Accessory signs in Residential Districts shall be designed, erected, altered, moved and maintained, in whole or in part, in accordance with the regulations as provided in this section. Signs identified in this section, listed in subsections (a), (c), (d), (e) and (g), need not meet the structural criteria listed in Section 1284.03(c).
The types of signs permitted as to use, structure, size and number for each dwelling or lot shall be as follows:
(a) One nameplate indicating an occupant's name and house number, not exceeding two square feet in area, may be located on any building or lot but not less than five feet from any side lot line and ten feet from any street right-of-way line.
(b) In a Multifamily District one permanent identification sign, indicating the name, owner or manager of the multifamily project, not exceeding twenty square feet in area and five feet in height, may face each major street, but shall not be less than fifty feet from a side lot line and twenty-five feet from any street right-of-way.
(c) One directional or no-trespassing sign, not exceeding four feet in area and three feet in height, shall be permitted on any building or lot, located not less than five feet from any side lot line and ten feet from any street right-of-way line.
(d) One real estate sign advertising the sale, rental or lease of the premises or part of the premises on which the sign is displayed, not exceeding six square feet in area or four feet in height, shall be permitted for each dwelling or lot, provided that such sign shall be located not less than twenty-five feet from any side lot line and ten feet from any street right-of-way line. Illumination shall not be permitted. "Room for Rent" signs shall not be permitted.
(e) One subdivision project sign per entrance, not exceeding 100 square feet in total area and six feet in height, may be permitted while a subdivision is under construction, provided that such sign is located on the parcel being developed and is not less than 100 feet from any occupied residence and not less than twenty-five feet from the nearest street right-of-way. The permit for such sign shall be for a period not exceeding one year. However, such permit may be renewed while construction is pursued diligently. An extension of the permit may be granted if deemed necessary by the Building Commissioner upon application by the owner. A project sign may be removed immediately upon commencement of the intended use, but not later than the initial or succeeding one-year period covered by permit.
(f) One bulletin board or announcement sign, not exceeding twenty square feet in area or five feet in height, may be located on the premises of a public, semipublic, charitable or religious institution in a Residential or Public Facilities District, but not less than fifty feet from any residential lot line or less than fifteen feet from the nearest street right-of-way line. Indirect illumination shall be permitted.
(g) Political signs shall be permitted as follows:
(1) With these regulations, it is the City's intent not to infringe on the rights of free speech as protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and Article 1 § 11 of the Ohio Constitution. All provisions of this chapter are to be construed, whenever possible, in favor of vigorous political debate and accommodation of the right of its residents.
(2) Political signs are permitted on private property with the following health and safety restrictions:
A. No political sign shall be erected or maintained so as to prevent free ingress and egress from a door, window or fire escape, nor shall any political sign obscure any other sign which directs attention to an emergency exit, fire extinguisher or other safety device.
B. No political sign shall be erected or maintained so as to obstruct any system of ventilation nor to violate any provision of local or State building codes.
C. All political signs shall be maintained in a safe, attractive, clean and inoffensive condition.
D. No political sign shall be erected or maintained on any public property including but not limited to the City right-of-way.
E. No political sign shall be directly illuminated.
F. No political sign shall make use of the words "stop", "look", "danger" or any other word, phrase, symbol or character as to tend to interfere with, mislead or confuse operators of motor vehicles on any public streets.
(3) Removal or alteration of illegal signs.
A. If the Building Commissioner finds that any political sign regulated herein has been erected, placed, displayed or maintained in a manner inconsistent with any provision of this section, the Building Commissioner shall give written notice to remove or alter such sign. This written notice to remove or alter such sign shall be given to the property owner, to the spouse or agent of the property owner or to the respective candidate, committee or person otherwise responsible.
B. If the person notified under paragraph (g)(3)A. hereof does not remove or alter the sign as required by the written notice from the Building Commissioner, within three days of receipt of such notice, such person shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 1262.99(f).
(4) Motor vehicle political sign. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the display of political signs on motor vehicles.
