Editor's note: this section has been amended by L.L. 2024/117, 12/3/2024, eff. 4/1/2025.
a. The ten-year capital strategy shall be issued by the mayor pursuant to section two hundred forty-eight after (i) submission of a preliminary strategy by the department of city planning and the office of management and budget pursuant to section two hundred twenty-eight, and (ii) submission of a report on the preliminary strategy by the city planning commission following a public hearing, pursuant to section two hundred thirty-four.
b. Contents of ten-year capital strategy. Each ten-year capital strategy shall include:
(1) a narrative describing the strategy for the development of the city's capital facilities for the ensuing ten fiscal years; the factors underlying such strategy including goals, policies, constraints and assumptions and the criteria for assessment of capital needs; the anticipated sources of financing for such strategy; and the implications of the strategy, including possible economic, social and environmental effects;
(2) tables presenting the capital commitments estimated to be made during each of the ensuing ten fiscal years, by program category and agency. Where relevant the anticipated sources of financing for particular categories and projects shall be specified; and
(3) a map or maps which illustrate major components of the strategy as relevant.
c. In the preparation of the preliminary ten-year capital strategy, the department of city planning and office of management and budget shall consider (i) the strategic policy statements of the mayor and the borough presidents pursuant to section seventeen, (ii) relevant citywide, borough and community plans adopted pursuant to section one hundred ninety seven-a, and (iii) the reports pursuant to section two hundred fifty-seven comparing the most recent ten-year capital strategy with the capital budgets and programs adopted for the current and previous fiscal years.
a. Upon receipt of a recommendation in writing from the mayor or a borough president, in manner specified herein, the council may amend the capital budget or capital program in the same manner as the adoption of the capital budget and capital program including the right to approve the proposed amendment as submitted or to increase or decrease the amounts of funds proposed to be appropriated thereby, but only if funds are available within the capital budget and the applicable program category of the capital program; provided, however, that (i) the mayor may only recommend such an amendment relating to an appropriation included in the capital budget pursuant to section two hundred eleven with the concurrence of the relevant borough president; and (ii) the borough president may only make such a recommendation with regard to such an appropriation if it provides for an offsetting reduction in another appropriation included in the capital budget pursuant to section two hundred eleven on the recommendation of such borough president and it is concurred in by the mayor.
b. Upon the adoption of any such amendment by the council, it shall be certified by the mayor, the public advocate and the city clerk and the capital budget shall be amended accordingly.
c. Not later than five days after such certification such amendment shall be filed in the office of the comptroller and shall be published forthwith in the City Record.
a. No obligations of the city shall be issued or authorized for or on account of any capital project not included in a capital budget, or for which funds have not been reserved in an appropriate program category of the capital program for any year of such program in which it is projected that funds will be expended for the completion of the project, or in excess of the maximum amount of obligations which may be issued on account of such project as fixed in such capital budget; and no amount may be expended on account of any capital project in excess of the amount appropriated for such purposes in a capital budget, except that the amount appropriated for such purposes may be increased by the mayor by not more than fifteen per centum thereof in order to meet any costs required to advance such project. Notice of any such increase shall be provided to the council together with a statement of identifiable funds available for payment of the increase.
b. Funds included in the capital budget for a capital project that are not obligated or committed during the fiscal year in which appropriated shall not be obligated or committed in the subsequent fiscal year unless reappropriated in a subsequent capital budget or an amendment thereto. A capital project included in a capital budget that is not initiated by the expenditure of funds within two years after its inclusion in the budget shall be eliminated from the budget.
c. The city may issue capital debt only to finance capital projects as defined in section two hundred ten. The capital budget may not include expense items that are properly includable only in the expense budget, as determined in accordance with the accounting principles set forth in the state comptroller's uniform system of accounts for municipalities, as the same may be modified by the state comptroller, in consultation with the city comptroller, for application to the city.
d. No capital project shall be included in the proposed executive capital budget or otherwise adopted as part of the capital budget or as an amendment thereto unless sufficient funds are available within the appropriate general program category of the capital program for any year of such program in which it is projected that additional appropriations will be necessary for the completion of the project.
