property line and increasing at a slope of one foot for every three feet of distance from the property line, to a maximum height of twelve feet.
(5) No accessory building shall have more than two plumbing fixtures. Accessory buildings shall not be allowed to be turned into habitable space nor shall these structures be allowed to have showers (indoor or outdoor), gas lines, washer/dryers, and/or cooking facilities to be provided inside or attached to the structure, unless the structure is proposed as an ADU/JADU that satisfies all requirements of the Palo Alto Municipal Code.
(6) Accessory buildings located within a required interior yard, as permitted by this section, shall not individually or cumulatively occupy an area exceeding fifty percent of the required rear yard.
(7) The minimum distance between separate buildings located on the same site shall be as required by Title 16; provided, accessory buildings in the Residential Estate (RE) district shall be separated from the principal building by at least three feet.
(8) A principal building and an accessory building, meeting the requirements of Title 16 and each located on a site as otherwise permitted for principal building and accessory buildings, may be connected by a structure meeting the definition of a breezeway. Such structure, or breezeway, shall be a part of the accessory building.
(Ord. 5585 § 4, 2023: Ord. 4875 § 2 (part), 2005)