(h) No more than two, illuminated subdivision ground signs, per entrance to the subdivision, not exceeding seventy-five square feet in total sign area and four feet in height, indicating the name of the subdivision or residential development, shall be permitted. Such signs shall be set back not less than ten feet from an arterial or collector street right-of-way line, not less than twenty- five feet from any side lot line and not less than 100 feet from any occupied residence. Illumination of signs must be from a ground mounted light source that washes only the front of the signs. Such signs shall identify and be part of the architectural treatment of the subdivision. Subdivision ground signs and the illumination of such are discouraged in RRZ districts, and are regulated under Section 1273.12.
(i) Memorial signs shall be permitted, provided that such signs do not exceed two square feet in area and are constructed of bronze or other noncombustible material and are permanently affixed to the building or premises therein.
(j) Security signs shall be permitted, provided that such signs may only be of a type which is readily affixed to a window, such as a decal or sticker not exceeding fifteen square inches in area, or a metal or plastic sign inserted in the ground not exceeding sixty-four square inches in area.
(k) One temporary home improvement project sign directing attention to the promotion, development and/or construction of the property for which it is located not exceeding six square feet shall be permitted for each dwelling while under construction, provided that such sign shall be located no less than twenty-five feet from any side lot line and ten feet from any street right-of-way and shall include an expiration date as established by the Building Department. Said sign must be removed not later than one week after completion of project.
(Ord. 1988-175. Passed 10-17-88; Ord. 93-66. Passed 4-6-93; Ord. 93-67. Passed 4-6-93; Ord. 05-16. Passed 5-4-05; Ord. 05-57. Passed 7-19-05; Ord. 07-103. Passed 4-1-08; Ord. 09-104. Passed 10-6-09; Ord. 13-12. Passed 1-15-13.)
Accessory signs in Public Facilities Districts shall be designed, erected, altered, moved and maintained, in whole or in part, in accordance with the following regulations:
(a) One bulletin board, announcement sign or property designator, not exceeding fifty square feet in area and not exceeding eight feet in height, may be permitted on the premises of each public facility and educational facility, provided that such sign is set back at least fifty feet from any adjoining Residential District boundary and twenty-five feet from any street pavement edge.
(b) A nameplate not exceeding two square feet may be placed on each building or lot, but not less than twenty-five feet from any side lot line and five feet from the street right-of-way line.
(c) Directional and informational signs not exceeding six square feet in area may be permitted on any building or lot, but not less than twenty-five feet from any lot line and five feet from the street right-of-way line.
(Ord. 1988-175. Passed 10-17-88; Ord. 90-273. Passed 2-5-91.)
Accessory signs in Office Building, Local Business, General Business, Motorist Service and Shopping Center Districts shall be designed, erected, altered, moved and maintained, in whole or in part, in accordance with the following regulations:
(a) Use Types Permitted. The following use types shall be permitted in Business Districts:
(1) Business signs.
(2) Directional signs.
(3) Nameplates.
(4) Identification signs.
(5) Real estate and project signs of a temporary nature.
(b) Maximum Area Permitted. The maximum gross area of all permanent signs permitted for each separate use occupying a building, or unit of a building, shall be related to the width of the building unit thereof or lot occupied by a building, adjusted, however, so that smaller establishments may be permitted reasonable sign areas and so that the large establishments may not have excessive sign areas. The area of signs accessory to a building or unit thereof shall be determined as follows:
(1) Maximum sign face area for business uses. The total maximum sign face area for all permanent signage permitted for a business use or uses shall be determined by the following formula:
(Business building frontage x 1.20 plus 20 square feet)
(2) Maximum sign face area for business buildings or units thereof. The total maximum sign face area permitted for all signage on a business building or unit thereof shall be determined by the following formula: (Building or building unit width x 1.0)
(Ord. 1988-175. Passed 10-17-88.)
Accessory signs in any Business District shall be controlled by locational and supplementary area regulations as follows:
(a) A single wall sign shall not exceed 150 square feet in total area.
