L.L. 1996/035
Enactment date: 5/14/1996
Int. No. 769
By the Speaker (Council Member Vallone) and Council Members Leffler, Weiner, Williams, Berman, Cruz, Dear, Malave-Dilan, Eisland, Fisher, Harrison, Koslowitz, O'Donovan, Povman, Rivera, Robles, Spigner, Warden, White, Wooten and Stabile (in conjunction with the Mayor); also Council Members Foster and Abel
A Local Law in relation to the distribution of fire department street alarm boxes
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. Legislative findings of fact and declaration of intent. Pursuant to Local Law 73 for the year 1995, the Council authorized the Fire Department to conduct a limited pilot program for the deactivation of street alarm boxes, commencing in October 1995. That pilot project ended in December 1995, and the Fire Department subsequently submitted to the Mayor and the Council a final report on the results of the pilot program in accordance with the requirements of Local Law 73.
In consultation with .the Council, the Fire Department has submitted a new proposal, the "False Alarm Reduction Program," pursuant to which the Fire Department will retain, at a minimum, in excess of 10,000 street alarm boxes throughout the city. All of these boxes would be two-way voice communication alarm boxes. Under this plan, the ERS boxes would be distributed so that there will be equivalent coverage throughout the city. In addition, the plan calls for the maintenance of the alarm boxes located in schools, public buildings and hospitals and the Police Department cellular boxes located on highways and in parks.
Pursuant to the False Alarm Reduction Program, the Department will conduct public education programs to increase awareness of the danger of false alarms and the proper method of using telephone and street alarm boxes to report emergencies. The program also calls for a joint effort by the Fire Department and the Police Department aimed at identifying alarm boxes that are chronically abused for making false alarms. This joint enforcement effort will include detection and apprehension programs to address the false alarm problem.
With the adoption of this local law, and the approval of the plan contained in the Fire Department's False Alarm Reduction Program, it is the Council's intention to reduce the number of false alarms made through alarm boxes, while providing an improved method of reporting fires and other emergencies through the two-way voice communication boxes, by insuring the maintenance of a fixed number of alarm boxes throughout the city.
§ 2. Except as provided by this local law and the provisions of the proposal of the fire department entitled "False Alarm Reduction Program", dated April 23, 1996, no fire department street alarm box shall be permanently removed, deactivated or otherwise rendered unusable for the purpose of summoning the fire department and other emergency services, nor any administrative action related thereto taken, unless the city council shall have authorized such removal, deactivation or other measure by means of appropriate legislative action.
§ 3. Pursuant to the provisions of local law 73 for the year 1995, the council hereby authorizes the fire department to remove those street alarm boxes that are activated by pulling a lever, known as "BARS alarm boxes", and to distribute the remaining street alarm boxes (which provide a voice intercom and are known as "ERS alarm boxes") substantially to appropriate locations at which street alarm boxes were placed as of September first, nineteen hundred ninety-five, so that, to the extent practicable, the distance of the remaining street alarm boxes from each other is generally no more than one thousand feet, measured along publicly accessible routes, in accordance with the provisions set forth in the proposal of the fire department entitled "False Alarm Reduction Program", dated April 23, 1996 and presented to the council.
§ 4. The minimum number of alarm boxes throughout the city shall remain fixed at that number established in the "False Alarm Reduction Program", dated April 23, 1996. Provided, however, that nothing contained in this local law shall preclude the fire department from increasing the number of street alarm boxes within appropriations therefor, nor from relocating alarm boxes in accordance with the limitations set forth in the "False Alarm Reduction Program", dated April 23, 1996.
§ 5. Notwithstanding any other provision of this local law, the fire department may: (i) temporarily remove street alarm boxes for repair, road maintenance or other routine governmental operations; or (ii) replace street alarm boxes with upgraded communication technology intended to improve public safety; or (iii) alter or enhance street alarm boxes with such technology. The fire department shall not remove a street alarm box pursuant to the preceding sentence for the purpose of replacing such box with a public pay telephone.
§ 6. The fire department shall conduct appropriate public education programs to increase awareness of the dangers of false alarms and the proper method of using telephones and street alarm boxes to report fires and other emergencies.
§ 7. This local law shall take effect immediately.
