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North Royalton Overview
North Royalton Code of Ordinances
TITLE TWO - Planning
TITLE FOUR - Subdivision Regulations
TITLE SIX - Zoning
CHAPTER 1260 General Provisions and Definitions
CHAPTER 1262 Administration, Enforcement and Penalty
CHAPTER 1264 Board of Zoning Appeals
CHAPTER 1266 Amendments
CHAPTER 1268 Districts Generally and Zoning Map
CHAPTER 1270 Residential Districts (Other Than Senior Citizen and Rural Residential Districts)
CHAPTER 1272 Senior Citizen District
CHAPTER 1273 Rural Residential Districts
CHAPTER 1274 Public Facilities Districts
CHAPTER 1276 Business Districts
CHAPTER 1278 Industrial Districts
CHAPTER 1280 Planned Unit Developments (Repealed)
CHAPTER 1281 Traditional Town Center/Main Street District (TCD)
CHAPTER 1282 Off-Street Parking and Loading
CHAPTER 1284 Signs
CHAPTER 1286 Nonconforming Uses
CHAPTER 1288 Buffering
Appendix I: Illustrations of Yard Regulations for Multifamily Dwellings
Appendix II: Parking Area Design Standards
Appendix III: Illustrations of Yards and Building Line
CHAPTER 1290 Wireless Telecommunications Facilities
CHAPTER 1292 Wind Energy Turbines
   (a)   Classification by Use Types. Signs shall be classified by use type as follows:
      (1)   "Permanent sign" means a sign designed for use for an indefinite period of time.
         A.   Permanent signs shall not be constructed with any material deemed "Temporary" such as poster board, card board, hardboard (Masonite), particle board, plywood or plastic material and mounted to wood, metal or wire frames or supports.
         B.   Permanent signs shall be constructed from quality materials that will withstand the variable weather of Northeast Ohio including but not limited to non-corroding metals, masonry, carved wood or solid-core PVC sign board, exterior rated acrylic, paint, and vinyl.
         C.   Permanent signs shall include the following:
            (i)   "Bulletin board" means an announcement sign which directs attention to and is located on the lot of a public or semipublic institution.
            (ii)   "Directional sign" means a sign indicating only the direction of pedestrian and vehicular circulation routes on the lot on which the sign is located. No advertising shall be permitted on directional signs.
            (iii)   "Free-standing sign" means a ground sign, pole sign or pylon sign typically located within a front yard setback.
            (iv)   "Identification sign" means a sign indicating the name and address of a building, development, public or semipublic facility, business, office or industrial establishment. For business uses, such sign may also include the principal type of goods sold or services rendered. However, the listing of numerous goods or services, prices, and sale items shall not be permitted.
      (2)   "Temporary sign" means a sign designed for use for a limited period of time to announce special events or sales and the sale, lease or rental of property. Temporary signs need not meet the structural criteria of a "Permanent Sign", shall be no larger than thirty-two square feet and shall not be more than six feet high. The time limits for expiration of the approval and the criteria for extension of that time period, if any, shall be part of the approval by the Building Commissioner. Temporary signs shall include the following:
         A.   "Portable sign" means a sign which is designed to be moved and is not permanently attached to any part of a building or to the ground.
         B.   "Project sign" means a sign which directs attention to the promotion, development and construction of the property on which it is located and which identifies the owner, architect, engineer, contractor and other individual or firm involved with the construction. A temporary project sign shall be removed immediately upon commencement of the intended use, sale of the property, substantial completion or the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, but not later than the period covered by permit.
         C.   "Real estate sign" means a sign advertising the sale, rental or lease of the premises or part of the premises on which the sign is displayed. A temporary real estate sign shall be removed immediately upon the sale of the property.
         D.   "Other temporary signs" including but not limited to temporary banners announcing sales, new products or special business events may be permitted in addition to the maximum gross area of a permanent business sign, and such signs may be placed on the inside of windows and doors and on the exterior of the building, provided that the gross area of all the temporary signs does not exceed twenty percent of the maximum area of permanent signs permitted for each establishment and provided that such temporary signs are not displayed more than 90 consecutive days.
   (b)   Classification by Structural Types. Signs shall be classified by structural type as follows (see also Illustration G):
      (1)   "Building sign" means the following:
         A.   "Canopy sign" means a sign attached to the soffit or fascia of a canopy, covered entrance or walkway, or to a permanent awning or marquee, and not projecting beyond the edges of the same.
         B.   "Projecting sign" means a sign attached to an outside building wall and which projects at a ninety-degree angle therefrom.
         C.   "Roof sign", no longer permitted, and considered to be nonconforming, means a sign which is mounted on the rooftop deck of a building or which is wholly dependent upon a building for support and which projects above the point of a building with a flat roof.
         D.   "Wall or panel sign" means a sign integral with the face of an exterior building wall or mansard roof (when used as an architectural feature, canopy or covered walkway) or attached to and parallel with the wall or roof.
         E.   "Window sign" means a sign painted, attached or affixed to the interior surface of windows or doors of a building.
      (2)   "Free-standing sign" means the following:
         A.   "Ground sign" means a sign not exceeding seven feet in height, which may have a supporting base as an integral part of the sign, resting totally on the ground or on two or more short poles or columns not exceeding twenty-five percent of the total sign height.
         B.   "Pole sign", no longer permitted, and considered to be nonconforming, is a sign which is supported by or suspended from a free-standing column or columns and more than seven feet high.
         C.   "Pylon sign" means a sign exceeding seven feet, but not more than ten feet, in height, whose sign face area extends from the top of the sign to within one foot of the ground. The support structure must present one solid face per side and be at least three fourths the width of the sign face.
   (c)   Additional Definitions:
      (1)   "Building Commissioner" for the purposes of this Chapter, when reference is made to the Building Commissioner, that shall mean and include his or her designee.
      (2)   "Changeable copy sign" means a sign, or any portion thereof, where the message or graphics are not permanently affixed to the structure, framing or background and may be periodically replaced or covered over, manually or by mechanical devices.