(b) Projecting signs shall be limited to not more than one for each establishment or store unit and shall not exceed twenty square in total area for each face visible from any location on a public way. Projecting signs shall be located not less than five feet from a side lot line and not less than thirty-five feet from a Residential District boundary line. Signs shall not project into any dedicated right-of-way or private drive.
(c) Marquee, canopy or covered-walk signs may be attached to the underside of a structural member over a walkway. However, the vertical dimension of such signs shall not exceed eighteen inches, and the lowest member shall be not less than eight feet above the sidewalk grade. The total area of any sign attached to a canopy or covered walk shall not exceed five square feet. For canopy structures which shelter gas station service islands, no signs shall be displayed on the canopy fascia area, and the fascia area shall be nonilluminated and shall be designed in a manner which does not call attention to the canopy structure.
(Ord. 1988-175. Passed 10-17-88.)
(d) One ground sign may be located within a required yard, provided that it is on a lot with a minimum street frontage of 75 feet and that it is not less than 25 feet from another business lot, or not less than 25 feet from edge of the street pavement, and not less than 50 feet from a Residential District line. The maximum gross area of a ground sign shall be 80 square feet. Ground signs are not permitted in TCD-1 through TCD-5 except as provided in Section 1284.17(s).
(Ord. 90-241. Passed 1-2-91.)
(e) In lieu of the above permitted ground sign, a unified commercial or office complex under a common ownership exceeding 100,000 square feet in gross floor area shall be permitted a pylon sign where the area per side does not exceed the area as defined in Section 1284.03(c)(2)C. and ten feet in height. The contents of the sign shall be limited to the name of the unified commercial or office complex.
Individual store or business signage shall not be permitted on a pylon sign and shall be limited to business signage attached to the building or unit thereof proposed. Pylon, or unit sign details shall be submitted to and approved by the Building Commissioner.
(f) Permanent directional signs indicating traffic routes and similar functions shall be permitted in addition to the limitations of this section, provided that each sign does not exceed six square feet in area and is not closer than twenty-five feet to any side lot line and five feet to the street right- of-way line.
(g) A project sign may be removed immediately upon commencement of the intended use, but not later than the period covered by permit.
(h) Other temporary signs including but not limited to temporary banners announcing sales, new products or special business events may be permitted in addition to the maximum gross area of a permanent business sign, and such signs may be placed on the inside of windows and doors and on the exterior of the building, provided that the gross area of all the temporary signs does not exceed twenty percent of the maximum area of permanent signs permitted for each establishment and provided that such temporary signs are not displayed more than 90 consecutive days.
(i) Special Signs Districts (to include oversized ground or wall signs), for purposes of creating an integrated sign theme, may be established by ordinance in response to a petition by a majority of sign users within a Business District. The sign theme must not violate safety standards of the Building and Housing Code of the City and/or other requirements of this Zoning Code (with the exception of size requirements). A detailed plan should be submitted in accordance with the provisions of Sections 1276.13 and 1276.14 for approval. Upon approval, a two-thirds affirmative vote by Council is required to establish a Special Sign District.
(j) Multiple business signs, i.e. signs identifying stores and services located within the same building, shall be designed in such a manner that their appearance will be harmonious and compatible in character regarding their method of construction, materials, color illumination and combined size so as to achieve an overall unified effect.
(k) Within a commercial area or development, where multiple storefronts are situated side by side, the level of variety or cohesiveness in the design of the signs should be commensurate with the architecture of the building:
(1) Variety in the design of signs among different storefronts should be encouraged when the architecture of the buildings suggests variety.
(2) Storefronts with common architectural elements should have signs that share continuity of design so that the design and placement of individual signs contribute to the cohesive appearance created by the common architectural elements.
(3) Franchise standard signage located within TCD-1 through TCD-5 may be required to be modified for aesthetic reasons at the discretion of the Building Commissioner.
(Ord. 1988-175. Passed 10-17-88; Ord. 98-172. Passed 11-4-98; Ord. 06-112. Passed 11-8-06; Ord. 07-103. Passed 4-1-08; Ord. 08-164. Passed 7-15-08; Ord. 13-152. Passed 2-4-14.)
