Appendix D:
Exit Stairwell Entrance Door Marking in Group R-1 and R-2 Buildings and Occupancies
Exit Stairwell Entrance Door Marking in Group R-1 and R-2 Buildings and Occupancies
1. Fire emergency markings for exit stairwell entrance doors

Figure D1 depicts the fire emergency marking required to be placed on the public corridor side of the entrance doors to the exit stairwell designated as Stairwell A.
Appendix E:
Placement of Entrance Door Fire Emergency Markings in Group R-1 and Group R-2 Buildings and Occupancies
Placement of Entrance Door Fire Emergency Markings in Group R-1 and Group R-2 Buildings and Occupancies

Figure E1 depicts the location where entrance door fire emergency markings required by this rule must be placed. Such markings are to be affixed to the door jamb on the hinged side of the entrance door as shown in Figure E1, and must be fully visible from the corridor side of the door when the door is in the closed position.
(Added City Record 4/29/2016, eff. 5/29/2016)