General Provisions
50.01 Illinois Plumbing Code; requirements for installation of backflow prevention device
50.02 Prohibition on maintenance of and cross-connection between city water system and private, auxiliary, or emergency water supplies
50.03 Periodic surveys of connections with city water supply; inspection of cross-connections
50.04 Violations; termination of water service
50.05 Responsibility to report backflow; liability
50.06 Elimination of all nonconforming or illegal cross-connections
50.07 Wells
Rules and Regulations for Cross-Connection Control
50.20 Purpose
50.21 Application
50.22 Policy
50.23 Definitions
50.24 Water system
50.25 Cross-connection prohibited
50.26 Survey and investigations
50.27 Where protection is required
50.28 Type of protection required
50.29 Backflow prevention devices
50.30 Inspection and maintenance
50.31 Booster pumps
50.32 Effective date
50.99 Penalty