      (3)   "Electronic moving message/digital display sign" means a sign, or portion thereof, that displays electronic text information, or still images, graphics or pictures, with or without information. The message shall be defined by a small number of matrix elements using different combinations of light emitting diodes (led's), fiber optics or other illumination devices within the display area, and the message change sequence shall be accomplished immediately or by means of face, repixalization, or dissolve modes. Electronic graphic display signs include computer programmable, microprocessor controlled electronic or digital displays.
      (4)   "Informational sign" means a sign which presents miscellaneous information to the public and does not promote a business, office, industry, product or issue. Typical informational signs present scheduled events, travel information, vehicle service, weather, time and historic and scenic data.
      (5)   "Nameplate" means a sign indicating the name, address or profession of the person or persons occupying a building or unit of a building.
      (6)   "Organizational sign" means a sign devoted exclusively to the identification of national, State and local service clubs and the location and meeting dates of such clubs. The number, location and design of organizational signs shall be approved by the Building Commissioner.
      (7)   "Sign" as used in this chapter, means any object, device, display or structure, or part thereof, situated outdoors or indoors, which is used to advertise, identify, display, direct or attract attention to an object, person, institution, organization, business, product, service, event or location by any means, including words, letters, figures, designs, symbols, fixtures, colors, illumination or projected images.
(Ord. 07-103. Passed 4-1-08; Ord. 16-145. Passed 10-4-16.)
Types of signs
   (a)   Measurement Standards.
      (1)   Sign Area. That portion of a sign to be considered in determining its dimension shall be the area that is normally visible from any one direction. For example, a single-faced rectangular wall sign measuring four feet by six feet would have a sign area of twenty-four square feet. Free-standing signs may, however, have more than a single sign face. In such case, the maximum permitted sign face area for a single sign face shall apply to all sign faces. For example, if a sign face area of twenty-four square feet is permitted for a single sign face, a double-faced sign is permitted twenty-four square feet of sign face area for each sign face, or a total of forty-eight square feet. Frames and structural members not including advertising matter shall not be included in calculation of surface area. A logo, however, is to be considered part of the sign. The area shall be measured by the smallest square, rectangle or triangle, or any combination thereof, which will encompass the entire advertising device, including border, trim, cutout and extension.
      (2)   Building and Lot Frontages. Whenever the area of a sign is related to the size of the building or lot, the following shall apply:
         A.   The frontage of a building shall be the width of the facade of the building (excluding any roof overhang or non-bearing decorative walls) which faces the principal street or contains the main entrance. If a building is divided into units, the building unit frontage shall be the width of the unit, as measured from the party wall centerlines, on the frontage of the building.
         B.   The frontage of a lot not covered by a building shall be the number of linear feet the lot abuts on the principal street.
         C.   The maximum gross area of all permanent signs for each tenant occupying a building, or unit of a building, shall be related to the width of the building unit, adjusted, however, so that smaller establishments may be permitted reasonable sign areas and so that the large establishments may not have excessive sign areas.
      (3)   Temporary Window Sign Coverage. In determining the percentage of window area covered by temporary signs, each facade or side of the building shall be considered separately. Window area shall be measured to include all windows and the glass portions of doors, but shall exclude all such area covered by permanent signs or other relatively permanent material.
      (4)   Sign Height. The height of free-standing signs shall be measured from the base of the sign at its point of attachment to the ground to its topmost element. However, if the support of a free-standing sign is attached to a wall or other man-made base, including a graded earth mound, the sign height shall be measured from the grade of the nearest street, drive or parking area, as determined by the Building Commissioner.
      (5)   Sign Location. In determining the location of signs in relation to lot lines, including zoning district and street right-of-way lines, distances shall be measured from the vertical projection of the lot line, zoning district line or street right-of-way line to the closest point on the sign.
      (6)   Corner Lots.
         A.   Buildings, building units or lots with frontage on two public streets may be permitted additional signage along the secondary street, provided that such additional signage shall not exceed 20% of the area of the signage permitted along the main facade, and provided, further, that such signage shall not exceed the number of signs permitted for the principal facade and street. There shall be no greater than one building sign per street face and a maximum of two building signs per building.
         B.   In the case of building units within a building, an individual building unit must have direct frontage and customer entrances on both the principal street as well as the secondary street to be eligible for any additional signs under this subsection.
   (b)   Design Standards. Signs, as permitted in the various zoning districts, shall be designed so as to be similar in character with regard to material, color and size to signs designed or located on the same building and on adjoining buildings in order to equalize the attention they are meant to attract and to produce an overall unified effect, and in accordance with the following standards:
      (1)   Sign Bands Across Multiple Store Fronts. In the case of a strip center-type business building that provides an unbroken "sign band" across multiple store fronts, the Building Commissioner may, for reasons of aesthetics and balance, approve signs that may not comply with the requirement that a sign shall be set back three feet from the party wall of the business to which it pertains.
      (2)   The elements of the sign shall create an overall cohesive design, reflect simplicity, avoid visual clutter and ensure legibility. To that end, each sign shall:
         A.   Be consolidated into a minimum number of elements, whether words, symbols or graphics.
         B.   Have a simple shape.
         C.   Have appropriate contrast.
         D.   Be designed with a limited number of, and harmonious use of, color.
         E.   Be constructed with a minimum number of materials.
         F.   The number of items of information displayed shall be limited to ten items. An "item of information" includes a symbol, geometric shape, logo, word, abbreviation or number, or a grouping of letters or numbers which together convey meaning.
      (3)   Window signs shall have a clear background. A maximum of eight window signs is allowed.
      (4)   No part of a sign is allowed to extend above parapet, eave or gutter line.
      (5)   Projecting Signs. Projecting signs may be attached to the building wall or canopy and project at an angle of approximately 90 degrees for a distance of not more than three feet. Projecting signs shall be located not less than five feet from a party wall line, and the lowest member of a projecting sign shall be at least eight feet above a public sidewalk. Signs shall not project into any dedicated right-of-way or private drive.
      (6)   Ground Signs. Permanent ground signs shall not extend higher than seven feet above the finished grade or what is permitted within the zoning district, whichever is lower.
      (7)   Vertical Dimensions. The lowest member of all signs, with the exception of ground signs, which project or are supported on posts, shall be not less than eight feet above the finished grade of a sidewalk or any other pedestrian way. If located over a pavement used for vehicular traffic or within 18 inches of the vertical projection of the edges of such pavement, the lowest member of the sign shall be not less than 15 feet above the finished pavement.
