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New York City Overview
The New York City Charter
The New York City Administrative Code
The Rules of the City of New York
Title 1: Department of Buildings
Title 2: Board of Standards and Appeals
Title 3: Fire Department
Title 6: Department of Consumer and Worker Protection
Title 9: Procurement Policy Board Rules
Title 12: Franchise and Concession Review Committee
Title 15: Department of Environmental Protection
Title 16: Department of Sanitation
Title 17: Business Integrity Commission
Title 19: Department of Finance
Chapter 1: Amnesty Program
Chapter 2: Annual Vault Charge [Repealed]
Chapter 3: Banking Corporations
Chapter 4: Cigarette Tax
Chapter 5: Coin-Operated Amusement Devices Tax [Repealed]
Chapter 6: Commercial Motor Vehicles
Chapter 7: Commercial Rent Tax
Chapter 8: Court and Trust Funds
Chapter 9: Fees
Chapter 10: Financial Corporations
Chapter 11: General Corporation Tax
Chapter 12: Hotel Room Occupancy Tax
Chapter 13: Foreclosure of Tax Liens by Action In Rem
Chapter 14: Rules Relating to the Industrial and Commercial Incentive Program
Chapter 15: Treatment of an International Banking Facility for Purposes of the Financial Corporation Tax
Chapter 16: Letter Rulings
Chapter 17: Filing Rules for New York City Income and Excise Taxes
Chapter 18: Municipal Employees' Charitable Contributions
Chapter 19: Parking Tax Exemption
Chapter 20: Peddler License Renewals (Tax Standards) [Repealed]
Chapter 21: Publication of Decisions
Chapter 22: Real Estate Tax Abatement on Rent-Controlled Property Occupied by Eligible Senior Citizens
Chapter 23: Real Property Transfer Tax
Chapter 24: Refunds of Real Property Taxes
Chapter 25: Retail Licensees of the State Liquor Authority
Chapter 26: Creation and Retention of Books and Records
Chapter 27: Practice and Procedure
Chapter 28: Unincorporated Business Tax
Chapter 29: Interest Rates on New York City Income and Excise Taxes
Chapter 30: Relocation and Employment Assistance Program
Chapter 31: Adjudications
Chapter 32: Claims Against Fire Insurance Proceeds
Chapter 33: Filing of Income and Expense Statements
Chapter 34: Offers-in-Compromise
Chapter 35: Refunds of Erroneous or Excess Payments of Taxes, Assessments, Water Charges and Sewer Rents
Chapter 36: Rules Relating to the Industrial and Commercial Abatement Program
Chapter 37: Change of Tentative Assessments Pursuant to Section 1512 of the Charter
Chapter 38: Conciliation Bureau
Chapter 39: Parking Violations
Chapter 40: Rules Relating to the Sale of Tax Liens
Chapter 42: Office of the City Sheriff
Chapter 43: Rules Relating to the Office of the City Register
Chapter 44: Payment of Real Property Taxes by Electronic Funds Transfer
Chapter 45: Rules Relating to Qualifications as a Responsible Bidder
Chapter 46: The Real Property Tax Surcharge on Certain Class One Properties
Chapter 47: Horse Race Admissions Tax
Chapter 48: Rules Relating to the Biotechnology Credit Against Unincorporated Business Tax and General Corporation Tax
Chapter 49: Rules Relating to Challenges to the Validity of Real Property Taxes
Chapter 50: Rules Relating to the Partial Tax Abatement for Residential Real Property Held in the Cooperative or Condominium Form of Ownership
Chapter 51: Rules Relating to the Rebate for Owners of Certain Real Property Seriously Damaged by Hurricane Sandy
Chapter 52: Rules Relating to Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption and Disability Rent Increase Exemption Program
Chapter 53: Power of the Commissioner of Finance to Correct Errors Concerning Assessment or Tax on Real Property
Chapter 54: Mergers and Apportionments of Real Property Tax Lots
Chapter 55: Adjudication of Certain Notices of Violation and Sealing of Premises
Chapter 56: Real Property Tax Abatement for Major Capital Improvements for Certain Class Two Properties
Chapter 57: Ground Floor and Second Floor Commercial Premises Registry
Chapter 58: Sustainable Energy Loan Program
Chapter 59: [Child Care Services Business Tax Credit]
Chapter 60: Childcare Center Tax Abatement
Title 20: Tax Appeals Tribunal
Title 21: Tax Commission
Title 22: Banking Commission
Title 24: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Title 25: Department of Mental Health and Retardation [Repealed]
Title 28: Housing Preservation and Development
Title 29: Loft Board
Title 30: Rent Guidelines Board
Title 31: Mayor's Office of Homelessness and Single Room Occupancy
Title 34: Department of Transportation
Title 35: Taxi and Limousine Commission
Title 38: Police Department
Title 38-A: Civilian Complaint Review Board
Title 39: Department of Correction
Title 40: Board of Correction
Title 41: Department of Juvenile Justice
Title 42: Department of Probation
Title 43: Mayor
Title 44: Comptroller
Title 45: Borough Presidents
Title 46: Law Department
Title 47: Commission on Human Rights
Title 48: Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH)
Title 49: Department of Records and Information Services
Title 50: Community Assistance Unit
Title 51: City Clerk
Title 52: Campaign Finance Board*
Title 53: Conflicts of Interest Board
Title 55: Department of Citywide Administrative Services
Title 56: Department of Parks and Recreation
Title 57: Art Commission
Title 58: Department of Cultural Affairs
Title 60: Civil Service Commission
Title 61: Office of Collective Bargaining
Title 62: City Planning
Title 63: Landmarks Preservation Commission
Title 66: Department of Small Business Services
Title 67: Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications
Title 68: Human Resources Administration
Title 69: Department of Aging
Title 70: In Rem Foreclosure Release Board
Title 71: Voter Assistance Commission
Title 72: Office of Emergency Management
Title 73: Civic Engagement Commission
Title 74: Community Hiring
§ 23-14 Refund.
