Every head of an administration or department or elected officer who receives a salary from the city shall give his or her whole time to the duties of the office and shall not engage in any other occupation, profession or employment.
(Am. L.L. 2016/020, 2/19/2016, eff. 2/19/2016)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Administrative Code Appendix A at L.L. 2016/020.
a. Any head of a department established by this charter may appoint, and at pleasure, remove so many deputies as may be provided for by law and determine their relative rank, and may appoint and at pleasure remove a secretary to the department if so provided, and, except as otherwise provided by law, shall assign to them their duties and may by instrument in writing filed in the department designate any deputy to possess any of the powers and exercise such of the duties of the head of the department and for such times and under such conditions as such head of a department may specify.
b. During a vacancy in the office of the head of an administration or a department established by this charter, or whenever by reason of illness or absence from the city such official shall be prevented from attending to the duties of office, the highest ranking deputy not absent of under disability shall act as the head of the administration or department.
c. The head of each mayoral department, including each such department within an administration, shall designate a deputy commissioner of the department or a senior officer reporting directly to the head of the department who shall be responsible for the personnel, management and budget administration functions of the department and for financial planning and management in the areas of payroll, purchasing, vouchering, accounting and related areas assigned by the head of the department.
a. Any head of an administration or a department established by this charter, to the extent to which the organization of the administration or department is not prescribed by law, shall by instrument in writing filed in the agency organize the administration or department into such divisions, bureaus or offices and make such assignments of powers and duties among them, and from time to time change such organization or assignments, as the head of the administration or department may consider advisable.
b. Except as provided in section eleven, where divisions, bureaus or offices have been established by law, the mayor may consolidate any two or more divisions, bureaus or offices in any agency under the jurisdiction of the mayor and change the duties of any such division, bureau or office and in like manner reverse or modify any such action.
A summary inquiry into any alleged violation or neglect of duty in relation to the property, government or affairs of the city may be conducted under an order to be made by any justice of the supreme court in the first, second or eleventh judicial district on application of the mayor, the comptroller, the public advocate, any five council members, the commissioner of investigation or any five citizens who are taxpayers, supported by affidavit to the effect that one or more officers, employees or other persons therein named have knowledge or information concerning such alleged violation or neglect of duty. Such inquiry shall be conducted before and shall be controlled by the justice making the order or any other justice of the supreme court in the same district. Such justice may require any officer or employee or any other person to attend and be examined in relation to the subject of the inquiry. Any answers given by a witness in such inquiry shall not be used against such witness in any criminal proceeding, except that for all false answers on material points such witness shall be subject to prosecution for perjury. The examination shall be reduced to writing and shall be filed in the office of the clerk of such county within the first, second or eleventh judicial district as the justice may direct, and shall be a public record.