In addition to any other provision of this chapter requiring landscaping, the provisions below shall also apply to any single family home erected or constructed after March 1, 2014:
   (A)   Plant material.
      (1)   Quality. Plant material used in conformance with this section shall equal or exceed the standards for Florida No. 1, as given in Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants, parts I and II, State Department of Agriculture, and any amendments thereto. Grass sod shall be clean and reasonably free of weeds and noxious pests or diseases.
      (2)   Crown or spread. Trees as referenced in this section shall have an average mature spread or crown a minimum of 15 feet.
      (3)   Palm trees. Palm trees shall only be an acceptable plant material substitute for required trees, when the palms measure four inches in caliper, in landscape islands of parking lots or half of the single-family residential tree plantings; however, palm trees may be used as accents to the required trees.
      (4)   Acceptable trees. A list of acceptable trees shall be set forth in the Manual of Acceptable Plantings for the landscaping of sites within all residential zoning districts in the town. The Manual of Acceptable Plantings, as adopted by resolution of the Town Council and amended from time to time, shall be maintained by the Town Clerk. Artificial trees are prohibited as acceptable trees to meet these requirements.
         (a)   Large trees. Those large trees as described in the Manual of Acceptable Plantings shall be used only where:
            1.   There is an area for plant and root spread of at least 20 feet;
            2.   There is well-drained soil; and
            3.   The tree is planted at least six feet from roads, sidewalks and driveways to prevent damage to the surface. As an alternative, a large tree can be replaced with medium or small trees listed in the Manual of Acceptable Plantings.
            4.   Large trees shall be a minimum of ten feet in height and two and one-half inches in caliper, four inches above grade.
         (b)   Medium trees. Medium trees, as described in the Manual of Acceptable Plantings, shall be used in areas where there is insufficient area for large trees and where there is well-drained soil. Medium trees shall be a minimum of eight feet in height and one and one-half inches in caliper, four inches above grade.
         (c)   Small trees. Small trees, as described in the Manual of Acceptable Plantings, shall be used in areas where rooting space is limited or near power lines. Small trees shall be a minimum of six feet in height and one and one-half inches in caliper, four inches above grade.
      (5)   Acceptable shrubs and plants. The Manual of Acceptable Plantings identifies appropriate shrubs and plants to be used on a site subject to these landscaping requirements. The shrubs shall be a minimum of two and one-half feet in height and one foot in width immediately upon planting and the spacing shall depend on the spread of the plants chosen. Artificial shrubs and plants are prohibited as acceptable shrubs and plants to meet these requirements.
      (6)   Grass sod. All disturbed areas which are not otherwise landscaped shall be fully sodded, including all retention areas and conveyance swales. St. Augustine and Argentine Bahia varieties shall be the acceptable sod types within all single family zoning districts of the town. Artificial turf is prohibited as acceptable grass sod to meet these requirements.
      (7)   Groundcover. The town reserves the right to require or accept groundcover alternatives to grass sod in all single family zoning districts within the town. Groundcover in lieu of grass sod shall be planted in such manner as to present a finished appearance and reasonably complete coverage within three months after planting. Those plants acceptable for use as groundcover are listed in the Manual of Acceptable Plantings. Artificial groundcover is prohibited as acceptable groundcover to meet these requirements.
      (8)   Planting beds. All planting beds shall be mulched with cypress, pine bark, melaleuca, eucalyptus, natural stones or other equivalent substitute material approved by the town a minimum of two inches in depth.
      (9)   Soils. Soils used in planting beds shall of acceptable quality as determined by the town to allow for optimum plant growth. Soils shall be free of large rock and other similar material or substances. The pH for soils shall be in the range of the proposed plant material.
   (B)   Minimum tree plantings for single-family lots. A minimum of four trees no less than six feet in height shall exist or shall be planted on each newly developed residential lot of more than 10,000 square feet. A minimum of three trees no less than six feet in height shall exist or shall be planted on each newly developed residential lot of less than 10,000 square feet. Table 154.066 provides the summary of these requirements. A maximum of two common pine trees can be used to fulfill the requirement. All required trees shall be of a species included in the Manual of Acceptable Plantings set forth in this chapter; provided, however, that one of the required trees may be a species of the citrus family. Trees shall be compatible with the existing soil and drainage condition and shall be provided with adequate water and fertilizer to encourage growth. Trees shall be planted in locations so as not to cause danger to or interference with existing structures or utilities at the time of maturity. The remainder of the lawn shall be landscaped with sod or suitable groundcover to alleviate resulting dust pollution.
TABLE 154.066: TREE PLANTINGS FOR SINGLE-FAMILY (as described above)
Lot Size
Minimum Requirements
Other Criteria
10,000 square feet or larger
4 trees that are 6 feet tall
Any combination of trees listed on the Manual of Acceptable Plantings is acceptable
Less than 10,000 square feet
2 trees that are 6 feet tall
Any combination of trees listed on the Manual of Acceptable Plantings is acceptable
(Ord. 2014-03, passed 2-25-2014)