Solid Waste Collection and Disposal; Recycling
931.01   Definitions.
931.02   Container requirements.
931.03   Placement and maintenance of containers.
931.04   Individual disposal prohibited.
931.05   Inspection of containers.
931.08   Scavenging on private premises.
931.09   Burning prohibited.
931.10   Depositing solid waste or recyclable materials in public or private receptacles.
931.11   Uncollected garbage, refuse or recyclable materials declared a nuisance.
931.12   Garbage, refuse and recycling service.
931.13   Charges.
931.14   Billing of charges; delinquency.
931.15   Unlawful transportation or collection.
931.16   Large size containers.
931.99   Penalty.
      Collection and disposal of garbage - see Ohio R.C. 715.43, 717.01
      Disposal and transportation upon public ways - see Ohio R.C. 3767.20 et seq.
      Vehicle loads dropping, sifting, leaking - see TRAF. 339.08
      Littering; deposit of garbage, rubbish, junk, etc. - see GEN. OFF. 521.08