      (8)   Relation to Windows, Doors and Emergency Means of Egress. Signs shall not project over or obstruct the required windows or doors of any building, shall not be attached to or obstruct a fire escape, and shall not interfere with other safety provisions as may be further regulated in the Building and Housing Code or the Fire Prevention Code of the City.
      (9)   Relation to Traffic Devices. Signs shall not be erected so as to obstruct sight lines along any public way, traffic control lights, street name signs at intersections, street sight lines or signals at railroad grade crossings. Signs visible from the sight lines along a street shall not contain an arrow or words such as "stop", "go", "slow", etc., and the movement, content, coloring or manner of illumination shall not resemble highway traffic signs.
      (10)   Corner Lots. No sign shall be allowed within a triangle formed between points on the front and side lot lines within 35 feet from their intersection.
      (11)   Changeable Copy Sign shall include mechanical and manual changeable copy. Changeable copy signs shall be permitted in industrial, public facility and business districts only and subject to the following limitations:
         A.   Changeable copy signs may be included as an integral part of the area of a permitted pylon or ground sign, provided that the changeable copy portion does not exceed 30% of the total sign face area of the sign. The items of permanent information shall be modified according to the following schedule:
Changeable Copy Area As a Percent Total Sign Area
Maximum Number of Permanent of Items of Information
No changeable copy:
Up to 25%:
         B.   All changeable copy shall comply with the lettering style, lettering color, background color and all other elements approved by the Building Commissioner but in no event display more than four lines of characters at one time with a maximum total sign text limited to ten items to allow passing motorist to read the entire copy with minimal distraction; and
         C.   The changeable copy or any portion of the message shall have a minimum duration of eight seconds and must be a static display. No portion of the message may flash, scroll, twirl, change color, fade in or out, or in any manner imitate movement; and
         D.   The changeable copy shall otherwise demonstrate compliance with all other provisions of the zoning district in which the sign is located and North Royalton Ordinance Chapter 1284; and
         E.   Changeable copy signs shall be permitted on the site of the use identified or advertised by the sign. No off site advertising or messages shall be displayed; and
         F.   Audio speakers or any form of pyrotechnics are prohibited in any sign.
      (12)   Movement Restrictions. No sign shall employ any parts or elements or lights which revolve, rotate, whirl, spin, flash or otherwise make use of motion to attract attention. Posters, ribbons, streamers, spinners, or other similar devices for the purpose of advertising or attracting attention are prohibited.
      (13)   Continuity. Signs and their placement shall be considered in relation to their surroundings and, if seen in series on a building wall, shall have continuity of design with respect to shape, materials and colors.
      (14)   Style and Color. The style or design of signs shall be consistent throughout a particular building. The colors of signs shall be compatible with the color of the building facade and other existing and proposed signs.
      (15)   Graphics. The lettering on a sign shall be clearly legible and in scale with the sign surface upon which it is placed.
      (16)   Materials. Signs shall be constructed of materials which are of appropriate quality and durability and which are compatible with the materials of the building upon which such signs are placed.
      (17)   Construction Specifications.
         A.   Compliance with Building Code. All signs shall comply with the appropriate detailed provisions of the Ohio Building Code relating to construction, design, structural members and connections. Signs shall also comply with the provisions of the National Electrical Code and the additional construction standards hereinafter set forth in this section.
         B.   Construction of Signs, Auxiliary Specifications.
            (i)   Identification and marking. Each sign hereafter erected or remodeled shall bear, in a permanent position thereon a clearly legible identification plate stating the name and address of the owner of the sign, and the person, firm or corporation responsible for its construction, erection and the date of erection.
            (ii)   Obstruction to exits. No sign shall be erected, constructed, or maintained so as to obstruct any fire escape, required exit, window or door opening used as a means of egress.
            (iii)   Obstruction to ventilation. No sign shall be attached in any form, shape or manner which will interfere with any opening required for ventilation, except that such signs may be erected in front of and may cover transom windows when not in violation of the provision of the building or fire prevention code.
            (iv)   Signs shall be located in such a way as to maintain horizontal and vertical clearance of all overhead electrical conductors in accordance with National Electrical Code specifications, depending on voltages concerned. In no instance shall a sign be installed closer than twelve inches, horizontally or vertically, from any conductor or public utility guy wire.
      (18)   Free-Standing Signs - Materials. All free-standing sign structures shall be self-supporting structures erected on and permanently attached to concrete foundations. Foundations shall be designed to carry weight and wind load of the sign, in soil which it is placed. Such structures shall be fabricated only from painted or galvanized steel, or such other materials as may provide equal strength.
      (19)   Electric Signs. The full number of illuminating elements thereof shall be kept in safe and working condition or immediately repaired or replaced, if faulty. Signs that are only partially illuminated shall meet all electrical requirements for that portion directly illuminated. All electric signs shall have a disconnect switch.
      (20)   Glass. When glass is used for sign letters or transparent or translucent panels, it shall be at least double strength thickness for sign areas up to and including three hundred square inches. When glass is used for sign letters or transparent or translucent panels for sign areas in excess of three hundred square inches at least one-quarter inch wire glass shall be used and the maximum span between supports shall be four feet.
      (21)   Plastic. Plastic shall be of thickness and type necessary to withstand local wind loadings. Proper allowance or provision shall be made in connections to provide for thermal contraction and expansion.
      (22)   Strength of Parapet, Wall. A parapet wall must be designed for and have sufficient strength to support any sign which is attached thereto.
      (23)   Supports and Braces. Metal supports or braces shall be adequate for all loading, imposed on the sign. All metal, wire cable supports and braces and all bolts used to attach sign to bracket or brackets and signs to the supporting building or structure shall be of galvanized steel or of an equivalent material. All sign supports shall be an integral part of the sign design.
      (24)   Wind Loads. The sign and all of the associated elements shall be designed to withstand all of the wind loads imposed on the structure.
