(a) Individual bathing and diapering facilities and equipment shall be used for infants under the age of three months.
(b) When children under one year of age are cared for, and the institution does not obtain all its infant formulas from a holder of a permit issued pursuant to 24 RCNY Health Code § 115.05, or does not use other commercially prepared formulas in compliance with 24 RCNY Health Code Article 116, a separate formula room shall be provided which shall be equipped pursuant to 24 RCNY Health Code § 41.25. Formulas shall be prepared pursuant to 24 RCNY Health Code § 41.77. In all cases, a separate area shall be provided for the storage of formulas and an area shall also be set aside for the collection and rinsing of used formula bottles and nipples.
All well children shall have a daily period of outdoor play, except during inclement weather; the age and health of the children and the weather shall be considered in determining the length of the period of outdoor play. The children shall be dressed appropriately for the weather and temperature.
(a) A children's institution shall have attached to its staff a licensed physician who shall visit the institution at least once a month and be responsible for the development of an adequate medical program. Children's institutions providing care for not more than 25 children may have a consulting physician, preferably one who is connected with the hospital facility used by such institution, who shall visit or be visited on a periodic basis, be available for consultation on health matters, and be responsible for the development of an adequate health program in such institution. The Department shall be notified of the physician's name and address when he is appointed.
(b) Each child in a children's institution shall be thoroughly examined by a licensed physician, as follows:
(1) Every month, if the child is under six months of age;
(2) Every two months, if the child is six months or over and under one year of age;
(3) Every six months, if the child is one year of age or over and under six years of age; (4) Annually, if the child is between six and twenty-one years of age; and,
(5) Within five days before the child is discharged from the institution.
(c) When a child presents a health problem, is injured, or becomes ill so as to require medical care, he shall be examined and treated by a physician and, if possible, his parents or guardian shall be notified immediately. If the necessary medical care or facilities cannot be provided at the institution, the child shall be removed to a hospital or other facility which can provide the proper care.
(d) In every infirmary or the room or area set aside for the care of ill children in a children's institution, there shall be available a schedule of standing orders drawn up by the physician for the temporary care of ill children until the physician is notified. No other medication shall be given except by order of a physician. A log of orders and medication given shall be kept.
(a) A current cumulative medical record shall be kept for each child and shall be made available for examination by the Department. The record shall contain all defects and data disclosed by the medical examinations given pursuant to 24 RCNY Health Code §§ 51.07(a) and 51.19(b), and a history of all illnesses, accidents and other health data. The record for each child shall be kept on the premises of the children's institution providing care for such child. However, for children's institutions providing care for not more than twelve children, a legible copy of pertinent medical information needed for the proper care of each child may be kept on the premises in lieu of the cumulative medical record and, if so kept, such copy shall be made available for examination by the Department, provided that the cumulative medical record itself is made available for examination by the Department at the location where such record is stored or kept. The cumulative medical record shall be kept available at least until the later of the child's twenty-first birthday or five years after the child leaves the institution.
(b) When a child is transferred to another children's institution, a copy of his medical record shall be forwarded at the time of such transfer together with a current medical summary by the institution's physician, including a report of any treatment in progress or recommended treatment.
(c) When a child is discharged to the custody of his parent or guardian, a copy of the child's immunizations and other pertinent information, including a report of any treatment in progress or recommended treatment, shall be given at the time of such discharge to the person responsible for the child's care.
Visiting of children in children's institutions shall be encouraged by scheduling as many visiting hours during each week as possible without undue interference with the institution's program. When possible, a member of the professional staff shall be available to speak to parents and guardians during visiting hours. Visitors with evidence of communicable disease shall be excluded.