L.L. 1996/036
Enactment date: 5/14/1996
Int. No. 665
By Council Members McCaffrey and Foster; also Council Members Koslowitz, Marshall, O'Donovan, Povman, Sabini and Abel
A Local Law in relation to a playground name, L/CPL Thomas P. Noonan, Jr. Playground, Borough of Queens
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. The following playground name is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name | Present Name | Limits |
L/CPL Thomas P. Noonan, Jr. Playground | None |
an existing playground found within Thomson Hill Park located at Greenpoint Avenue, 42nd Street, 47th Avenue and 43rd Street |
§ 2. This local law shall take effect immediately.
L.L. 1996/037
Enactment date: 5/14/1996
Int. No. 679-A
By Council Members Spigner, Fields, Henry and White (by the request of the Mayor)
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to tax lien foreclosure by action in rem
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
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[Consolidated provisions are not included in this Appendix A]
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§ 18. This local law shall take effect immediately and shall apply retroactively to all in rem proceedings pending on the effective date of this local law, provided, however, that sections six, eight, ten, eleven and sixteen of this local law shall take effect on the thirtieth day after it shall have become a law, and shall apply to installment agreements made, executed and filed on and after such thirtieth day, provided, further, however, that subdivision c of section 11-401.1 and subdivision j of section 11-412.1 of the administrative code of the city of New York, as added by sections three and thirteen, respectively, of this local law, shall take effect on the three hundred sixty-fifth day after it shall have become a law and provided, further, however, that this local law shall not apply to any sale of tax liens occurring in fiscal year 1996, unless this local law takes effect on or before May 5, 1996, provided further, however, that if this local law takes effect on or before May 5, 1996, the commissioner of finance may submit to the commissioner of housing preservation and development the information required by subdivision a of section 11-401.1 of the administrative code of the city of New York, as added by section three of this local law, less than 60 days preceding the date of the sale of a tax lien or tax liens.
L.L. 1996/038
Enactment date: 5/14/1996
Int. No. 746
By Council Members Fossella and Foster; also Council Members O'Donovan and Rivera
A Local Law in relation to a street name, Lobster Joe Truscelli Drive, Borough of Staten Island
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. The following street name is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name | Present Name | Limits |
Lobster Joe Truscelli Drive | Tennyson Drive and Mansion Avenue |
Tennyson Drive between Cleveland Avenue and Hillside Terrace, and Mansion Avenue between Hillside Terrace and Fairlawn Avenue |
§ 2. This local law shall take effect immediately.
L.L. 1996/039
Enactment date: 5/14/1996
Int. No. 746
By Council Members Eisland, Foster and Linares; also Council Member Abel
A Local Law in relation to a park name, Phyllis Post Goodman Park, Borough of The Bronx
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. The following park name is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name | Present Name | Limits |
Phyllis Post Goodman Park | (None) |
an existing park located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Kappock Street and the Henry Hudson Parkway |
§ 2. This local law shall take effect immediately.
L.L. 1996/040
Enactment date: 5/14/1996
Int. No. 762
By the Speaker (Council Member Vallone); Council Members Harrison, Albanese, Cruz, DeMarco, DiBrienza, Eisland, Fields, Henry, Koslowitz, Lasher, McCaffrey, Pinkett, Povman, Powell IV, Rosado, Ruiz, Weiner, White, Williams, Abel, Ognibene, Stabile, Berman, Duane, Michels, Miller; Sabini, Eldridge, Fisher, Leffler, Marshall, Robles, Watkins, Wooten, Eristoff, Rivera, Linares, McCabe and Clarke
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to the grant of partial exemptions from real property taxation to certain senior citizens residing in cooperative apartments
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
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[Consolidated provisions are not included in this Appendix A]
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§ 2. Section seven of local law number 1 for the year 1996, relating to certain benefits for senior citizens, is amended to read as follows:
§ 7. This local law shall take effect immediately; provided, however, that the amendment of section 11-245.3 of the administrative code of the city of New York by section five of this local law shall take effect on January 1, 1996 and shall apply to assessment rolls prepared on the basis of taxable status dates occurring on or after January I, 1996; [and, provided, further, that the amendment of section 11-245.3 of such code by section six of this local law shall take effect on any effective date hereinafter authorized by the state legislature;] and, provided, further, that the amendment of subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (2) of subdivision m of section 26-405 of such code by section one of this local law, the amendment of paragraph (5) of subdivision m of section 26-405 of such code by section two of this local law, the amendment of subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (2) of subdivision b of section 26-509 of such code by section three of this local law, and the amendment of subdivision d of section 26-601 of such code by section four of this local law shall each be retroactive to and shall be deemed to have been in full force and effect on and after August 2, 1995. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the administrative code of the city of New York, any person who on or after August 2, 1995 through the date of enactment of this local law would have been eligible for a rent increase exemption order pursuant to such code but for the fact that his or her income exceeded the income limitation of sixteen thousand, five hundred dollars in effect before the enactment of this local law, and who as a result of the enactment of this local law increasing the maximum income limitation to twenty thousand dollars is eligible for such order on or after August 2, 1995 through the date of enactment of this local law may file an application for such order within ninety days of the enactment of this local law. Any such rent increase exemption order issued to such applicant shall be effective as of that date on or after August 2, 1995 through the date of enactment of this local law upon which such person would have been eligible for such rent increase exemption order but for the fact that his or her income exceeded the income limitation of sixteen thousand, five hundred dollars in effect before the enactment of this local law.
