As used in this section.
a. "Commissioner" means the commissioner of housing and community renewal of the state of New York.
b. "Dwelling unit" means that part of a dwelling in which an eligible head of the household resides and (1) which is subject to the provisions of article II, IV, V, or XI of the private housing finance law; or (2) which was formerly subject to the provisions of article II of such law and meets the conditions set forth in section 26-602.1; or (3) which was or continues to be subject to a mortgage insured or initially insured by the federal government pursuant to section two hundred thirteen of the national housing act, as amended, in which an eligible head of the household resides; or (4) which is within an applicable battery park city property.
c. "Eligibility date" means the later of (1) January first, nineteen hundred seventy-five, or (2) the last day of the month in which a person became an eligible head of a household in the dwelling unit in which such person resides at the time of filing the most recent application for benefits hereunder, or in the case of a dwelling subject to a mortgage insured or initially insured by the federal government pursuant to section two hundred thirteen of the national housing act, as amended, "eligibility date" means the later of (1) July first, nineteen hundred seventy-seven, or (2) the last day of the month in which a person became an eligible head of a household in the dwelling unit in which such person resides at the time of filing the most recent application for benefits hereunder.
d. "Eligible head of the household" means a person or his or her spouse who is sixty-two years of age or older or who qualifies as a person with a disability pursuant to section 26-617 of this chapter and is entitled to the possession or to the use and occupancy of a dwelling unit, provided, however, that with respect to a dwelling which was subject to a mortgage insured or initially insured by the federal government pursuant to section two hundred thirteen of the national housing act, as amended, "eligible head of the household" shall be limited to that person or his or her spouse who was entitled to possession or the use and occupancy of such dwelling unit at the time of termination of such mortgage, and whose income when combined with the income of all other members of the household whose head of household is sixty-two years of age or older does not exceed twenty-five thousand dollars beginning July first, two thousand five, twenty-six thousand dollars beginning July first, two thousand six, twenty-seven thousand dollars beginning July first, two thousand seven, twenty-eight thousand dollars beginning July first, two thousand eight, twenty-nine thousand dollars beginning July first, two thousand nine, and fifty thousand dollars beginning July first, two thousand fourteen, for the taxable period, or whose income for the current income tax year when combined with the income of all members of the household residing in the housing accommodation whose head of the household is a person with a disability does not exceed fifty thousand dollars beginning July first, two thousand fourteen.
e. "Housing company" means any limited-profit housing company, limited dividend housing company, redevelopment company or housing development fund company incorporated pursuant to the private housing finance law and operated exclusively for the benefit of persons or families of low income, or any corporate owner of a dwelling which is or was subject to a mortgage insured or initially insured by the federal government pursuant to section two hundred thirteen of the national housing act, as amended.
f. "Income" means income received by the eligible head of the household combined with the income of all other members of the household from all sources after deduction of all income and social security taxes and includes without limitation, social security and retirement benefits, supplemental security income and additional state payments, public assistance benefits, interest, dividends, net rental income, salary and earnings, and net income from self-employment, but shall not include gifts or inheritances, payments made to individuals because of their status as victims of Nazi persecution, as defined in P.L. 103-286, or increases in benefits accorded pursuant to the social security act or a public or private pension paid to any member of the household which increase, in any given year, does not exceed the consumer price index (all items United States city average) for such year which take effect after the eligibility date of an eligible head of the household receiving benefits hereunder, whether received by the eligible head of the household or any other member of the household. When the eligible head of a household has retired on or after the commencement of the taxable period and prior to the date of making an application for a rent increase exemption order/tax abatement certificate pursuant to this chapter, such person's income shall be adjusted by excluding salary or earnings and projecting such person's retirement income over the entire taxable period.
g. "Income tax year" means a twelve month period for which the head of the household filed a federal personal income tax return, or if no such return is filed, the calendar year.
h. "Increase in maximum rent" means any increase in the maximum rent for the dwelling unit becoming effective on or after the eligibility date, including capital assessments and voluntary capital contributions but excluding any increase in maximum rent attributable to gas or electrical utility charges or an increase in dwelling space, services or equipment, provided, however, that with respect to any dwelling unit in a dwelling which is or was subject to a mortgage insured or initially insured by the federal government pursuant to section two hundred thirteen of the national housing act, as amended, "increase in maximum rent" shall not include any increase in maximum rent attributable to capital assessments or voluntary capital contributions.
i. "Maximum rent" means the maximum rent, excluding gas and electric utility charges, which has been authorized or approved by the commissioner or the supervising agency or the legal regulated rent established for the dwelling unit pursuant to the provisions of either article II, IV, V or XI of the private housing finance law or for the dwelling unit in real property formerly subject to article II of such law that meets the conditions set forth in section 26-602.1; or the rental established for a cooperatively owned dwelling unit previously regulated pursuant to the provisions of article II, IV, V or XI of the private housing finance law; or the rental established for a dwelling unit in a dwelling subject to a mortgage insured or initially insured by the federal government pursuant to section two hundred thirteen of the national housing act, as amended; or such rent established for a dwelling unit which was subject to a mortgage insured or initially insured by the federal government pursuant to section two hundred thirteen of the national housing act, as amended; or the rent established for an applicable battery park city property.
j. "Members of the household" means the head of the household and any person, permanently residing in the dwelling unit.
k. "Supervising agency" means the department of housing preservation and development.
l. "Taxable period" means the income tax year immediately preceding the date of making application for a rent increase exemption order/tax abatement certificate.
m. "PILOT" means payment in lieu of taxes.
n. "Applicable battery park city property" means a property that is (1) subject to a lease or sublease with the battery park city authority; and (2) has one or more residential units which are subject to limitations on rent increases pursuant to:
(i) A contractual agreement with the battery park city authority, which may be within the lease or sublease between the battery park city authority and the lessee or sublessee; or
(ii) A regulatory agreement with the commissioner or supervising agency.
(Am. L.L. 2023/109, 7/23/2023, retro. eff. 12/15/2022)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1986/052, L.L. 1988/067, L.L. 1991/026, L.L. 1992/096, L.L. 1996/001, L.L. 2003/067, L.L. 2014/019, L.L. 2014/039, L.L. 2017/024, L.L. 2020/112 and L.L. 2023/109.
Real property of a housing company shall be exempt from real property taxes and real property of an applicable battery park city property shall be exempt from PILOT, in an amount equal to the rent increase exemptions actually credited to eligible heads of households pursuant to this chapter. Any such exemption shall be in addition to any other exemption or abatement of taxes authorized by law.
(Am. L.L. 2023/109, 7/23/2023, retro. eff. 12/15/2022)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2023/109.