(a) Historic home review, as required in Chapter 16.49 of Title 16 of the Municipal Code, is required in the R-E, R-2, and RMD low density residential districts for alterations or modifications to any residence designated on the City’s Historic Inventory as a Category 1 or Category 2 historic structure as defined in Section 16.49.020 of this code or any contributing structure located within a locally designated historic district.
(b) Exemptions to gross floor area requirements are available for historic residences pursuant to the definition of gross floor area in Section 18.04.030(65)(D)(vii). Home improvement exceptions provide for additional square footage and certain other exceptions for historic homes pursuant to Section 18.12.120 (R-1 Chapter).
(c) Notwithstanding other provisions of this chapter, existing parcels in the R-2 or RMD districts containing two residences may be subdivided into two ownerships, where all of the following circumstances exist:
(1) At least one residence is designated on the City’s Historic Inventory as a Category 1, Category 2, Category 3, or Category 4 historic structure as defined in Section 16.49.020 of this code or are contributing structures located within a locally designated historic district or are eligible for listing on the California or National Registers; and
(2) No increase in the total number of residences on the site is proposed; and
(3) Separate lots are proposed to be created, each with a minimum lot size not less than 4,000 square feet if only one residence is historic; if both residences are historic and subject to a covenant, the allowable minimum lot size is 2,000 square feet; and
(4) The resultant parcel lines may create less than minimum lot size (no less than the area stated in item (3) of this section), site width and depth, setback and daylight plane encroachments, floor area and site coverage exceeding the maximum allowable for existing development with respect to each new parcel, without the need for approval of a Variance or Home Improvement Exception, but would not generally increase any existing non-complying building features; however, minor additions for functional improvements may be allowed at the discretion of the Director of Planning and Development Services; and
(5) The Historic Resources Board has determined that at least one existing residence on the property has historic integrity and qualifies for listing on the City’s Historic Inventory.
(6) A covenant is recorded to run with the land in perpetuity, assuring that the historic residence(s) will be preserved and maintained consistent with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Historic Rehabilitation through compliance with Historic Resources Board review and recommendations. The covenant will stipulate that HRB review is required for all major projects on the site including significant changes to any non-historic residence. Any modifications to a non-historic residence must be compatible with the historic residence and satisfy the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Historic Compatibility.
(7) The two residences on the property were in existence as of January 28, 2009.
(8) Application of the state Historic Building Code is available for use on any eligible building.
(9) Residences subject to a covenant must meet all government health, life and safety codes.
(Ord. 5494 § 3, 2020: Ord. 5051 § 2, 2009: Ord. 4875 § 2 (part), 2005)