§ 3. This local law shall take effect immediately, provided, however, that subdivision 10 of section 11-245.3 of the administrative code of the city of New York,.as amended by section one of this local law, shall apply to assessment rolls prepared on the basis of taxable status dates occurring on or after January 1, 1996 and provided, further, however, that notwithstanding any other provision of law, applications for exemption under section 11-245.3 of the administrative code of the city of New York, which applications relate to the assessment roll of the city for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1996, shall be considered timely filed if they are filed on or before April 1, 1996.
L.L. 1996/041
Enactment date: 5/14/1996
Int. No. 770
By Council Members Berman, Fisher, Spigner and Abel (by request of the Mayor)
A Local Law in relation to prepayment of real estate taxes
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any installment of taxes on real estate for the fiscal year beginning July first, nineteen hundred ninety-six that becomes due and payable prior to January first, nineteen hundred ninety-seven, may be paid twenty-five days prior to the date on which the first installment for such fiscal year would otherwise become due and payable or at any time thereafter and, provided that any installment that becomes due and payable prior to January first, nineteen hundred ninety-seven, is paid in full not later than June thirteenth, nineteen hundred ninety-six, and provided, further, that all prior installments shall have been paid or shall be paid at the same time, a discount shall be allowed from the date of payment of such installment to and including the fifteenth day following the date on which such installment would otherwise become due and payable at the rate of five percent per annum.
§ 2. Notwithstanding anything in section one of this local law to the contrary, the discount allowed pursuant to such section shall not be allowed to and including the fifteenth day following the date on which such installment would otherwise become due and payable if the real property with respect to which such installment is paid is described in paragraph b of subdivision four of section fifteen hundred nineteen of the New York city charter. With respect to real property described in paragraph b of subdivision four of such section, the discount shall be allowed only to and including the date on which such installment of taxes would otherwise become due and payable.
§ 3. The discount provided for in subdivision three of section fifteen hundred nineteen of the New York city charter shall apply to all prepayments made in accordance with the terms of that subdivision after June thirteenth, nineteen hundred ninety-six.
§ 4. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of a local law for the year 1996, as proposed in Int. No. 765, for the purpose of implementing the provisions of this local law, the commissioner of finance shall be authorized to complete the assessment rolls using estimated rates and to collect the sums therein mentioned according to law in accordance with subdivision a of section 1516-a of the New York city charter and, where the commissioner of finance has exercised the authority granted by subdivision a of section 1516-a of such charter, the provisions of subdivision b of section 1516-a of such charter shall apply.
§ 5. This local law shall take effect immediately
L.L. 1996/042
Enactment date: 6/3/1996
Int. No. 676-A
By the Speaker (Council Member Vallone), Council Members Fisher, Koslowitz, O'Donovan, Michels, Freed, Malave-Dilan, Henry, Dear and Eristoff (by the request of the Mayor and the Public Advocate); also Council Members Leffler, Povman, Abel, Fields, Lasher and Powell IV
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to commercial waste removal
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. Legislative findings. The council hereby finds that the carting industry has been corruptly influenced by organized crime for more than four decades; that organized crime's corrupting influence over the industry has fostered and sustained a cartel in which carters do not compete for customers and in which customers are compelled to enter into long-term contracts with onerous terms, including "evergreen" clauses; that the anti-competitive effects of this cartel have resulted, with few exceptions, in the maximum rates established by the department of consumer affairs effectively being the only rate available to businesses; that businesses often pay substantially higher amounts than allowed under the maximum rate because carters improperly charge or overcharge for more waste than they actually remove; that organized crime's corrupting influence has resulted in numerous crimes and wrongful acts, including physical violence, threats of violence, and property damage to both customers and competing carting firms; that a situation in which New York city businesses, both large and small, must pay a "mob tax" in order to provide for removal of trade waste is harmful to the growth and prosperity of the local economy.