      (25)   Sign Anchoring. Signs shall be anchored to prevent any lateral movement that would cause wear on supporting members or connections. No sign shall be suspended by chains or other devices that will allow the sign to swing due to wind action, unless specifically designed by means of bearings or other methods approved, to allow for movement.
      (26)   Landscaping requirements for allowed ground signs are as follows:
         A.   Salt or drought-resistant plants shall be stressed for inclusion into project.
         B.   Plant material that displays year-round interest shall be used around the base of the sign.
         C.   Plant material shall be designed to screen light fixtures from view.
         D.   Whenever possible, landscaping should extend around all four sides of permissible ground signs.
         E.   Within TCD-1 through TCD-5, landscaping shall be irrigated.
      (27)   Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, no sign shall be subject to any limitation based on the content of the message contained on such sign.
   (c)   Illumination.
      (1)   Light sources to illuminate signs shall be shielded from all adjacent residential buildings and streets and shall not be of such brightness as to cause glare that may be hazardous to pedestrians or auto drivers or so as to cause reasonable objection from adjacent Residential Districts.
      (2)   In Public Facilities, only nameplates and bulletin boards may be illuminated. All signs in Business and Industrial Districts may be illuminated. Parking lot signs and temporary subdivision signs may be illuminated in accordance with the provisions of this section.
   (d)   Electronic moving message/digital display signs.
      (1)   Electronic moving message/digital display signs shall be sympathetic to the surrounding area and shall maintain the existing characteristics of the city. Such signs shall be permitted in industrial, public facility and business districts. Such signs are permitted only on a property under a single ownership exceeding two (2) acres in area, and having at least 200 feet of frontage on a single public right of way, in accordance with the following regulations and other applicable regulations of this chapter.
         A.   Electronic moving message/digital display signs, shall comply with the following:
            (i)   Subject matter. The sign can only advertise establishments or events actually located upon the specific property.
            (ii)   Hours. The sign can only operate during the actual hours of business for establishments located on the specific property.
            (iii)   Frequency. Copy (lettering) change shall not be more frequent than once per 15 seconds. There shall be a three (3) second "pause" in which a still image or blank screen is shown following every message.
            (iv)   Prohibited signs.
               a.   Flashing sign - a directly or indirectly illuminated sign, or portion thereof, that exhibits changing light or color effect by any means, so as to provide intermittent illumination that changes light intensity in sudden transitory bursts and creates the illusion of intermittent flashing light by streaming, graphic bursts showing movement, or any mode of lighting which resembles zooming, twinkling, or sparkling;
               b.   Spinning;
               c.   Rotating; and
               d.   Video - imagery produced by signs that have the capability of processing up to 30 frames per second.
         B.   Color. Copy (lettering) shall be capable of producing a full color spectrum.
         C.   Brightness.
            (i)   All digital displays shall be illuminated.
            (ii)   At a level no greater than 0.3 foot candles over ambient light levels for location and time when measured at the recommended distance based on the digital display size, and shall employ light cut-off devices, such as but not limited to louvers, in order to minimize light escaping above a horizontal plane.
            (iii)   All digital displays must be equipped with both a dimmer control and photo sensor, which will automatically adjust the display intensity according to natural ambient light conditions.
            (iv)   Digital displays may not display light of an intensity or brilliance to cause glare or otherwise impair vision of the operator of a motor vehicle.
         D.   Spacing. There shall be a minimum distance of 200 feet between electronic moving message/digital display signs.
         E.   Number of signs. One electronic moving message/digital display sign shall be permitted per single property.
         F.   Illumination. At no time shall the total face illumination area fall below 98%.
         G.   Images. There shall be not more than three (3) separate images on one sign at one time.
         H.   Maintenance. A default mechanism must be provided to turn the sign off in case of malfunction.
      (2)   Electronic moving message/digital display Bottom of Form signs shall be limited to ground (monument) signs only, subject to number, size, and setback requirements in the zoning district specific regulations. The digital display shall be fully framed and shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the total area of the sign.
      (3)   All electronic moving message/digital display signs, and parts thereof, shall be securely constructed in conformance with applicable city building, fire and electrical codes, and with the applicable standards of this chapter. All signs shall have a surface of facing materials which are durable for the intended life of the sign. All signs shall be attached in compliance with applicable local and state codes. The electrical connections shall be concealed, and the electrical conduits shall be installed below grade, where not in conflict with the most recently adopted edition of the national electrical code.
(Ord. 1988-175. Passed 10-17-88; Ord. 06-112. Passed 11-8-06; Ord. 16-145. Passed 10-4-16.)
   (EDITOR’S NOTE: Section 1284.05 was repealed by Ordinance 16-145, passed October 4, 2016.)
   (EDITOR’S NOTE: Section 1284.05 was repealed by Ordinance 16-145, passed October 4, 2016.)
   Accessory signs in Residential Districts shall be designed, erected, altered, moved and maintained, in whole or in part, in accordance with the regulations as provided in this section. Signs identified in this section, listed in subsections (a), (c), (d), (e) and (g), need not meet the structural criteria listed in Section 1284.03(c).
   The types of signs permitted as to use, structure, size and number for each dwelling or lot shall be as follows:
   (a)   One nameplate indicating an occupant's name and house number, not exceeding two square feet in area, may be located on any building or lot but not less than five feet from any side lot line and ten feet from any street right-of-way line.
   (b)   In a Multifamily District one permanent identification sign, indicating the name, owner or manager of the multifamily project, not exceeding twenty square feet in area and five feet in height, may face each major street, but shall not be less than fifty feet from a side lot line and twenty-five feet from any street right-of-way.
   (c)   One directional or no-trespassing sign, not exceeding four feet in area and three feet in height, shall be permitted on any building or lot, located not less than five feet from any side lot line and ten feet from any street right-of-way line.
   (d)   One real estate sign advertising the sale, rental or lease of the premises or part of the premises on which the sign is displayed, not exceeding six square feet in area or four feet in height, shall be permitted for each dwelling or lot, provided that such sign shall be located not less than twenty-five feet from any side lot line and ten feet from any street right-of-way line. Illumination shall not be permitted. "Room for Rent" signs shall not be permitted.
