(A)   Each user of the city’s fresh water supply system shall be billed on a quarterly basis for water consumed in that quarter. Effective May 1, 2022, each individual meter shall be charged a quarterly base rate in the amount of $30 in addition to the water consumed in that quarter. Each multi-family unit building serviced by one water meter shall be charged a quarterly base rate in the amount of $10 per unit, in addition to the water consumed in that quarter. Effective May 1, 2022, each individual meter, owned by a senior citizen aged 65 years or older, known as the senior rate, shall be charged quarterly base rate in the amount of $20 in addition to the water consumed in that quarter.
   Residents turning 65 after May 1, 2022 or new applicants aged 65 or older, are not eligible for the senior rate.
   The rate per thousand gallons of usage and the quarterly base rate will be reviewed annually in accordance with the city’s financial policies and adjusted accordingly.
   (B)   The rate per thousand gallons for the applicable year shall be as set forth in the following rate schedule.
Volume Rate per 1,000 Gallons of Usage
Rate Tier
May 1, 2024
0 to 25,000 gallons (per thousand gallons)
Residential, apartment, commercial, taxing bodies, schools and churches
Over 25,000 gallons (per thousand gallons)
Residential, apartment, commercial, taxing bodies, schools and churches
0 to 175,000 gallons (per thousand gallons)
Condo associations
Over 175,000 gallons (per thousand gallons)
Condo associations
(2000 Code, § 13.04.030) (Ord. 2007-04-0099O, § 3, passed 4-24-2007; Am. Ord. 2008-04-0174O, passed 4-22-2008; Am. Ord. 2008-05-0183O, passed 5-13-2008; Am. Ord. 2010-11-0314O, passed 11-23-2010; Am. Ord. 2013-12-0474O, § 2, passed 12-10-2013; Am. Ord. 2014-12-0533O, passed 12-16-2014; Am. Ord. 2017-04-0640O, passed 4-25-2017; Am. Ord. 2018-04-0686O, passed 4-24-2018; Am. Ord. 2018-04-0687O, passed 4-24-2018; Am. Ord. 2019-04-0733O, passed 4-23-2019; Am. Ord. 2020-04-0788O, passed 4-28-2020; Am. Ord. 2021-04-0831O, passed 4-13-2021; Am. Ord. 2022-04-0902O, passed 4-26-2022; Am. Ord. 2023-04-0965O, passed 4-25-2023; Am. Ord. 2024-04-1022O, passed 4-23-2024)