(a) A school shall have a licensed physician who shall be in charge of the health care services for the children. The Department shall provide the services of such a physician in public schools and in other schools which request such service.
(b) When a child is injured or becomes ill under such circumstances that immediate medical care is needed, the person in charge shall obtain necessary emergency medical care and shall notify the parents or guardian of the child.
(c) When the Department is of the opinion that any child who is attending school is in need of medical attention, the person in charge of the school shall promptly notify his parents or guardian of the fact, and may also notify them that a medical examination of the child will be made by the school physician on a date not less than ten days after the sending of the notice. If, ten days after the sending of such notice, the parent or guardian has not registered an objection to such an examination, and has not presented a statement by a private, licensed physician that the child has been recently examined and is currently under care, the person in charge shall notify the school physician who shall then examine the child. When the Department is of the opinion that any child attending school is in need of immediate medical attention and that delay would be dangerous to health, the child may be examined immediately, and the child's parents or guardian shall be notified.
(d) The person in charge of a school or public or private high school shall not permit a child who is a case, contact or carrier of communicable disease to attend when required to be isolated or excluded by 24 RCNY Health Code Article 11. A child who has been a case, contact or carrier shall not be permitted to return to a school until:
(1) He presents a certificate of recovery issued by the Department, if he was a case of tuberculosis, a case or carrier of typhoid or paratyphoid A or B fever, or a case, carrier or household contact of diphtheria or smallpox; or,
(2) After the period of isolation, if he was a case of measles, mumps, German measles, chicken pox, whooping cough, streptococcal sore throat including scarlet fever, meningitis or poliomyelitis; or,
(3) He presents a certificate of recovery issued by the Department or a physician's written statement that he is free from disease in communicable form, if he was a case or carrier of any other disease reportable pursuant to 24 RCNY Health Code § 11.03. The statement shall indicate that he is free from disease in communicable form and that the period of isolation or exclusion required by 24 RCNY Health Code Article 11 has ended.
The school physician or nurse shall keep a current cumulative medical record for each child. The record shall contain the following: the information required by 24 RCNY Health Code § 45.19; all defects and data disclosed by the medical examination given pursuant to 24 RCNY Health Code § 49.05(a) and by all subsequent examinations; and a history of all illnesses, accidents and other health data. The record shall be the property of the Department but shall be kept in the custody of the school. When a child is transferred to another school in the City, whether elementary school, junior high school or high school, his medical record shall be forwarded to his new school. When a child is transferred to a school outside the City, his medical record shall be forwarded to his new school, if known, to the attention of the physician in charge of the school health service. When a child is admitted to a college, junior college, university or other school of higher education, his school health record shall be forwarded, upon receipt of the written request or consent of such child's parents or guardian, to the physician in charge of the health service of such school of higher education. A medical record which is not required to be forwarded to another school pursuant to this section shall be kept for at least five years after the child to whom the record relates leaves the school.
The provisions of this article apply to all children's institutions, and the requirements of this article shall be in addition to the requirements to be met by children's institutions pursuant to 24 RCNY Health Code Article 45.
(a) No person shall operate a children's institution without a permit issued by the Commissioner. This section shall not apply to an institution which is duly incorporated in the State for the purpose of operating a children's institution and has a certificate of incorporation approved by a Justice of the Supreme Court and by the State Board of Social Welfare, or is authorized to operate by the provisions of the Executive Law of the State of New York; except for the permit requirement such institutions shall, however, comply with the other provisions of this article.
(b) The Department shall be notified, in writing, by the operator of a children's institution of any proposed opening or closing of such institution.
(a) An application for a permit to operate a children's institution shall include the following:
(1) The name and address of the institution;
(2) The name and address of the corporation, association, partnership or individual operating the institution and the names and addresses of its officers;
(3) A copy of the certificate of occupancy, or when such certificate is not required by the Administrative Code, a statement from the Department of Buildings that the premises comply with the applicable building laws;
(4) A statement from the Fire Department that the institution meets the requirements of all applicable laws and regulations pertaining to fire control;
(5) The maximum number of children to be served in the institution and the number of children under the age of two years, the number of children two years and over and under six years and over and under 21 years of age; and,
(6) A sketch of the institution showing all of the rooms, including plumbing fixtures, exits and clothes closets, with their dimensions, and the use for which they are intended and the maximum number of children permitted in each room at any one time.
