(a) Tentative Assessment Roll.
(i) Except for the property defined as class one property pursuant to § 1802 of the Real Property Tax Law, the tentative assessment roll containing the tentative assessed valuation of real property for the succeeding fiscal year is open to the public beginning January 15th and ending March 1st of each year.
(ii) For the property defined as class one property pursuant to § 1802 of the Real Property Tax Law, the tentative assessment roll is open to the public beginning January 15th and ending March 15th of each year.
(iii) Section 1512 of the Charter provides that during the period in which the tentative assessment roll is open for public inspection, the Commissioner of Finance may correct the assessment roll by adding property that had been omitted or by increasing or decreasing the assessed valuation of property. An additional period ending May 10th is provided for changes for non-residential real property. 19 RCNY Chapter 37 provides the procedure for property owner requests for the Department of Finance to review the tentative assessed valuation of real property.
(b) Request for Review. A request for review filed with the Department of Finance pursuant to subdivision (a) of this section and 19 RCNY Chapter 37 shall not:
(i) affect a property owner's right to apply for a correction of tentative assessed valuation with the New York City Tax Commission;
(ii) affect any deadline for such application with the Tax Commission; or
(iii) satisfy the requirement that a property owner have filed a timely application for correction with the Tax Commission in order to obtain subsequent judicial review of an assessed valuation.