(a) A current cumulative medical record shall be kept for each child and shall be made available for examination by the Department. The record shall contain all defects and data disclosed by the medical examinations given pursuant to 24 RCNY Health Code §§ 51.07(a) and 51.19(b), and a history of all illnesses, accidents and other health data. The record for each child shall be kept on the premises of the children's institution providing care for such child. However, for children's institutions providing care for not more than twelve children, a legible copy of pertinent medical information needed for the proper care of each child may be kept on the premises in lieu of the cumulative medical record and, if so kept, such copy shall be made available for examination by the Department, provided that the cumulative medical record itself is made available for examination by the Department at the location where such record is stored or kept. The cumulative medical record shall be kept available at least until the later of the child's twenty-first birthday or five years after the child leaves the institution.
(b) When a child is transferred to another children's institution, a copy of his medical record shall be forwarded at the time of such transfer together with a current medical summary by the institution's physician, including a report of any treatment in progress or recommended treatment.
(c) When a child is discharged to the custody of his parent or guardian, a copy of the child's immunizations and other pertinent information, including a report of any treatment in progress or recommended treatment, shall be given at the time of such discharge to the person responsible for the child's care.
Visiting of children in children's institutions shall be encouraged by scheduling as many visiting hours during each week as possible without undue interference with the institution's program. When possible, a member of the professional staff shall be available to speak to parents and guardians during visiting hours. Visitors with evidence of communicable disease shall be excluded.