a. Agencies that award client services contracts shall produce a draft and final plan and schedule detailing anticipated contracting actions for the upcoming fiscal year, and shall hold at least one public hearing each year immediately following the release of the draft plan and schedule to receive testimony regarding the plan and schedule. The draft and final plan and schedule shall include, but not be limited to: the type of services to be provided, the authorized maximum amount of funding associated with the program, the authorized number of contracts to be let for a particular program, the month and year of the next planned competitive solicitation. Failure to include a contract in the plan and schedule issued pursuant to this section shall not be grounds for invalidating the contract. The procurement policy board shall promulgate rules governing the issuance of the draft and final plans and schedules, which shall ensure that the draft plan and schedule is issued promptly following the submission of the executive budget and that the final plan and schedule is issued no later than September thirtieth each year.
b. Pursuant to rules of the procurement policy board, each agency shall
1. for each category of goods, services or construction which is regularly procured by the agency, periodically publish in the City Record a notice soliciting the names of vendors interested in being notified of future procurement opportunities in each such category,
2. for each category of goods, services or construction for which the agency prequalifies vendors for future procurement, periodically publish in the City Record a notice soliciting the names and qualifications of vendors interested in being considered for prequalification for such category, and
3. publish in the City Record, and, where appropriate, in newspapers of city, state or national distribution and trade publications, notice of
(a) the solicitation of bids or proposals pursuant to section three hundred thirteen and three hundred seventeen through three hundred twenty-two, where the value of a contract is estimated to be above the small purchase limits, except where the agency has determined pursuant to section three hundred eighteen or three hundred twenty that solicitation should be limited to prequalified vendors,
(b) the award of a contract exceeding the small purchase limits in value. Each such notice of award shall indicate the name of the contractor, the dollar value of the contract, the procurement method by which the contract was let, and for contracts let by other than competitive sealed bidding, a citation of the clause of subdivision b of section three hundred twelve pursuant to which a procurement method other than competitive sealed bidding was utilized.
c. The procurement policy board, in consultation with the commissioner of citywide administrative services, shall promulgate rules providing for the publication and content of notices of contract actions required by this chapter. Such rules shall include provisions regarding,
i. the timing and frequency of notices,
ii. the required duration of solicitation periods,
iii. the form and content of notices, including the organization and presentation of such notices within standard categories of goods, services and construction which are sufficiently detailed to provide meaningful distinctions among categories.
d. The notice required by subparagraph a of paragraph three of subdivision a of this section shall not apply to contracts awarded on an emergency basis pursuant to section three hundred fifteen, provided that the agency shall, as soon as is practicable, publish notice that such a contract has been entered into, pursuant to rules of the procurement policy board, nor shall such notice requirements apply where the notice would disclose litigation strategy or otherwise impair the conduct of litigation by the city.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Administrative Code Appendix A at L.L. 1996/059.
Editor's note: this section has been amended by 2024 N.Y. Laws Ch. 483, 11/22/2024, eff. 5/21/2025.
a. Prior to entering into any contract for goods, services or construction to be awarded by other than competitive sealed bidding or competitive sealed bids from prequalified vendors, the value of which exceeds one hundred thousand dollars, the agency shall upon reasonable public notice conduct a public hearing to receive testimony regarding the proposed contract. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, if, within a period of time after such notice, which period of time shall be determined by the procurement policy board, no individual requests an opportunity to speak at such a public hearing with respect to any such proposed contract the value of which does not exceed one million dollars, then such public hearing need not be conducted. The procurement policy board may by rule exempt from this public hearing requirement contracts to be let which do not differ materially in terms and conditions, as defined by the board, from contracts currently held by the city where the parties to such contracts are the same; provided, that under no circumstance may such exemption apply to any contract in value exceeding ten million dollars.
b. The requirements of this section shall not apply to any procurement (i) let pursuant to a finding of an emergency under section three hundred fifteen, (ii) required to be made on an accelerated basis due to markets which experience significant, short-term price fluctuations, as identified by rule of the board, or (iii) where a public hearing would disclose litigation strategy or otherwise impair the conduct of litigation by the city.