The council further finds that recent indictments have disclosed the pervasive nature of the problem, the structure of the cartel, and the corruption it furthers through the activities of individual carters and trade associations, and that law enforcement must be coupled with new and expanded regulatory efforts on the city's part. The council further finds that despite the efforts of city agencies to regulate the industry under existing laws and regulations, private carting companies have continued to engage in various illegal and anti-competitive practices. The council further finds that unscrupulous businesses in the industry have taken advantage of the absence of an effective regulatory scheme to engage in fraudulent conduct, such as the creation of a lucrative illegal landfill, and to actively discourage new firms from entering the industry.
The council therefore finds and declares that in order to provide for the more efficient and lawful conduct of businesses in the carting industry and to protect the public interest, it is necessary to establish a New York city trade waste commission that shall be responsible for the licensing and regulation of businesses in the carting industry.
Enactment of this chapter is intended to enhance the city's ability to address organized crime corruption, to protect businesses who utilize private carting services, and to increase competition in the carting industry with the aim of reducing consumer prices.
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[Consolidated provisions are not included in this Appendix A]
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§ 8. The provisions of this local law shall be severable and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision or section of this local law, or the applicability thereof to any person or circumstance, shall be held invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this local law and the application thereof shall not be affected thereby.
§ 9. No action or proceeding, civil or criminal, pending at the time when this local law shall take effect, brought by or against the city or any agency or officer, and no administrative proceeding brought by the department of consumer affairs, shall be affected or abated by the adoption of this local law or by anything herein contained; but all such actions or proceedings may be continued notwithstanding that functions, powers and duties of any agency or officer party thereto may by this local law be assigned or transferred to another agency or officer.
§ 10. Whenever by or pursuant to any provision of this local law functions, powers or duties may be assigned to the New York city trade waste commission which have been heretofore exercised by any other agency or officer, any officers and employees in the classified city civil service who are engaged in the performance of such functions, powers or duties may be transferred to such commission without further examination or qualification, and shall retain their respective civil service classifications and civil service status.
§ 11. Notwithstanding any other provision of this local law: (i) a contract to provide trade waste collection, removal or disposal entered into prior to the effective date of this local law shall terminate on the date provided therein or shall be deemed to terminate no later than two years following such effective date, whichever date is earlier; (ii) a contract entered into on or after the effective date of this local law shall not exceed two years in duration; and (iii) provided, further, that any contract entered into by a trade waste removal business required to be licensed pursuant to section 16-505 of the administrative code of the city of New York as added by section two of this local law, that has not received a license from the New York city trade waste commission as established by section two of this local law, whether entered into prior to or on or subsequent to the effective date of this local law, shall as of thirty days following such effective date be terminable by either party thereto upon thirty days written notice and shall, if entered into on or subsequent to the effective date of this local law, contain prominent notice of such right of termination. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, a business may apply to the commission to waive the determination clause requirement with respect to identified contracts. Such application shall contain the information prescribed in a form issued by the commission and shall be accompanied by a statement why a waiver would not be inconsistent with the purposes of this act. In determining in its discretion whether a waiver of the termination requirement would be consistent with the purposes of this act, the commission shall consider background information concerning the business and its principals and the full circumstances surrounding the negotiation or administration of such contracts, including but not limited to the form and content thereof. Application of the termination clause requirement set forth herein in regard to a business that submits a waiver application within thirty days following the effective date of this local law, together with such additional information and compliance with requirements as may be specified by the commission, shall be suspended pending the determination by the commission whether to grant such waiver.
§ 12. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the New York city trade waste commission established by section 16-502 of the administrative code of the city of New York as added by section two of this local law may enter into an agreement with the department of sanitation pursuant to section 16-523 of such code as added by section two of this local law for such department to conduct trade waste removal in a special trade waste district designated by the commission pursuant to subdivision a of such section, where the department of sanitation has responded to a request for proposals to conduct trade waste removal in a special trade waste district pursuant to such section. In the event that the department responds to such request for proposals, the commissioner of sanitation shall take no part in the process of selection of a licensee or licensees pursuant to such section. The provisions of paragraph (6) of subdivision d of such section shall not apply to an agreement with the department of sanitation to conduct trade waste removal in a special trade waste district.