   (e)   One subdivision project sign per entrance, not exceeding 100 square feet in total area and six feet in height, may be permitted while a subdivision is under construction, provided that such sign is located on the parcel being developed and is not less than 100 feet from any occupied residence and not less than twenty-five feet from the nearest street right-of-way. The permit for such sign shall be for a period not exceeding one year. However, such permit may be renewed while construction is pursued diligently. An extension of the permit may be granted if deemed necessary by the Building Commissioner upon application by the owner. A project sign may be removed immediately upon commencement of the intended use, but not later than the initial or succeeding one-year period covered by permit.
   (f)   One bulletin board or announcement sign, not exceeding twenty square feet in area or five feet in height, may be located on the premises of a public, semipublic, charitable or religious institution in a Residential or Public Facilities District, but not less than fifty feet from any residential lot line or less than fifteen feet from the nearest street right-of-way line. Indirect illumination shall be permitted.
   (g)   Political signs shall be permitted as follows:
      (1)   With these regulations, it is the City's intent not to infringe on the rights of free speech as protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and Article 1 § 11 of the Ohio Constitution. All provisions of this chapter are to be construed, whenever possible, in favor of vigorous political debate and accommodation of the right of its residents.
      (2)   Political signs are permitted on private property with the following health and safety restrictions:
         A.   No political sign shall be erected or maintained so as to prevent free ingress and egress from a door, window or fire escape, nor shall any political sign obscure any other sign which directs attention to an emergency exit, fire extinguisher or other safety device.
         B.   No political sign shall be erected or maintained so as to obstruct any system of ventilation nor to violate any provision of local or State building codes.
         C.   All political signs shall be maintained in a safe, attractive, clean and inoffensive condition.
         D.   No political sign shall be erected or maintained on any public property including but not limited to the City right-of-way.
         E.   No political sign shall be directly illuminated.
         F.   No political sign shall make use of the words "stop", "look", "danger" or any other word, phrase, symbol or character as to tend to interfere with, mislead or confuse operators of motor vehicles on any public streets.
      (3)   Removal or alteration of illegal signs.
         A.   If the Building Commissioner finds that any political sign regulated herein has been erected, placed, displayed or maintained in a manner inconsistent with any provision of this section, the Building Commissioner shall give written notice to remove or alter such sign. This written notice to remove or alter such sign shall be given to the property owner, to the spouse or agent of the property owner or to the respective candidate, committee or person otherwise responsible.
         B.   If the person notified under paragraph (g)(3)A. hereof does not remove or alter the sign as required by the written notice from the Building Commissioner, within three days of receipt of such notice, such person shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 1262.99(f).
      (4)   Motor vehicle political sign. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the display of political signs on motor vehicles.
   (h)   No more than two, illuminated subdivision ground signs, per entrance to the subdivision, not exceeding seventy-five square feet in total sign area and four feet in height, indicating the name of the subdivision or residential development, shall be permitted. Such signs shall be set back not less than ten feet from an arterial or collector street right-of-way line, not less than twenty- five feet from any side lot line and not less than 100 feet from any occupied residence. Illumination of signs must be from a ground mounted light source that washes only the front of the signs. Such signs shall identify and be part of the architectural treatment of the subdivision. Subdivision ground signs and the illumination of such are discouraged in RRZ districts, and are regulated under Section 1273.12.
   (i)   Memorial signs shall be permitted, provided that such signs do not exceed two square feet in area and are constructed of bronze or other noncombustible material and are permanently affixed to the building or premises therein.
   (j)   Security signs shall be permitted, provided that such signs may only be of a type which is readily affixed to a window, such as a decal or sticker not exceeding fifteen square inches in area, or a metal or plastic sign inserted in the ground not exceeding sixty-four square inches in area.
   (k)   One temporary home improvement project sign directing attention to the promotion, development and/or construction of the property for which it is located not exceeding six square feet shall be permitted for each dwelling while under construction, provided that such sign shall be located no less than twenty-five feet from any side lot line and ten feet from any street right-of-way and shall include an expiration date as established by the Building Department. Said sign must be removed not later than one week after completion of project.
(Ord. 1988-175. Passed 10-17-88; Ord. 93-66. Passed 4-6-93; Ord. 93-67. Passed 4-6-93; Ord. 05-16. Passed 5-4-05; Ord. 05-57. Passed 7-19-05; Ord. 07-103. Passed 4-1-08; Ord. 09-104. Passed 10-6-09; Ord. 13-12. Passed 1-15-13.)
   Accessory signs in Public Facilities Districts shall be designed, erected, altered, moved and maintained, in whole or in part, in accordance with the following regulations:
   (a)   One bulletin board, announcement sign or property designator, not exceeding fifty square feet in area and not exceeding eight feet in height, may be permitted on the premises of each public facility and educational facility, provided that such sign is set back at least fifty feet from any adjoining Residential District boundary and twenty-five feet from any street pavement edge.
   (b)   A nameplate not exceeding two square feet may be placed on each building or lot, but not less than twenty-five feet from any side lot line and five feet from the street right-of-way line.
   (c)   Directional and informational signs not exceeding six square feet in area may be permitted on any building or lot, but not less than twenty-five feet from any lot line and five feet from the street right-of-way line.
(Ord. 1988-175. Passed 10-17-88; Ord. 90-273. Passed 2-5-91.)
   Accessory signs in Office Building, Local Business, General Business, Motorist Service and Shopping Center Districts shall be designed, erected, altered, moved and maintained, in whole or in part, in accordance with the following regulations:
   (a)   Use Types Permitted. The following use types shall be permitted in Business Districts:
      (1)   Business signs.
      (2)   Directional signs.
      (3)   Nameplates.
      (4)   Identification signs.
      (5)   Real estate and project signs of a temporary nature.
   (b)   Maximum Area Permitted. The maximum gross area of all permanent signs permitted for each separate use occupying a building, or unit of a building, shall be related to the width of the building unit thereof or lot occupied by a building, adjusted, however, so that smaller establishments may be permitted reasonable sign areas and so that the large establishments may not have excessive sign areas. The area of signs accessory to a building or unit thereof shall be determined as follows:
      (1)   Maximum sign face area for business uses. The total maximum sign face area for all permanent signage permitted for a business use or uses shall be determined by the following formula:
         (Business building frontage x 1.20 plus 20 square feet)
      (2)   Maximum sign face area for business buildings or units thereof. The total maximum sign face area permitted for all signage on a business building or unit thereof shall be determined by the following formula: (Building or building unit width x 1.0)
(Ord. 1988-175. Passed 10-17-88.)