Editor's note: Section 2 of 2024 N.Y. Laws Ch. 483, 11/22/2024, eff. 5/21/2025, provides: "§ 2. No later than September 30, 2025, and no later than September 30 of each year thereafter, the mayor's office of contract services of the city of New York shall submit to the governor, the temporary president of the senate, the speaker of the assembly, the mayor of the city of New York, and the comptroller of the city of New York a report relating to public notice and comment on contracts of the city of New York pursuant to section 326 of the New York city charter. Such report shall include, but need not be limited to, the number of contracts for which public notice and comment was provided pursuant to such section during the previous fiscal year, the dollar value of any such contract, and whether the threshold established pursuant to such section was modified during the previous fiscal year and if so, the value of the threshold following such modification."
Section 3 of 2024 N.Y. Laws Ch. 483, 11/22/2024, eff. 5/21/2025, provides: "§ 3. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after it shall have become a law and shall expire and be deemed repealed October 1, 2030. Effective immediately, the affected agencies of the city of New York, including but not limited to, the procurement policy board, may take any actions necessary to effectuate the provisions of this act prior to its effective date."
Section 3 of 2024 N.Y. Laws Ch. 483, 11/22/2024, eff. 5/21/2025, provides: "§ 3. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after it shall have become a law and shall expire and be deemed repealed October 1, 2030. Effective immediately, the affected agencies of the city of New York, including but not limited to, the procurement policy board, may take any actions necessary to effectuate the provisions of this act prior to its effective date."
a. In the case of any contract which is let by other than competitive sealed bidding, the mayor shall certify, prior to the filing of the contract with the comptroller for registration in accordance with section three hundred twenty-eight of this chapter, that the procedural requisites for the solicitation and award of the contract have been met. The mayor may delegate such function to the agency proposing to award a contract only upon adequate assurance of an agency's capacity to comply with procedural requirements.
b. The corporation counsel shall certify prior to the filing of a contract with the comptroller for registration in accordance with section three hundred twenty-eight of this chapter, that each agency proposing to award a contract has legal authority to award each such contract.
a. No contract or agreement executed pursuant to this charter or other law shall be implemented until (1) a copy has been filed with the comptroller and (2) either the comptroller has registered it or thirty days have elapsed from the date of filing, whichever is sooner, unless an objection has been filed pursuant to subdivision c of this section, or the comptroller has grounds for not registering the contract under subdivision b of this section.
b. Subject to the provisions of subdivision c of this section, the comptroller shall register a contract within thirty days unless the comptroller has information indicating that:
i. there remains no unexpended and unapplied balance of the appropriation or fund applicable thereto, sufficient to pay the estimated expense of executing such contract, as certified by the officer making the same;
ii. that a certification required by section three hundred twenty-seven of this chapter has not been made; or
iii. the proposed vendor has been debarred by the city in accordance with the provisions of section three hundred thirty-five.
c. The comptroller may, within thirty days of the date of filing of the contract with the comptroller's office, object in writing to the registration of the contract, if in the comptroller's judgment there is sufficient reason to believe that there is possible corruption in the letting of the contract or that the proposed contractor is involved in corrupt activity. Such objection shall be delivered within such thirty day period to the mayor setting forth in detail the grounds for the comptroller's determination. After the mayor has responded to the comptroller's objections in writing, indicating (i) the corrective actions if any, that have been taken or will be taken in response to the comptroller's objections, or (ii) the reasons why the mayor disagrees with the comptroller's objections, the mayor may require registration of the contract despite the comptroller's objections. Such response by the mayor shall not serve as the basis for further objection by the comptroller, and the comptroller shall register the contract within ten days of receipt of the mayor's response.
d. The requirements of this section shall not apply to
(1) an emergency contract awarded pursuant to section three hundred fifteen or to an accelerated procurement as defined under section three hundred twenty-six, provided that the agency shall, as soon as is practicable, submit any such contract to the comptroller for an audit of the procedures and basis for the determination of the need for an emergency or accelerated procurement, or
(2) a contract awarded pursuant to this chapter for the provision of goods, services or construction that is not to be paid for out of the city treasury or out of moneys under the control of the city, provided that the board of the entity awarding such a contract shall within ten days of awarding contract, file a copy of such contract and any related materials specified by the mayor, with the mayor or the mayor's designee for purposes of section three hundred thirty-four of this charter.