(b) An application for renewal of a permit shall include notice of any change which occurred since the submission of the previous application for a permit as to any information required to be submitted by subsection (a) of this section.
(a) Upon admission of a child, and before permitting him to come into contact with other children, the person in charge of the children's institution shall make inquiries whether the child is a case, carrier or recent contact of communicable disease. If there is reason to suspect that such child may endanger the health of the other children, he shall not be permitted to come into contact with them until a physician examines him and authorizes his release from isolation. Either immediately prior to admission or as soon as possible after admission, each child shall receive a complete medical examination by a physician who shall furnish to the institution a signed statement containing a summary of the results of the examination, the past medical history, and if a disease or abnormal condition is found, recommendations for isolation or treatment of the child, or modification of his activities, or plans for the health supervision of a handicapped child. A complete dental examination of each child is required upon admission and annually thereafter, except where a certificate is presented establishing that such an examination was performed within the six month period prior to admission. Where such certificate is presented, a complete dental examination is required within one year after the previous examination and annually thereafter.
(b) All children who have not received prophylaxis against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, poliomyelitis, measles, rubella and mumps or who need basic immunizations in accordance with standards promulgated by the Commissioner shall not be admitted to a children's institution unless they are immunized without delay. In a case of medical contraindication, the physician shall state the reason in writing.
(c) A child suffering from handicapping conditions including seizure disorders, mental retardation or mental disturbances may be admitted if the institution can meet the special needs of such children.
(d) The number of children admitted to a children's institution shall not exceed the maximum number for which the facilities and equipment of the institution are adequate under the provisions of this Code. In addition, in an institution under permit pursuant to 24 RCNY Health Code §§ 51.03 and 51.05, the number of children in each age group shall not exceed the number prescribed in the permit.
(a) After the effective date of this Code, no children's institution shall be constructed, altered or renovated without the Department's prior approval of the plans and specifications.
(b) All institutions providing care for thirteen or more children shall provide indoor playrooms for children under six years of age and indoor recreation rooms for children between six and twenty-one years of age. For children under six years of age the minimum allowance of play space for each child in indoor playrooms shall be 30 square feet of wall to wall space.
(c) Data on the size and capacity of each room used by the children shall be kept by the person in charge of the institution and shall be subject to inspection by the Department.
(d) In a children's institution with capacity for 15 or fewer children, a minimum of two toilets and two wash basins shall be provided, and for every additional 15 children or fraction thereof in the institution, one additional toilet and one wash basin shall be provided. Urinals may be provided pursuant to § 45.11(i).
(e) One bathtub with an adequate supply of hot and cold running water shall be provided for every ten children. In a lavatory for children six years of age or over, showers may be substituted for bathtubs.
(f) Effective means of eliminating insects, rodents and other pests shall be provided.
(a) Children of different sexes six years of age and over shall not be permitted to sleep in the same room in a children's institution.
(b) No room used for sleeping shall have less than 70 square feet of wall to wall space. When beds are used the minimum space allowance for each child in a bedroom shall be 45 square feet of wall to wall space, and when cribs are used it shall be 40 square feet of wall to wall space.
(c) A separate, suitable bed, crib or bassinet shall be provided for each child. Multiple-decked beds shall not be used without the approval of the Department. The beds and cribs shall be placed at least two feet apart. Mattresses on beds used by children who are enuretic or who are under three years of age shall be covered with a moisture-proof material. Clean sheets and pillow cases shall be provided for each child and changed at least once a week and more often if necessary. Blankets which are sufficient to maintain adequate warmth shall be available for use by each child and shall be used when necessary.