   Accessory signs in any Business District shall be controlled by locational and supplementary area regulations as follows:
   (a)   A single wall sign shall not exceed 150 square feet in total area.
   (b)   Projecting signs shall be limited to not more than one for each establishment or store unit and shall not exceed twenty square in total area for each face visible from any location on a public way. Projecting signs shall be located not less than five feet from a side lot line and not less than thirty-five feet from a Residential District boundary line. Signs shall not project into any dedicated right-of-way or private drive.
   (c)   Marquee, canopy or covered-walk signs may be attached to the underside of a structural member over a walkway. However, the vertical dimension of such signs shall not exceed eighteen inches, and the lowest member shall be not less than eight feet above the sidewalk grade. The total area of any sign attached to a canopy or covered walk shall not exceed five square feet. For canopy structures which shelter gas station service islands, no signs shall be displayed on the canopy fascia area, and the fascia area shall be nonilluminated and shall be designed in a manner which does not call attention to the canopy structure.
(Ord. 1988-175. Passed 10-17-88.)
   (d)   One ground sign may be located within a required yard, provided that it is on a lot with a minimum street frontage of 75 feet and that it is not less than 25 feet from another business lot, or not less than 25 feet from edge of the street pavement, and not less than 50 feet from a Residential District line. The maximum gross area of a ground sign shall be 80 square feet. Ground signs are not permitted in TCD-1 through TCD-5 except as provided in Section 1284.17(s).
(Ord. 90-241. Passed 1-2-91.)
   (e)   In lieu of the above permitted ground sign, a unified commercial or office complex under a common ownership exceeding 100,000 square feet in gross floor area shall be permitted a pylon sign where the area per side does not exceed the area as defined in Section 1284.03(c)(2)C. and ten feet in height. The contents of the sign shall be limited to the name of the unified commercial or office complex.
      Individual store or business signage shall not be permitted on a pylon sign and shall be limited to business signage attached to the building or unit thereof proposed. Pylon, or unit sign details shall be submitted to and approved by the Building Commissioner.
   (f)   Permanent directional signs indicating traffic routes and similar functions shall be permitted in addition to the limitations of this section, provided that each sign does not exceed six square feet in area and is not closer than twenty-five feet to any side lot line and five feet to the street right- of-way line.
   (g)   A project sign may be removed immediately upon commencement of the intended use, but not later than the period covered by permit.
   (h)   Other temporary signs including but not limited to temporary banners announcing sales, new products or special business events may be permitted in addition to the maximum gross area of a permanent business sign, and such signs may be placed on the inside of windows and doors and on the exterior of the building, provided that the gross area of all the temporary signs does not exceed twenty percent of the maximum area of permanent signs permitted for each establishment and provided that such temporary signs are not displayed more than 90 consecutive days.
   (i)   Special Signs Districts (to include oversized ground or wall signs), for purposes of creating an integrated sign theme, may be established by ordinance in response to a petition by a majority of sign users within a Business District. The sign theme must not violate safety standards of the Building and Housing Code of the City and/or other requirements of this Zoning Code (with the exception of size requirements). A detailed plan should be submitted in accordance with the provisions of Sections 1276.13 and 1276.14 for approval. Upon approval, a two-thirds affirmative vote by Council is required to establish a Special Sign District.
   (j)   Multiple business signs, i.e. signs identifying stores and services located within the same building, shall be designed in such a manner that their appearance will be harmonious and compatible in character regarding their method of construction, materials, color illumination and combined size so as to achieve an overall unified effect.
   (k)   Within a commercial area or development, where multiple storefronts are situated side by side, the level of variety or cohesiveness in the design of the signs should be commensurate with the architecture of the building:
      (1)   Variety in the design of signs among different storefronts should be encouraged when the architecture of the buildings suggests variety.
      (2)   Storefronts with common architectural elements should have signs that share continuity of design so that the design and placement of individual signs contribute to the cohesive appearance created by the common architectural elements.
      (3)   Franchise standard signage located within TCD-1 through TCD-5 may be required to be modified for aesthetic reasons at the discretion of the Building Commissioner.
(Ord. 1988-175. Passed 10-17-88; Ord. 98-172. Passed 11-4-98; Ord. 06-112. Passed 11-8-06; Ord. 07-103. Passed 4-1-08; Ord. 08-164. Passed 7-15-08; Ord. 13-152. Passed 2-4-14.)
   (a)   Scope. Accessory signs in Research-Office, Commercial Service, General Industrial Districts and Unified complexes or parkways shall follow the regulations described within this ordinance (Chapter 1284 Signs) with the exception of special regulations identified for Industrial Districts.
   (b)   Use Types Permitted. The following use types shall be permitted in Industrial Districts:
      (1)   Directional signs.
      (2)   Identification signs.
      (3)   Nameplate.
      (4)   Real estate and project signs of a temporary nature.
   (c)   Structural Types Permitted. The following structural types shall be permitted in Industrial Districts:
      (1)   Identification Signs - permanent Wall/Panel signs.
      (2)   Freestanding - permanent Ground/Pylon signs.
      (3)   Freestanding - permanent Directional signs.
   (d)   Maximum Gross Area and Number Permitted. Allowable permanent signs shall conform to the structural type, maximum number and area limitations set forth as follows:
      (1)   Permanent Signs attached to Buildings shall comply with Table 1284.11(d)(1).
      (2)   Permanent freestanding ground of pylon signs shall conform with Table 1284.11(d)(2).
      (3)   A unified complex or parkway consisting of three (3) or more buildings served by a common local access road shall be permitted a supplemental freestanding identification sign at the entry to the development and shall conform with Table 1284.11(d)(2).
   (e)   Locating Freestanding Ground or Pylon Signs.
      (1)   Signs in Industrial Districts shall be located so as to maintain the same setback and yards as required for buildings, except that one commercial or industrial ground sign may be permitted within the required yards.