§ 13. Subchapter 18 of chapter 2 of title 20 of the administrative code of the city of New York is REPEALED, except that the department of consumer affairs shall retain the authority provided in such subchapter in relation to: (i) the issuance of permits for the removal of waste generated in the course of operation of a business by the owner, lessee or person in control of such business establishment until the adoption of rules governing registration therefor promulgated by the commission pursuant to chapter 1 of title 16-A of the administrative code as added by section two of this local law; (ii) the regulation of the removal or disposal of such waste by a business who is a permittee pursuant to such subchapter until the expiration of the permit issued pursuant to such subchapter in accordance with the provisions set forth in section fourteen of this local law; and (iii) enforcement of the provisions of such subchapter and any rules promulgated pursuant thereto regarding the conduct of businesses who possess licenses pursuant to such subchapter that are valid on the effective date of this local law until the expiration of such licenses in accordance with the provisions set forth in section fourteen of this local law; and provided further that the rates for the removal, collection or disposal of trade waste set forth fo rules of the department of consumer affairs promulgated pursuant to such subchapter shall remain in effect until the New York city trade waste commission as established by section 16-502 of the administrative code as added by section two of this local law has fixed new rates or has determined that fixed rates shall not apply. Notwithstanding any provision of this section, such trade waste commission may, at any time subsequent to the effective date of this local law, notify the department of consumer affairs that the commission is prepared to assume responsibility for the functions described in paragraphs (ii) and (iii) of this section and may, at any time thereafter, assume jurisdiction over such functions.
§ 14. This local law shall take effect immediately, subject to the following provisions: (i) with respect to a business other than a trade waste broker required by this local law to register with the commission: any permit for the removal and disposal of waste generated in the course of operation of a business by the owner, lessee or person in control of such business issued pursuant to the provisions of subchapter 18 of chapter 2 of title 20 of the administrative code as repealed by section thirteen of this local law that is valid on the effective date of this local law or that is issued subsequent to such date pursuant to the provisions of such section thirteen shall, unless earlier revoked pursuant to the provisions of such subchapter in accordance with the authority provided in such section thirteen, remain valid and upon payment of the renewal fee or fee therefor be deemed extended as follows: (1) where the permittee has submitted an application for registration, in the form and containing the information required by the commission, until the applicant has been registered by the commission; (2) where the permittee does not submit such application, or submits an application that is not in the form or does not contain the required information, until the date required for the submission of such application in the rules promulgated by the commission pursuant to chapter 1 of title 16-A of the administrative code as added by section two of this local law; and (ii) with respect to trade waste brokers, no enforcement of the registration requirements of this local law shall take place for thirty days following the effective date of rules promulgated pursuant to this local law, provided that, with respect to a trade waste broker who was operating such a business as of the effective date of this local law and whom the commission has required to submit to fingerprinting and disclosure requirements pursuant to section 16-507 of the administrative code as added by section two of this local law, no enforcement shall take place unless or until such broker has failed to submit the fingerprints and the required information, in the form and manner and by the date required by the commission, or the commission has denied the application for registration; and provided further (iii) with respect to a business required by this local law to possess a license issued by the commission: (a) where such business possesses a license issued pursuant to former subchapter 18 of chapter 2 of title 20 of the administrative code as repealed by section thirteen of this local law that is valid on the effective date of this local law such license shall, unless revoked earlier pursuant to the provisions of such subchapter, remain valid and upon payment of the renewal fee therefor be deemed extended as follows: (1) where such business has submitted fingerprints and an application, in the form and containing the information required by the commission, until such application has been denied or a new license has been granted; and (2) where such business does not submit such fingerprints or application, or submits an application that is not in the form or does not contain the required information, until the date required for the submission of such application in rules promulgated by the commission pursuant to chapter 1 of title 16-A of the administrative code as added by section two of this local law. The fee paid for a license or a permit deemed extended pursuant to this section shall be applied to the fee for a new license or registration issued by the commission, or where the commission denies such new license or registration, such fee shall be prorated to the actual time the license or permit has remained valid and any remainder shall be refunded to the applicant; (b) notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary of section 16-511 of the administrative code as added by section two of this local law, the commission may, in its discretion, require such business to enter into a contract with an independent auditor or an independent monitor, in the manner set forth in such section, at the time such business submits and application to the commission or at any time thereafter; (c) upon the application of a business that has not previously been licensed pursuant to such subchapter 18, the commission may, in its discretion, permit the operation of such business pending a license determination, provided that such business has submitted an application in the form and containing the information required by the commission.