(a) Scope. This section sets forth standards and requirements for the design and placement of entrance door room number markings for dwelling units (apartments, guest rooms and sleeping rooms) in Group R-1 and Group R-2 buildings and occupancies, and lobby and hallway corridor directional signs, which serve to assist emergency response personnel in locating such dwelling units.
(b) General Provisions.
(1) Applicability. The marking and sign provisions of FC 505.3 and this section are operational and maintenance requirements. Pursuant to FC 102.2, these requirements are applicable to all Group R-1 and Group R-2 buildings and occupancies subject to FC 505.3, regardless of when such building or occupancy was constructed or established.
(2) Time for compliance. Pursuant to FC 505.3.3, buildings and occupancies existing on May 31, 2016, shall be brought into compliance with the marking and sign requirements of FC 505.3 and this section by March 30, 2017. Buildings and occupancies for which a certificate of occupancy or temporary certificate of occupancy is issued by the Department of Buildings on or after June 1, 2016, shall be compliant with such requirements prior to occupancy of the building or occupancy.
(3) Existing markings and signs. Any building or occupancy that has installed markings and signs prior to June 1, 2016, that vary from the requirements of FC 505.3 and this section may retain such markings and signs, provided that such existing markings and signs are conspicuously and durably printed or posted, and communicate the same or substantially similar information required by this section. Any such existing marking or sign shall be replaced with a marking or sign that complies with the requirements of this section whenever the existing marking or sign in the building or occupancy is repainted or replaced.
(4) Conformance with plans. Entrance door room number and directional markings and signs must be consistent with the room numbers reflected upon any emergency preparedness plan or other plan requiring room identification prepared and/or filed in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations.
(5) Tampering. Pursuant to FC 107.4.2, it is unlawful for any person to remove, deface, obscure or otherwise render illegible any marking or sign required by FC 505.3 and this section.
(c) Dwelling Unit Entrance Door Identification.
(1) Where required. Pursuant to FC 505.3, at least one (1) entrance door to each dwelling unit shall be marked or have a sign identifying the room number and/or letter as set forth in this section. Dwelling units having more than one (1) entrance door shall place the marking or sign on or adjacent to the main entrance door.
(2) Location. Pursuant to FC 505.3, the entrance door marking or sign identifying the room number and/or letter shall be conspicuously and durably printed or posted on or adjacent to the entrance door, on the public corridor side of the door. The marking or sign letters and numbers shall be at least 48 inches, but not more than 60 inches, above the floor.
(3) Design. The entrance door markings and signs shall comply with the following design requirements:
(A) Letters and numbers shall be san serif, not less than one-half (½) inch in height, and shall use Arabic numerals and/or English alphabet capital letters.
(B) Character proportions and spacing, including stroke width, spacing between characters and line spacing, shall be in accordance with national and industry standards for building signage.
(C) Letters and numbers shall contrast with the background (whether of the door, the wall, or the sign) so as to be plainly discernible. Room number markings and signs may, but are not required to, include hyphens or other forms of punctuation.
(4) Method of affixing. Room number markings and signs shall be durably affixed in compliance with the following requirements:
(A) Painted markings shall be selected and applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
(B) Adhesives used to affix room number signs shall be sufficiently durable to ensure an extended useful life of the sign.
(C) Signs affixed to fire doors or fire-rated walls using screws or nails shall not compromise the fire rating of the door or wall.
(d) Building Lobby and Hallway Corridor Directional Markings or Signs.
(1) Where required. Pursuant to FC 505.3, in a Group R-1 and Group R-2 building or occupancy with more than eight (8) dwelling units on a floor, a marking shall be placed or a sign posted in a conspicuous location in the elevator lobby or other public entry on each floor, and in the public corridor opposite each stairwell entrance, in accordance with 3 RCNY § 505-01(d)(2). The marking or sign shall identify by directional arrows and dwelling unit numbers and/or letters, the direction to each dwelling unit. Such markings or signs are not required in the public entry or opposite any stairwell entrance in any building or on any floor where the entrances to dwelling units are located in a single direction from such entry or stairwell entrance. For purposes of this section, a "single direction" means that all dwelling units are located along a single corridor. If dwelling units are located on more than one corridor, directional markings or signs shall be provided at each location where the corridor from the stairwell intersects with another corridor.
(2) Location. Pursuant to FC 505.3, the directional markings and signs shall be conspicuously and durably printed or posted. The numbers, letters and directional arrows shall be at least 48 inches, but not more than 60 inches, above the floor. Stairwell directional markings or signs shall be located on the wall directly opposite the stairway entrance door. If there is no wall opposite such stairway entrance, or such location is not suitable for such purpose, the directional marking or sign shall be located at the nearest suitable location on the wall opposite the non-hinged side of the stairway entrance door.
(3) Design. The design of directional markings and signs shall be in accordance with 3 RCNY § 505-01(c)(3).
(4) Method of affixing. Directional markings and signs shall be affixed in accordance with 3 RCNY § 505-01(c)(4).
(e) Operational and Maintenance Requirements.
(1) Maintenance required. Markings and signs required by FC 505.3 and this section shall be maintained in good repair. Markings and signs that are found to be missing, defaced, obscured, illegible, damaged or loose shall be repaired or replaced.
(2) Initial compliance inspection. Owners of buildings and occupancies subject to FC 505.3 shall have such buildings and occupancies inspected within the time for compliance set forth in 3 RCNY § 505-01(b)(2) to confirm that such building or occupancy's markings and signs conform to the requirements of this section.
(3) Periodic compliance inspection. Owners of buildings and occupancies subject to FC 505.3 shall have such buildings and occupancies inspected at least once per year to verify that the markings and signs are in good repair, and repair or replace any markings that are not.
(f) Recordkeeping.
(1) Compliance inspections. Records of the inspections required by 3 RCNY § 505-01(e)(2) and (3) shall be maintained in accordance with FC 107.7. Dated entries shall be made with respect to the floors or other areas of the building or occupancy that have been inspected, the printed name and signature of the person who performed the inspection, and the markings or signs that require repair or replacement. Dated entries shall be made when such markings or signs are repaired and/or replaced.
(2) Existing markings and signs. A written record shall be made prior to March 30, 2017, of existing markings and signs retained in accordance with 3 RCNY § 505-01(b)(3). Such record shall be maintained for so long as the existing markings and signs are retained.
(Added City Record 4/29/2016, eff. 5/29/2016)