      (2)   In no circumstance shall freestanding signs obstruct the site lines of traffic.
Table 1284.11(d)(1)
Permanent Signs Attached to Buildings in Industrial Districts
Maximum Number Permitted
Maximum Sign Face Area Allowance
Maximum Area
Table 1284.11(d)(1)
Permanent Signs Attached to Buildings in Industrial Districts
Maximum Number Permitted
Maximum Sign Face Area Allowance
Maximum Area
Research-Office District
1 per address
Not Applicable
2 square feet (a)
Wall or Panel Sign (b)
1 per building
1 square foot for each linear foot of building frontage.
75 square feet
Commercial Service District
1 per address
Not Applicable
2 square feet (a)
Wall or Panel Sign (b)
1 per building or 1 per each tenant
1-1/4 square feet for each linear foot of building frontage
75 square feet
General Industrial District
1 per address
Not Applicable
2 square feet (a)
Wall or Panel Sign (b)
1 per building or 1 per each tenant
1-1/2 square feet for each linear foot of building frontage
75 square feet
(a)   Area of nameplate sign can be reasonably modified by the Building Commissioner due to sight lines or visibility.
(b)   Buildings that require identification at entrances may be permitted up to 1 additional wall or panel sign but must keep within the square footage allowance for the building.
Table 1284.11(d)(2)
Freestanding Ground, Pylon or Directional Signs in Industrial Districts
Maximum Number Permitted
Maximum Sign Face Area Allowance
Maximum Height
Maximum Setback
Ground Sign (a)(c)(d)
75 square feet per side
7 feet
25 feet to the edge of the street or pavement (d)
Pylon Sign (b)(c)(d)
100 square feet per side
10 feet
25 feet to the edge of the street or pavement (d)
Directional Signs (e)(f)(g)
2 per driveway
4 square feet
6 feet
10 feet from public right-of-way and edge of pavement
(a)   Permitted information: The name and address of the facility and the name(s) of the tenant.
(b)   Permitted information: The name and address of the unified complex or parkway and the name(s) of the tenants located in the unified complex.
(c)   A unified complex or parkway is allowed: 1 sign, either a ground or Pylon Sign.
(d)   Signs shall be located no less than 100 feet from any adjacent Residential District. The distance to Residential District can be modified to 50 feet by the Building Commissioner for lot widths consisting of less than 200 feet.
(e)   Permitted information: indicates direction to specific buildings within the complex as well as ingress and egress routes.
(f)   Letter heights for directional shall be at least 2-1/2 inches.
(g)   Additional Directional Signs may be permitted at the discretion of the Building Commissioner to provide for additional pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
(Ord. 1988-175. Passed 10-17-88; Ord. 16-145. Passed 10-4-16.)
   (a)   Scope. Accessory signs in Town Center/Main Street (TCM) Districts shall follow the regulations described within this ordinance (Chapter 1284 Signs) with the exception of special regulations identified for Town Center/Main Street Districts.
   (b)   Use Types Permitted. The following use types shall be permitted:
      (1)   Directional signs.
      (2)   Identification signs.
      (3)   Nameplate.
      (4)   Real estate, project signs and signs of a temporary nature.
   (c)   Structural Types Permitted. The following structural types shall be permitted:
      (1)   Identification Signs - permanent Wall/Panel signs.
      (2)   Identification Signs - permanent Window signs.
      (3)   Identification Signs - permanent Canopy signs.
      (4)   Freestanding - permanent Ground/Pylon signs.
      (5)   Freestanding - permanent Directional signs.
   (d)   Maximum Gross Area and Number Permitted. Allowable permanent signs shall conform to the structural type, maximum number and area limitations set forth as follows:
      (1)   Permanent Signs attached to Buildings shall comply with Table 1284.12(d)(1).
      (2)   Permanent freestanding ground of pylon signs shall conform with Table 1284.12(d)(2).
      (3)   A unified complex or parkway consisting of four (4) or more buildings served by a common local access road shall be permitted a supplemental freestanding identification sign at the entry to the development and shall conform with Table 1284.12(d)(2).
Table 1284.12(d)(1)
Permanent Signs Attached to Buildings in Town Center/Main Street Districts
Maximum Number Permitted
Maximum Sign Face Area Allowance
Maximum Area
1 per address
Not Applicable
2 square feet (a)
Wall or Panel Sign
1 per building or 1 per each tenant (b)
1-1/4 square feet for each linear foot of building frontage
75 square feet
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
15% or less of the window area
Canopy or Awning Sign
Not Applicable
10 square feet per awning/canopy face
Not Applicable
(a)   Area of nameplate sign can be reasonably modified by the Building Commissioner due to sight lines or visibility.
(b)   Buildings that require identification at entrances may be permitted up to 1 additional wall or panel sign but must keep within the square footage allowance for the building.
Table 1284.12(d)(2)
Freestanding Ground, Pylon or Directional Signs in Town Center/Main Street Districts
Maximum Number Permitted
Maximum Sign Face Area Allowance
Maximum Height
Maximum Setback
Ground Sign (a)(c)(d)
32 square feet per side
5 feet
25 feet to the edge of the street or pavement (d)
Pylon Sign (b)(c)(d)
1 per each street frontage containing a vehicular access
70 square feet per side
10 feet
25 feet to the edge of the street or pavement (d)
Directional Signs (e)(f)(g)
2 per driveway
4 square feet
6 feet
10 feet from public right-of-way
(a)   Permitted information: The name and address of the facility and the name(s) of the tenants.
(b)   Permitted information: A unified commercial or office complex under a common ownership exceeding 100,000 square feet in gross floor area shall be permitted a pylon sign. The contents of the sign shall be limited to the name of the unified commercial or office complex. Individual store or business signage shall not be permitted on a pylon sign and shall be limited to business signage attached to the building or unit thereof proposed.
(c)   A unified complex or parkway is allowed 1 sign, either a ground or Pylon Sign.
(d)   Signs shall be located no less than 100 feet from any adjacent Residential District. The distance to Residential District can be modified to 50 feet by the Building Commissioner for lot widths consisting of less than 200 feet.
(e)   Permitted information indicates direction to specific buildings within the complex as well as ingress and egress routes.
