(A)   Declaration of water shortage by Mayor. The Mayor is authorized to declare a water shortage emergency to exist within the city and to immediately put into effect a water conservation plan aimed at conserving the city’s water supply during the shortage.
   (B)   Water Conservation Plan. At such time as the Mayor declares that a water shortage emergency exists, he or she shall promulgate rules and regulations providing for prohibitions and restrictions on the use of water in the city. The rules and regulations shall be effective until the water shortage is declared by the Mayor to be at an end. The rules and regulations shall be known as the water conservation plan for the city.
   (C)   Prohibited uses of water. The Mayor may either prohibit or restrict the usage of water as follows:
      (1)   Residential external use of water for sprinkling, pools and car washing;
      (2)   Commercial car wash establishments;
      (3)   Commercial laundries; and
      (4)   Industrial uses.
   (D)   Restrictions on lawn sprinkling and other water uses.
      (1)   Lawn sprinkling restrictions. The city purchases Lake Michigan water from the Village of Oak Lawn, subject to the two tier emergency restrictions set forth below, in order for the city to comply with Illinois Department of Transportation’s “Rules and Regulations for the Allocation of Water from Lake Michigan” dated January 1985, as amended November 3, 1988. Commencing from May 15 through September 15 of each year, it is unlawful for any person to use water for the sprinkling or irrigation of lawns or gardens, except on an odd/even basis only (on odd calendar days if the last digit in the street address is odd or on even calendar days if the last digit in the street address is even) between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. or 7:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.
      (2)   Provider directed for emergency conditions.
         (a)   Under emergency conditions, as determined by the Oak Lawn President or the Oak Lawn President and the board of trustees based on the recommendation of Oak Lawn’s Director of Public Works relative to the operational capacity of its water distribution system, the demands placed on the system by the users and the possible risk of damage to or failure of the system, it is unlawful for any person to use water for the sprinkling or irrigation of lawns or gardens, except during the permitted days and hours set forth below:
            1.   Tier I—Conservation Emergency. Sprinkling or irrigation of lawns or gardens is permitted only on an odd/even basis between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
            2.   Tier II—Total Ban. Sprinkling or irrigation of lawns or gardens (manually or by an automatic lawn sprinkler or irrigation system) is prohibited.
         (b)   The Village of Oak Lawn shall provide notice by telephone, facsimile transmission, email, United States mail, messenger delivery or personal service to the Mayor and the City Administrator, whenever the Tier I or Tier II restrictions are in effect. The notice shall specify the type of tier emergency restriction and the duration of the restriction. Upon receipt of notice that an emergency restriction is in effect, the city shall provide notice in accordance with this section to limit or suspend the use of water within the city for the sprinkling or irrigation of lawns and gardens or for any other special purpose(s) under this code.
      (3)   Emergency lawn and outdoor use restrictions. The city may further limit or suspend the use of water for the sprinkling or irrigation of lawns and gardens, car washing, or for any other outdoor use whenever it is determined that the public exigencies require such action. Upon recommendation of the Director of Public Works and City Council, the Mayor may order additional restrictions.
      (4)   It shall be unlawful for any person to use water for the sprinkling or irrigation of lawn and gardens, car washing, or for any other outdoor use, other than during the times allowed for these uses(s) of water. During the emergency use restriction, the city shall post the notice of the water use restriction, including the type and duration of the restriction within the customary posting place in the City Hall, on the city’s cable access television channels, its web site and in any other medium normally used by the city to communicate information of public concern to the residents and public.
(2000 Code, § 13.04.210)