a. The selection of sites for capital projects shall be pursuant to the uniform procedures provided pursuant to sections one hundred ninety-seven-c and one hundred ninety-seven-d, except for acquisition of office space pursuant to section one hundred ninety-five.
b. To the maximum extent feasible, final approval of a site for a capital project shall occur prior to or simultaneously with the approval of the scope of the project pursuant to this chapter.
c. During the review required by subdivision a, the community board and borough president shall also review, and may comment on, the scope of the project.
a. The inclusion of a capital project in the capital budget as adopted or amended shall constitute a direction and order to the agency to proceed with the preparation of a scope of project pursuant to this chapter unless sufficient planning funds for such purpose have not been appropriated in the capital budget. The head of the agency shall notify the comptroller of the amount of appropriated planning funds to be encumbered for such purpose.
b. The approval of a scope of project for a capital project pursuant to this chapter, including the amount of obligations necessary to finance the design and construction of the project, shall constitute a direction and order to the agency to design the project, unless sufficient funds for such purpose have not been appropriated in the capital budget or are otherwise not available within the appropriate program category of the capital program. Such approval shall constitute notification to the comptroller of the comptroller's authorization to expend appropriated design funds.
c. The approval of the final design for a capital project pursuant to this chapter shall constitute a direction and order to the agency responsible for construction to prepare bid and award documents and to proceed to bid, unless sufficient funds for such purpose have not been appropriated in the capital budget or are otherwise not available within each year of the capital program in which it is projected that funds will be expended for the completion of the project. Such approval shall constitute notification to the comptroller of the comptroller's authorization to expend appropriated construction funds.
d. 1. The mayor shall ensure the preparation of capital commitment plans in the form of periodic reports in regard to capital projects. Such reports shall be published at least three times each year as follows: a report that includes information for the current year and the ensuing three fiscal years shall be published no later than 90 days after the adoption of the capital budget; a report that includes information for the current fiscal year and the ensuing four fiscal years shall be published with the preliminary capital budget; and a report that includes information for the current fiscal year and the ensuing four fiscal years shall be published with the executive capital budget. Each report shall include:
(a) for the current year and each ensuing fiscal year for which information is included, appropriations and planned commitments by project type and planned commitments by agency;
(b) for each capital project, as applicable, a description of such project, the schedule of planned commitments for the current year and each ensuing fiscal year for which information is included, available appropriations, expenditures and the current milestone associated with such project; and
(c) for the prior four fiscal years, commitments by project type and total expenditures by fiscal year.
2. The mayor shall ensure the preparation of periodic capital project detail data reports in regard to the progress of capital projects, including schedules and clear explanations of any delays for particular projects and summary information on each agency's record on such matters. Such capital project detail data reports shall be published at least three times each year: no later than 120 days after the adoption of the capital budget; no later than 30 days after submission of the preliminary capital budget; and no later than 30 days after submission of the executive capital budget.
3. Copies of reports required by paragraphs 1 and 2 of this subdivision shall be transmitted by the mayor to the council, the city planning commission, the community boards, the borough boards and borough presidents, and posted online on the website of the office of management and budget in a machine-readable format.
4. As used in this subdivision, the following terms have the following meanings:
Commitment. The term "commitment" means a procurement contract for the development or execution of a capital project that is registered pursuant to section 328 or otherwise made effective.
Planned commitment. The term "planned commitment" means a procurement contract provisionally approved by the director of management and budget that, if registered pursuant to section 328 or otherwise made effective, would constitute a commitment.
e. Any capital project which results in the acquisition or construction of a capital asset which will be subject to the requirements of section eleven hundred ten-a shall contain a provision requiring a comprehensive manual setting forth the useful life of the asset and explaining the activities necessary to maintain the asset throughout such useful life.
f. The mayor may issue directives and adopt rules and regulations in regard to the execution of capital projects, consistent with the requirements of subdivisions a, b, c and d of this section, which shall be binding upon all agencies.
(Am. L.L. 2020/037, 3/13/2020, eff. 3/13/2020; Am. L.L. 2021/035, 3/28/2021, eff. 3/28/2021)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Administrative Code Appendix A at L.L. 2020/037.