(f)   Letter heights for directional shall be at least 2-1/2 inches.
(g)   Additional Directional Signs may be permitted at the discretion of the Building Commissioner to provide for additional pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
   (e)   Multiple business signs: i.e. signs identifying stores and services located within the same building and/or complex.
      (1)   Shall be designed in such a manner that their appearance will be harmonious and compatible in character regarding their method of construction, materials, color illumination and combined size so as to achieve an overall unified effect.
      (2)   Within a commercial area or development, where multiple storefronts are situated side by side, the level of variety or cohesiveness in the design of the signs should be commensurate with the architecture of the building.
      (3)   Variety in the design of signs among different storefronts should be encouraged when the architecture of the buildings suggests variety.
      (4)   Storefronts with common architectural elements should have signs that share continuity of design so that the design and placement of individual signs contribute to the cohesive appearance created by the common architectural elements.
      (5)   Franchise standard signage located within TCD-1 through TCD-5 may be required to be modified for aesthetic reasons at the discretion of the Building Commissioner.
   (f)   Special Sign District: (to include oversized ground or wall signs), for purposes of creating an integrated sign theme, may be established by ordinance in response to a petition by a majority of sign users within a Town Center/Main Street District. The sign theme must not violate safety standards of the Building and Housing Code of the City and/or other requirements of this Zoning Code (with the exception of size requirements). A detailed plan should be submitted in accordance with the provisions of Sections 1276.13 and 1276.14 for approval. Upon approval, a two-thirds affirmative vote by Council is required to establish a Special Sign District.
   (g)   Nonresidential developments. Proposed in TCD-4 and TCD-5 Sub districts shall submit a sign plan along with the proposed development plan which shall have to be approved by the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 1988-175. Passed 10-17-88; Ord. 90-242. Passed 2-5-91; Ord. 16-145. Passed 10-4-16.)
   (a)   Except as otherwise provided in this code it shall be unlawful for any person to erect, construct, enlarge, move, convert, or modify any sign in the city, or cause the same to be done, without first obtaining a sign permit for each such sign from the Building Commissioner as required by this code. These directives shall not be construed to require any permit for a change of copy on any sign, nor for the repainting, cleaning and other normal maintenance or repair of a sign or sign structure for which a permit has previously been issued, so long as the sign or sign structure is not modified in any way. No new permit is required for signs which have permits and which conform with the requirements of this code on the date of its adoption unless and until the sign is altered or relocated. Applications for approval of a temporary sign shall be subject to review only by the Building Commissioner without further board review, except for any appeal. The Building Commissioner shall approve or reject the temporary sign application within five business days of filing.
   (b)   Expiration of Permit. Any sign permit issued by the Building Commissioner shall become null and void if installation is not commenced within one hundred and eighty days from the date of such permit. If work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned for one hundred and twenty days any time after the work is commenced, a new permit shall be first obtained prior to re-commencement of the work, and the fee required by Chapter 214 shall be one-half the amount required for a new permit for such work, provided that no changes have been made in the original plans. Such new permit may not be unreasonably withheld, providing that proper application and payment of permit fees is complied with.
   (c)   Emergencies. In emergency situations, where there is imminent danger of personal injury or harm to property, work may be initiated and completed without first applying for a permit. However, a permit shall be applied for within forty-eight hours after the first working day when work has commenced on the sign.
   (d)   Consent Required. No person shall erect, construct or maintain any sign upon any property or building without the consent of the owner or person entitled to possession of the property or building if any, or their authorized representatives.
   (e)   Application for Permit. An application for a permit shall be made to the Building Division upon forms provided by the Building Division. The application may be made separately or in conjunction with an application for a building permit.
      (1)   The application shall be accompanied by drawings to scale and shall include such information as may be required to assure compliance with all appropriate laws and regulations of the city including but not limited to the following:
         A.   The design and layout proposed, including the total area of the sign, materials to be used, structural supports, and the size, character and color of letters, lines and symbols;
         B.   The method of illumination, including a description of electrical components, if any;
         C.   The exact location of the sign in relation to the building and property; and
         D.   Details and specifications for construction, erection and attachments, which must meet the requirements found in Section 1284.05.
         E.   Name and address of owner of the sign.
         F.   Name and address of owner or the person in possession of the premises where the sign is located or to be located.
   (f)   Issuance, Denial, Revocation.
      (1)   The Building Commissioner shall issue a permit for the erection, alteration or relocation of a sign within thirty days of receipt of a valid application, provided that the sign complies with all applicable laws and regulations of the City. In all applications where a matter of interpretation arises, the more specific definition or higher standard shall prevail.
      (2)   The Building Commissioner may suspend or revoke in writing a permit issued under provisions of this section whenever the permit is issued on the basis of a misstatement of material fact or false representation. When a sign permit is denied or revoked by the Building Commissioner, he or she shall give written notice of the denial or revocation to the applicant, together with a brief written statement of the reasons for the denial or revocation.
   (g)   Effect of Issuance. No permit for a sign issued hereunder shall be deemed to constitute permission or authorization to maintain an unlawful sign nor shall any permit issued hereunder constitute a defense in an action to abate an unlawful sign.
   (h)   Permit Fee.
      (1)   Application for permits shall be filed with the Building Commissioner, together with a permit fee for each sign, provided, however, that the minimum fee for a permit shall be set forth in Chapter 214.
      (2)   If any sign is installed or placed on any property prior to receipt of a permit, the specified permit fee shall be doubled. However, payment of the doubled fee shall not relieve any person of any other requirements or penalties prescribed in this Zoning Code.
   (i)   Appeals. Any applicant may appeal to the Board of Zoning Appeals from any decision of the Building Commissioner pertaining to an application for a sign permit, maintenance or removal of any sign. Any such appeal shall meet the requirements set forth in Chapter 1264.
   (j)   Notice of Change of Sign Owner or User. Whenever there is a change in the sign user, owner, or owner of the property on which the sign is located, the new sign user, owner, or new property owner shall promptly notify the Building Commissioner of the change. No new sign permit is required, unless the sign is altered or relocated.
(Ord. 07-103. Passed 4-1-08; Ord. 13-152. Passed 2-4-14.)