Tree Protection
154.001 Purpose and intent
154.002 Definitions
154.003 Jurisdiction
154.004 Appeals from decisions of the enforcement official, agencies
154.005 Grandfather provisions
154.006 Alternative, mitigation or betterment plan
154.020 Required, exemptions
154.021 Land clearing limitations and guidelines
154.022 Land clearing permit application procedures
154.023 Exhibits
154.024 Performance bond; surety
154.040 Undesirable species
154.041 Alternative, mitigation or betterment plan
154.042 Exceptions
154.043 Tree variances
154.055 Purpose
154.056 Landscaping of off-street parking and other vehicular use areas
154.057 Landscaping adjacent to public rights-of-way, including streets and walks
154.058 Perimeter landscaping adjacent to abutting commercial, industrial and institutional properties
154.059 Landscaping the interior of off-street parking and vehicular use areas
154.060 Sight distance for landscaping adjacent to public rights-of-way and points of access
154.061 Existing plant material
154.062 Perimeter landscaping for multi-family housing
154.063 Planting within public rights-of-way
154.064 Parking area design criteria
154.065 Performance
154.066 Required minimum landscaping for single family housing
154.999 Penalty