The Commissioner of Finance will refund or credit, without interest, any tax, penalty, or interest erroneously, illegally or unconstitutionally collected or paid if application to the Commissioner of Finance for such refund shall be made within one year from the payment thereof.
   (a)   Persons who may apply. An application for refund or credit may be made by any one of the following persons, as the case may be:
      (1)   The grantor, if he has paid the tax to the Commissioner of Finance;
      (2)   The grantee, if he has paid the tax to the Commissioner of Finance;
      (3)   Any other person who has actually paid the tax to the Commissioner of Finance.
   (b)   Application and requirements. No special form of application for the filing of a claim for refund or credit has been prescribed by the Commissioner of Finance. However, an application for refund or credit must be in writing and signed by the applicant or his duly authorized agent. If the application is signed by an agent, it must be accompanied by a power of attorney from his principal in a form acceptable to the Commissioner of Finance.
      (1)   The application must set forth the ground upon which the claim for refund or credit is made.
      (2)   The application must show on its face that it has been filed with the Commissioner of Finance within one year from the date of payment of the tax. The application must be accompanied by:
         (i)   A cancelled check or other evidence of payment of the tax by the applicant to the Commissioner of Finance;
         (ii)   Such other additional information as the Commissioner of Finance may require. The Commissioner of Finance may require general releases to the City from both the grantor and the grantee before authorizing a refund or granting a credit. Where the payment of the tax is made by check and the check cannot be presented as evidence of payment, a photostatic copy thereof, showing both the front and back of the check, will be accepted in lieu thereof. The Commissioner of Finance, in lieu of any refund required to be made, may allow credit therefor on payments due from the applicant. The Commissioner of Finance reserves the right to audit the taxpayer's books and records prior to the granting of any refund or he may grant the refund or credit subject to audit. The granting of a refund or credit before audit is without prejudice to the right of the Commissioner of Finance to determine after audit the applicant's right to the refund or credit and his liability for tax. The Commissioner of Finance will deny application for refund or credit where he determines that the statutory requirements have not been met or that the grounds set forth in the application are without merit. An application for refund or credit shall be deemed an application for a revision of any tax, penalty or interest complained of, and the Commissioner of Finance may receive evidence with respect thereto. The Commissioner of Finance will make his determination and give notice thereof to the applicant. The Commissioner's determination may be reviewed by a proceeding pursuant to Article 78 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules, provided such proceeding is instituted within four months after the giving of notice of such determination and provided that a final determination of tax due was not previously made. Such proceeding shall not be instituted unless an undertaking is filed with the Commissioner of Finance for such amount and with such sureties as a justice of the Supreme Court shall approve, to the effect that if such proceeding is dismissed or the tax confirmed, the petitioner will pay all costs and charges which may accrue in the prosecution of the proceeding. A person shall not be entitled to a revision, refund or credit under the law of a tax, interest or penalty which had been determined to be due pursuant to the provisions of the law where he has had a hearing or an opportunity for a hearing, as provided in said law, or has failed to avail himself of the remedies therein provided. No refund or credit shall be made of a tax, interest or penalty paid after a determination by the Commissioner of Finance made pursuant to the law unless it be found that such determination was erroneous, illegal or unconstitutional or otherwise improper, by the Commissioner of Finance after hearing or on his own motion, or in a proceeding under Article 78 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules, pursuant to the provisions of said law, in which event refund or credit without interest shall be made of the tax, interest or penalty found to have been overpaid.
§ 23-15 Proceedings to Recover Tax.
