51.01 Registration fee for new users
51.02 Meters
51.03 Rates and charges
51.04 Free service
51.05 Billing and collection; duties of City Clerk
51.06 Billing errors
51.07 Effective date for rates and charges
51.08 Basis for fresh water supply system charge
51.09 Computation of fresh water supply system charge
51.10 Liability for payment; surcharge for delinquency
51.11 Tap-in or connection permits and fees
51.12 Charge for water used during construction
51.13 Shutting off and turning on service
51.14 Fresh water supply system improvement and replacement account
51.15 Records; annual audit report
51.16 Maintenance responsibilities of city and property owners
51.17 Wells
51.18 Connection to fire hydrants
51.19 Water shut-offs, Buffalo boxes and manholes
51.20 Water conservation
51.21 Inspection
51.22 Powers and authority of inspectors
51.23 Liens
51.24 Foreclosure of liens
51.25 Appeals
51.99 Penalty