The Commissioner of Finance is entitled to collect fees for the services hereinafter specified in addition to those now fixed by statute:
(a) for issuing certificate of payment when original receipt has been lost through the fault of the payor | $7.00 |
(b) For preparing and issuing certified transcript of record per item | $7.00 |
(c) For processing checks in payment of any tax, assessment, or charge returned unpaid by bank for any reason other than verified bank error | $20.00 |
(d) For preparing and furnishing certification of block and lot on a copy of a tax map (per lot fee) | $10.00 |
(e) For processing applications for tax lot mergers and/or apportionments, including processing new condominium/cooperative conversions, including issuance of new lot numbers | $73.00/tax lot |
(f) For processing a request for a Letter Ruling and preparing and issuing a Letter Ruling based on a request received on or after November 6, 1989 (per ruling) | $250.00 |
(g) For conducting a lienor search to identify interested parties prior to final judgment of foreclosure against a parcel, from any person who seeks to redeem such parcel or obtain a release of the City's interest following final judgment | $35.00 |
(h) For the processing of paper checks, drafts or similar paper instruments, written for payments issued through the City's financial management system | $3.50 |
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the commissioner of finance may determine that this subdivision shall not apply to certain paper checks, drafts or similar paper instruments, including, but not limited to:
(1) Inter-governmental and intra-governmental transfers of funds;
(2) Transfer of funds to City financial accounts;
(3) Payments to City employees;
(4) Refunds of collected revenue;
(5) Payments made via the judgment and claims processes; and
(6) Payments determined by agencies to be "miscellaneous vendors" and, therefore, outside of the standard vendor enrollment process.