(a) Scope. Accessory signs in Research-Office, Commercial Service, General Industrial Districts and Unified complexes or parkways shall follow the regulations described within this ordinance (Chapter 1284
Signs) with the exception of special regulations identified for Industrial Districts.
(b) Use Types Permitted. The following use types shall be permitted in Industrial Districts:
(1) Directional signs.
(2) Identification signs.
(3) Nameplate.
(4) Real estate and project signs of a temporary nature.
(c) Structural Types Permitted. The following structural types shall be permitted in Industrial Districts:
(1) Identification Signs - permanent Wall/Panel signs.
(2) Freestanding - permanent Ground/Pylon signs.
(3) Freestanding - permanent Directional signs.
(d) Maximum Gross Area and Number Permitted. Allowable permanent signs shall conform to the structural type, maximum number and area limitations set forth as follows:
(1) Permanent Signs attached to Buildings shall comply with Table 1284.11(d)(1).
(2) Permanent freestanding ground of pylon signs shall conform with Table 1284.11(d)(2).
(3) A unified complex or parkway consisting of three (3) or more buildings served by a common local access road shall be permitted a supplemental freestanding identification sign at the entry to the development and shall conform with Table 1284.11(d)(2).
(e) Locating Freestanding Ground or Pylon Signs.
(1) Signs in Industrial Districts shall be located so as to maintain the same setback and yards as required for buildings, except that one commercial or industrial ground sign may be permitted within the required yards.
(2) In no circumstance shall freestanding signs obstruct the site lines of traffic.
Table 1284.11(d)(1) Permanent Signs Attached to Buildings in Industrial Districts | |||
Type | Maximum Number Permitted | Maximum Sign Face Area Allowance | Maximum Area |
Table 1284.11(d)(1) Permanent Signs Attached to Buildings in Industrial Districts | |||
Type | Maximum Number Permitted | Maximum Sign Face Area Allowance | Maximum Area |
Research-Office District | |||
Nameplate | 1 per address | Not Applicable | 2 square feet (a) |
Wall or Panel Sign (b) | 1 per building | 1 square foot for each linear foot of building frontage. | 75 square feet |
Commercial Service District | |||
Nameplate | 1 per address | Not Applicable | 2 square feet (a) |
Wall or Panel Sign (b) | 1 per building or 1 per each tenant | 1-1/4 square feet for each linear foot of building frontage | 75 square feet |
General Industrial District | |||
Nameplate | 1 per address | Not Applicable | 2 square feet (a) |
Wall or Panel Sign (b) | 1 per building or 1 per each tenant | 1-1/2 square feet for each linear foot of building frontage | 75 square feet |
(a) Area of nameplate sign can be reasonably modified by the Building Commissioner due to sight lines or visibility. (b) Buildings that require identification at entrances may be permitted up to 1 additional wall or panel sign but must keep within the square footage allowance for the building. | |||
Table 1284.11(d)(2) Freestanding Ground, Pylon or Directional Signs in Industrial Districts | ||||
Type | Maximum Number Permitted | Maximum Sign Face Area Allowance | Maximum Height | Maximum Setback |
Ground Sign (a)(c)(d) | 1 | 75 square feet per side | 7 feet | 25 feet to the edge of the street or pavement (d) |
Pylon Sign (b)(c)(d) | 1 | 100 square feet per side | 10 feet | 25 feet to the edge of the street or pavement (d) |
Directional Signs (e)(f)(g) | 2 per driveway | 4 square feet | 6 feet | 10 feet from public right-of-way and edge of pavement |
(a) Permitted information: The name and address of the facility and the name(s) of the tenant. (b) Permitted information: The name and address of the unified complex or parkway and the name(s) of the tenants located in the unified complex. (c) A unified complex or parkway is allowed: 1 sign, either a ground or Pylon Sign. (d) Signs shall be located no less than 100 feet from any adjacent Residential District. The distance to Residential District can be modified to 50 feet by the Building Commissioner for lot widths consisting of less than 200 feet. (e) Permitted information: indicates direction to specific buildings within the complex as well as ingress and egress routes. (f) Letter heights for directional shall be at least 2-1/2 inches. (g) Additional Directional Signs may be permitted at the discretion of the Building Commissioner to provide for additional pedestrian and vehicular traffic. |
(Ord. 1988-175. Passed 10-17-88; Ord. 16-145. Passed 10-4-16.)