Whenever any grantor or grantee shall fail to pay any tax or penalty imposed by the law, the Corporation Counsel shall, upon the request of the Commissioner of Finance, bring or cause to be brought an action to enforce payment of the same against the person liable for the same on behalf of the City of New York in any court of the State of New York or of any other state or of the United States. If, however, the Commissioner of Finance in his discretion believes that any such grantor or grantee subject to the provisions of the law is about to cease business, leave the State or remove or dissipate the assets of which tax or penalties might be satisfied and that any such tax or penalty will not be paid when due, he may declare such tax or penalty to be immediately due and payable and may issue a warrant immediately. As an additional or alternate remedy, the Commissioner of Finance may issue a warrant, directed to the City Sheriff, commanding him to levy upon and sell the real and personal property of the grantor, grantee or other person liable for the tax which may be found within the City, for the payment of the amount thereof, with any penalties and interest, and the cost of executing the warrant, and to return such warrant to the Commissioner of Finance and to pay him the money collected by virtue thereof within sixty days after the receipt of such warrant. The City Sheriff shall, within five days after the receipt of the warrant, file with the County Clerk a copy thereof, and thereupon such clerk shall enter in the judgment docket the name of the person mentioned in the warrant and the amount of the tax, penalties and interest for which the warrant is issued and the date when such copy is filed. Thereupon the amount of such warrant so docketed shall become a lien upon the title to and interest in real and personal property of the person against whom the warrant is issued. The City Sheriff shall then proceed upon the warrant in the same manner and with like effect as that provided by law in respect to executions issued against property upon judgments of a court of record, and for services in executing the warrant he shall be entitled to the same fees which he may collect in the same manner. In the discretion of the Commissioner of Finance a warrant of like terms, force and effect may be issued and directed to any officer or employee of the Department of Finance, and in the execution thereof such officer or employee shall have all the powers conferred by law upon sheriffs, but shall be entitled to no fee or compensation in excess of the actual expenses paid in the performance of such duty. If a warrant is returned not satisfied in full, the Commissioner of Finance may from time to time issue new warrants and shall also have the same remedies to enforce the amount due thereunder as if the city had recovered judgment therefore and execution thereon had been returned unsatisfied.
§ 23-16 Determination of Tax Deficiency.
If a return or affidavit required by the law is not filed, or if a return or affidavit when filed is incorrect or insufficient, the Commissioner of Finance will determine the amount of tax due from such records or information as may be obtainable, including the assessed valuation of the real property or interest therein and/or other factors. Notice of such determination will be given to the person liable for the payment of the tax. Such determination shall finally and irrevocably fix the tax unless the person against whom it is assessed, within thirty days after giving of notice of such determination, shall apply to the Commissioner of Finance for a hearing, or unless the Commissioner of Finance, on his own motion, shall redetermine the same. After such hearing the Commissioner of Finance shall give notice of his determination to the person against whom the tax is assessed. The determination of the Commissioner of Finance shall be reviewable for error, illegality or unconstitutionality or any other reason whatsoever by proceeding under Article 78 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules if application therefor is made to the Supreme Court within four months after the giving of the notice of such determination. A proceeding under Article 78 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules shall not be instituted unless:
   (a)   the amount of any tax sought to be reviewed, with penalties and interest thereon, if any, shall be first deposited with the Commissioner of Finance and there shall be filed with the Commissioner of Finance an undertaking in such amount and with such sureties as a justice of the Supreme Court shall approve, to the effect that if such proceeding be dismissed or the tax confirmed, the petitioner will pay costs and charges which may accrue in the prosecution of the proceeding; or
   (b)   at the option of the applicant such undertaking filed with the Commissioner of Finance may be in a sum sufficient to cover the taxes, penalties and interest thereon stated in such determination plus the costs and charges which may accrue against it in the prosecution of the proceeding, in which event the applicant shall not be required to deposit such taxes, penalties and interest as a condition precedent to the application.
§ 23-17 Statute of Limitations.
The provisions of the Civil Practice Law and Rules or any other law relative to limitations of time for the enforcement of a civil remedy shall not apply to any proceeding or action taken by the City to levy, appraise, assess, determine or enforce the collection of any tax or penalty provided by the law. However, except in the case of a willfully false or fraudulent return or affidavit with intent to evade the tax, no assessment of additional tax shall be made after the expiration of more than three years from the date of filing of a return or affidavit; provided, however, that where no return or affidavit has been filed as provided by law the tax may be assessed at any time. Where, before the expiration of the period prescribed herein for the assessment of an additional tax, a taxpayer has consented in writing that such period be extended, the amount of such additional tax due may be determined at any time within such extended period. The period so extended may be further extended by subsequent consents in writing made before the expiration of the extended period.
§ 23-18 Notices.
Any notice authorized or required by the law may be given by mailing it to the person for whom it is intended in a postpaid envelope addressed to such person at the address given in the last return or affidavit filed by him pursuant to the law, or in any application made by him, or in any deed or instrument which is the subject of the notice, or if no return or affidavit has been filed or application made or address stated in the deed or instrument, then to such address as may be obtainable. The mailing of such notice shall be presumptive evidence of the receipt of the same by the person to whom addressed. Any period of time which is determined according to the provisions of the law by the giving of notice shall commence to run from the date of mailing of such notice.