(a) Scope. Accessory signs in Town Center/Main Street (TCM) Districts shall follow the regulations described within this ordinance (Chapter 1284
Signs) with the exception of special regulations identified for Town Center/Main Street Districts.
(b) Use Types Permitted. The following use types shall be permitted:
(1) Directional signs.
(2) Identification signs.
(3) Nameplate.
(4) Real estate, project signs and signs of a temporary nature.
(c) Structural Types Permitted. The following structural types shall be permitted:
(1) Identification Signs - permanent Wall/Panel signs.
(2) Identification Signs - permanent Window signs.
(3) Identification Signs - permanent Canopy signs.
(4) Freestanding - permanent Ground/Pylon signs.
(5) Freestanding - permanent Directional signs.
(d) Maximum Gross Area and Number Permitted. Allowable permanent signs shall conform to the structural type, maximum number and area limitations set forth as follows:
(1) Permanent Signs attached to Buildings shall comply with Table 1284.12(d)(1).
(2) Permanent freestanding ground of pylon signs shall conform with Table 1284.12(d)(2).
(3) A unified complex or parkway consisting of four (4) or more buildings served by a common local access road shall be permitted a supplemental freestanding identification sign at the entry to the development and shall conform with Table 1284.12(d)(2).
Table 1284.12(d)(1) Permanent Signs Attached to Buildings in Town Center/Main Street Districts | |||
Type | Maximum Number Permitted | Maximum Sign Face Area Allowance | Maximum Area |
Nameplate | 1 per address | Not Applicable | 2 square feet (a) |
Wall or Panel Sign | 1 per building or 1 per each tenant (b) | 1-1/4 square feet for each linear foot of building frontage | 75 square feet |
Window | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 15% or less of the window area |
Canopy or Awning Sign | Not Applicable | 10 square feet per awning/canopy face | Not Applicable |
(a) Area of nameplate sign can be reasonably modified by the Building Commissioner due to sight lines or visibility. (b) Buildings that require identification at entrances may be permitted up to 1 additional wall or panel sign but must keep within the square footage allowance for the building. |
Table 1284.12(d)(2) Freestanding Ground, Pylon or Directional Signs in Town Center/Main Street Districts | ||||
Type | Maximum Number Permitted | Maximum Sign Face Area Allowance | Maximum Height | Maximum Setback |
Ground Sign (a)(c)(d) | 1 | 32 square feet per side | 5 feet | 25 feet to the edge of the street or pavement (d) |
Pylon Sign (b)(c)(d) | 1 per each street frontage containing a vehicular access | 70 square feet per side | 10 feet | 25 feet to the edge of the street or pavement (d) |
Directional Signs (e)(f)(g) | 2 per driveway | 4 square feet | 6 feet | 10 feet from public right-of-way |
(a) Permitted information: The name and address of the facility and the name(s) of the tenants. (b) Permitted information: A unified commercial or office complex under a common ownership exceeding 100,000 square feet in gross floor area shall be permitted a pylon sign. The contents of the sign shall be limited to the name of the unified commercial or office complex. Individual store or business signage shall not be permitted on a pylon sign and shall be limited to business signage attached to the building or unit thereof proposed. (c) A unified complex or parkway is allowed 1 sign, either a ground or Pylon Sign. (d) Signs shall be located no less than 100 feet from any adjacent Residential District. The distance to Residential District can be modified to 50 feet by the Building Commissioner for lot widths consisting of less than 200 feet. (e) Permitted information indicates direction to specific buildings within the complex as well as ingress and egress routes. (f) Letter heights for directional shall be at least 2-1/2 inches. (g) Additional Directional Signs may be permitted at the discretion of the Building Commissioner to provide for additional pedestrian and vehicular traffic. |
(e) Multiple business signs: i.e. signs identifying stores and services located within the same building and/or complex.
(1) Shall be designed in such a manner that their appearance will be harmonious and compatible in character regarding their method of construction, materials, color illumination and combined size so as to achieve an overall unified effect.
(2) Within a commercial area or development, where multiple storefronts are situated side by side, the level of variety or cohesiveness in the design of the signs should be commensurate with the architecture of the building.
(3) Variety in the design of signs among different storefronts should be encouraged when the architecture of the buildings suggests variety.
(4) Storefronts with common architectural elements should have signs that share continuity of design so that the design and placement of individual signs contribute to the cohesive appearance created by the common architectural elements.
(5) Franchise standard signage located within TCD-1 through TCD-5 may be required to be modified for aesthetic reasons at the discretion of the Building Commissioner.
(f) Special Sign District: (to include oversized ground or wall signs), for purposes of creating an integrated sign theme, may be established by ordinance in response to a petition by a majority of sign users within a Town Center/Main Street District. The sign theme must not violate safety standards of the Building and Housing Code of the City and/or other requirements of this Zoning Code (with the exception of size requirements). A detailed plan should be submitted in accordance with the provisions of Sections 1276.13 and 1276.14 for approval. Upon approval, a two-thirds affirmative vote by Council is required to establish a Special Sign District.
(g) Nonresidential developments. Proposed in TCD-4 and TCD-5 Sub districts shall submit a sign plan along with the proposed development plan which shall have to be approved by the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 1988-175. Passed 10-17-88; Ord. 90-242. Passed 2-5-91; Ord. 16-145. Passed 10-4-16.)
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this code it shall be unlawful for any person to erect, construct, enlarge, move, convert, or modify any sign in the city, or cause the same to be done, without first obtaining a sign permit for each such sign from the Building Commissioner as required by this code. These directives shall not be construed to require any permit for a change of copy on any sign, nor for the repainting, cleaning and other normal maintenance or repair of a sign or sign structure for which a permit has previously been issued, so long as the sign or sign structure is not modified in any way. No new permit is required for signs which have permits and which conform with the requirements of this code on the date of its adoption unless and until the sign is altered or relocated. Applications for approval of a temporary sign shall be subject to review only by the Building Commissioner without further board review, except for any appeal. The Building Commissioner shall approve or reject the temporary sign application within five business days of filing.
(b) Expiration of Permit. Any sign permit issued by the Building Commissioner shall become null and void if installation is not commenced within one hundred and eighty days from the date of such permit. If work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned for one hundred and twenty days any time after the work is commenced, a new permit shall be first obtained prior to re-commencement of the work, and the fee required by Chapter 214 shall be one-half the amount required for a new permit for such work, provided that no changes have been made in the original plans. Such new permit may not be unreasonably withheld, providing that proper application and payment of permit fees is complied with.
(c) Emergencies. In emergency situations, where there is imminent danger of personal injury or harm to property, work may be initiated and completed without first applying for a permit. However, a permit shall be applied for within forty-eight hours after the first working day when work has commenced on the sign.
(d) Consent Required. No person shall erect, construct or maintain any sign upon any property or building without the consent of the owner or person entitled to possession of the property or building if any, or their authorized representatives.
(e) Application for Permit. An application for a permit shall be made to the Building Division upon forms provided by the Building Division. The application may be made separately or in conjunction with an application for a building permit.
(1) The application shall be accompanied by drawings to scale and shall include such information as may be required to assure compliance with all appropriate laws and regulations of the city including but not limited to the following:
A. The design and layout proposed, including the total area of the sign, materials to be used, structural supports, and the size, character and color of letters, lines and symbols;
B. The method of illumination, including a description of electrical components, if any;
C. The exact location of the sign in relation to the building and property; and
D. Details and specifications for construction, erection and attachments, which must meet the requirements found in Section 1284.05.
E. Name and address of owner of the sign.
F. Name and address of owner or the person in possession of the premises where the sign is located or to be located.
(f) Issuance, Denial, Revocation.
(1) The Building Commissioner shall issue a permit for the erection, alteration or relocation of a sign within thirty days of receipt of a valid application, provided that the sign complies with all applicable laws and regulations of the City. In all applications where a matter of interpretation arises, the more specific definition or higher standard shall prevail.
(2) The Building Commissioner may suspend or revoke in writing a permit issued under provisions of this section whenever the permit is issued on the basis of a misstatement of material fact or false representation. When a sign permit is denied or revoked by the Building Commissioner, he or she shall give written notice of the denial or revocation to the applicant, together with a brief written statement of the reasons for the denial or revocation.
(g) Effect of Issuance. No permit for a sign issued hereunder shall be deemed to constitute permission or authorization to maintain an unlawful sign nor shall any permit issued hereunder constitute a defense in an action to abate an unlawful sign.
(h) Permit Fee.
(1) Application for permits shall be filed with the Building Commissioner, together with a permit fee for each sign, provided, however, that the minimum fee for a permit shall be set forth in Chapter 214.
(2) If any sign is installed or placed on any property prior to receipt of a permit, the specified permit fee shall be doubled. However, payment of the doubled fee shall not relieve any person of any other requirements or penalties prescribed in this Zoning Code.
(i) Appeals. Any applicant may appeal to the Board of Zoning Appeals from any decision of the Building Commissioner pertaining to an application for a sign permit, maintenance or removal of any sign. Any such appeal shall meet the requirements set forth in Chapter 1264.
(j) Notice of Change of Sign Owner or User. Whenever there is a change in the sign user, owner, or owner of the property on which the sign is located, the new sign user, owner, or new property owner shall promptly notify the Building Commissioner of the change. No new sign permit is required, unless the sign is altered or relocated.
(Ord. 07-103. Passed 4-1-08; Ord. 13-152. Passed 2-4-14.)
(a) Every sign in the city, including any sign exempted from normal permit requirements, shall be maintained in good structural condition at all times, and shall be kept neatly painted and in good aesthetic condition, including all parts and structure(s). Defective parts shall be replaced. The Building Commissioner shall have the authority to order the painting, repair, alteration or removal of signs which become dilapidated or are abandoned, or which constitute physical hazard to the public safety.
(b) Signs which no longer serve the purpose for which they were intended, or which have been abandoned or are not maintained in accordance with this chapter and other applicable regulations of the City, shall be removed by the latest permit holder or by the City at the expense of such permit holder.
(Ord. 1988-175. Passed 10-17-88; Ord. 07-103. Passed 4-1-08.)
(a) A sign conforming as to the regulations prevailing on the effective date of this chapter, but which does not conform with the regulations of this or a subsequent amendment, shall be construed as a legal nonconforming sign. The Building Commissioner shall keep a list of such non-conforming signs and shall notify the owners of the status of non-conformity. A nonconforming sign may be continued to be used in the following circumstances:
(1) Repairs. Normal or ordinary repairs and improvements may be made but shall not require a permit from the Building Commissioner. For the purpose of this Zoning Code, normal repairs shall include ordinary maintenance of the sign or structure including painting and replacement of basic equipment such as substitution of lights or minor wiring. The term shall not include the replacement of structural parts in any nonconforming sign except when required by law to make the sign conforming.
(2) Change of use. Where the business use associated with the nonconforming sign at the date of this chapter thereafter changes, such change of use shall require the property owner to bring the sign into compliance with this chapter.
(Ord. 07-103. Passed 4-1-08.)
The Building Commissioner may cause the removal of an illegal sign in cases of emergency or for failure to comply with the written orders of removal, maintenance or repair. In the event that any person, firm or corporation shall prevent the removal or assist in the prevention of removal of any sign ordered to be removed pursuant to this chapter, the Building Commissioner and the Law Department are hereby authorized to obtain from the Common Pleas Court of Cuyahoga County a temporary restraining order and a preliminary and permanent injunction, directing the removal of the sign. After removal or demolition of the sign, a notice shall be mailed to the owner stating the nature of the work and the date on which it was performed and demanding payment of the cost as certified by the Building Commissioner, together with an additional ten percent for inspection and incidental costs.
If the amount specified in the notice is not paid within thirty days of the notice, it shall become an assessment upon a lien against the property of the sign owner, and will be certified as an assessment against the property, together with a ten percent penalty, for collection in the same manner as the real estate taxes. The owner of the property upon which the sign is located shall be presumed to be the owner of all signs thereon unless facts to the contrary are brought to the attention of the Building Commissioner, as in the case of a leased sign.
For purposes of removal, the definition of "sign" shall include all sign embellishments and structures designed specifically to support the sign and all electrical wiring (up to the nearest junction box).
(Ord. 1988-175. Passed 10-17-88; Ord. 07-103. Passed 4-1-08.)
The following types of signs are prohibited in all districts:
(a) Abandoned signs and/or sign structures which are determined to be nonconforming with the provisions of this division shall be required to be removed by the property owner within thirty days after receipt of notification, or refusal to accept delivery of notification by certified mail, that such removal is required. Alternatively, the sign panels within the abandoned sign structure may be removed and replaced with sign panels of neutral color and containing no message;
(b) Banners, balloons, cold-air inflatables, pennants, streamers, festoons and searchlights except same shall be allowed as governmental and public purpose signs if the Building Commissioner finds that the sign type meets the following criteria:
(1) The sign type is for a special event,
(2) The special event is for a limited time,
(3) The special event is for a limited frequency, and
(4) The sign type, if allowed for a limited time and frequency, will meet the following purposes to wit:
A. The signs will not conceal or obstruct adjacent land uses or signs
B. The signs will not conflict with the principal permitted use of the site or adjoining sites
C. The signs will not interfere with, obstruct vision of or distract motorists, bicyclists or pedestrians, and
D. The signs will be installed and maintained in a safe manner. Consistent with the general standards as defined in Chapter 1284, the approval or disapproval shall not be based on the content of the message contained (i.e., the viewpoint expressed) on any such sign. The Building Commissioner shall render a decision within ten days after an application is made for utilizing this sign type at a special event. Such a decision shall be deemed an administrative interpretation and any person adversely affected has the right to appeal the decision to the BZA pursuant to Section 1264.04;
(c) Signs imitating or resembling official traffic or government signs or signals;
(d) Snipe signs attached to trees, fences, telephone poles, public benches or street lights, or placed on any public structure, property or right-of-way;
(e) Signs placed or painted on vehicles or trailers which are parked or located for the primary purpose of displaying such signs;
(f) Billboards, off-premises signs and outdoor advertising signs;
(g) Portable signs that are permanently anchored, affixed or secured to a building;
(h) Roof signs;
(i) Signs of non-durable material, except for signs specifically authorized by this chapter;
(j) Bare strings of light bulbs and similar devices;
(k) Signs projecting over public property or rights-of-way;
(l) Obscene, indecent or immoral matter;
(m) Flashing, animated, rotating or moving signs;
(n) Any sign which is identified by the Building Commissioner as unsafe and a threat to public safety;
(o) Temporary signs of a mobile or movable nature for the purpose of announcing grand openings, special sales, new products, business events or any other use;
(p) Illuminated signs with red or green bulbs which may interfere with the sight lines of a traffic signal;
(q) Any exposed incandescent lamp unless a screen is attached or unless the sign and lamp are placed at least ten feet above the ground;
(r) Pole signs; and
(s) Ground signs in TCD-1 through TCD-5 except for multi-tenant shopping center or multi-family residential complexes. The number of permitted ground signs shall be limited to the equal number of public curb cuts.
(Ord. 1988-175. Passed 10-17-88; Ord. 90-147. Passed 9-4-90; Ord. 06-112. Passed 11-8-06; Ord. 07-103. Passed 4-1-08; Ord. 08-164. Passed 7-15-08.)