The powers and duties of the commission shall include but not be limited to:
a. To issue and establish standards for the issuance, suspension and revocation of licenses and registrations authorizing the operation of businesses engaged in the collection, removal or disposal of waste within the city and the operation of trade waste broker businesses, provided that unless otherwise provided herein, the commission may by resolution delegate to the chair the authority to make individual determinations regarding: issuance, suspension and revocation of such licenses and registrations; investigations of background and determinations of fitness in regard to employees of licensees; and the appointment of independent auditors and monitors in accordance with the provisions of this chapter;
b. Except with respect to commercial waste required to be collected by a designated carter pursuant to chapter 1 of title 16-B to establish maximum and minimum rates for the collection, removal, or disposal of such waste;
c. To investigate any matter within the jurisdiction conferred by this chapter and to have full power to compel the attendance, examine and take testimony under oath of such persons as it may deem necessary in relation to such investigation, and to require the production of books, accounts, papers and other evidence relevant to such investigation;
d. To establish and enforce standards for service and for the regulation and conduct of businesses licensed or registered pursuant to this chapter, including but not limited to (i) requirements governing the level of service to be provided by licensees, (ii) contracts for trade waste removal, (iii) billing form and procedures, (iv) the maintenance and inspection of records, (v) the maintenance of appropriate insurance, and (vi) environmental, safety and health standards, including but not limited to traffic safety requirements and environmental and safety requirements for vehicles used in the collection, removal, transportation or disposal of trade waste; provided that with respect to commercial waste required to be collected by a designated carter pursuant to chapter 1 of title 16-B, the authority set forth in this subdivision shall be limited to regulation and conduct of licensees with regard to character, honesty and integrity;
e. To appoint, within the appropriations available therefor, such employees as may be required for the performance of the duties prescribed herein. In addition to such employees appointed by the commission, the commissioners of small business services, investigation, consumer and worker protection, transportation, sanitation, health, finance, environmental protection and police may, at the request of the chair, provide staff and other assistance to the commission in all matters under its jurisdiction;
f. To conduct studies or investigations into the needs of commercial and other enterprises for waste removal and the trade waste industry in the city and other jurisdictions in order to assist the city in formulating policies to provide for orderly and efficient trade waste removal at a fair and reasonable cost to businesses;
g. To establish, in coordination with the department of sanitation, programs for the education of customers, including but not limited to education of customers in the accurate assessment of the types and volume of waste and the rights of such customers in relationship to contracting, service and customer complaint procedures established pursuant to this chapter; h. To establish special trade waste removal districts pursuant to section 16-523 of this chapter;
h. To establish fees and promulgate rules as the commission may deem necessary and appropriate to effect the purposes and provisions of this chapter; and
i. To issue and establish standards for the registration of labor unions or labor organizations subject to the jurisdiction of the commission pursuant to section 16-503 and for suspending or disqualifying officers of such unions or organizations.
(Am. L.L. 2019/055, 3/18/2019, eff. 7/16/2019; Am. L.L. 2019/198, 11/20/2019, eff. 11/20/2019; Am. L.L. 2019/199, 11/20/2019, eff. 5/20/2021; Am. L.L. 2020/080, 8/28/2020, eff. 8/28/2020; Am. L.L. 2021/084, 7/18/2021, eff. 7/18/2021)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1996/042, L.L. 2019/199 and L.L. 2020/080.
a. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a business for the purpose of the collection of trade waste from the premises of a commercial establishment required to provide for the removal of such waste pursuant to the provisions of section 16-116 of this code, or the removal or disposal of trade waste from such premises, or to engage in, conduct or cause the operation of such a business, without having first obtained a license therefor from the commission pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. Notwithstanding the provisions of this subdivision, a business solely engaged in the removal of waste materials resulting from building demolition, construction, alteration or excavation shall be exempt from the licensing provisions of this subdivision where, except in regard to the principals of a business solely in either or both of the class seven or the class three category of licensees as defined in rules previously promulgated by the commissioner of consumer and worker protection pursuant to subchapter eighteen of chapter two of title twenty of this code, no principal of such applicant is a principal of a business or a former business required to be licensed pursuant to this chapter or such former subchapter eighteen. Grant of such exemption shall be made by the commission upon its review of an exemption application, which shall be in the form and contain the information prescribed by rule of the commission and shall be accompanied by a statement by the applicant describing the nature of the applicant's business and listing all principals of such business.
b. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove, collect or dispose of trade waste that is generated in the course of operation of such person's business, or to operate as a trade waste broker, without first having registered with the commission. Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to require registration with the commission of (i) a commercial establishment required to provide for the removal of waste pursuant to section 16-116 of this code in order for such establishment to remove recyclable materials generated in the course of its own business to a location owned or leased by such establishment for the purpose of collecting or storing such materials for sale or further distribution; (ii) an owner or managing agent of a building in order to remove recyclable materials generated by commercial tenants within such building to a central location within such building for the purpose of collecting or storing such materials for sale or further distribution; or (iii) an owner of an establishment required to provide for the removal of waste pursuant to section 16-116 of this code in order to transport beverage containers, as such term is defined in section 27-1003 of the environmental conservation law, or any other recyclable material generated in the course of operation of its own business, to a redemption center, as such term is defined in section 27-1003 of such law, or to any other place where payment will be received by the commercial establishment for such materials. Notwithstanding any other provision of this subdivision, a business granted an exemption from the requirement for a license pursuant to subdivision a of this section shall be thereupon issued a registration pursuant to this subdivision.
c. A labor union or labor organization subject to the jurisdiction of the commission pursuant to section 16-503 shall, within the time period prescribed by the commission, register with the commission and shall disclose information to the commission as the commission may by rule require, including but not limited to the names of all officers and agents of such union or organization; provided, however, that no labor union or labor organization shall be required to furnish information pursuant to this section which is already included in a report filed by such labor union or labor organization with the secretary of labor pursuant to 29 U.S.C. § 431, et seq., or § 1001, et seq., if a copy of such report, or of the portion thereof containing such information, is furnished to the commission; and provided further that this section shall not apply (i) to a labor union or labor organization representing or seeking to represent clerical or other office workers, or (ii) to affiliated national or international labor unions of local labor unions that are required to register pursuant to this provision. In addition, notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of this chapter, including the provisions of section 16-503, if the commission inquires in writing of a labor union or labor organization that represents employees involved in the collection, removal, transportation or disposal of trade waste as to whether that labor union or labor organization represents employees at any company that collects, removes, transports or disposes of putrescible trade waste, such labor union or labor organization must respond to the commission within 30 days in a sworn, written statement, and, if the labor union or labor organization represents employees at any company that collects, removes, transports or disposes of putrescible waste, identify the company or companies.
d. Each officer of a labor union or labor organization required to register with the commission pursuant to subdivision c of this section shall inform the commission, on a form prescribed by the commission, of:
(i) all criminal convictions, in any jurisdiction, of such officer;
(ii) any pending civil or criminal actions to which such officer is a party; and
(iii) any criminal or civil investigation by a federal, state, or local prosecutorial agency, investigative agency or regulatory agency, in the five-year period preceding the date of registration pursuant to subdivision c of this section and at any time subsequent to such registration, wherein such officer has (A) been the subject of such investigation, or (B) received a subpoena requiring the production of documents or information in connection with such investigation. Any material change in the information reported pursuant to this subdivision shall be reported to the commission within 10 business days thereof. If the commission has reasonable cause to believe that such an officer lacks good character, honesty and integrity, it may require that such officer be fingerprinted by a person designated by the commission for such purpose and pay a fee to be submitted to the division of criminal justice services and/or the federal bureau of investigation for the purpose of obtaining criminal history records.
e. A license or registration issued pursuant to this chapter or any rule promulgated hereunder shall not be transferred or assigned to any person or used by any person other than the licensee or registrant to whom it was issued.
(Am. L.L. 2019/055, 3/18/2019, eff. 7/16/2019; Am. L.L. 2020/080, 8/28/2020, eff. 8/28/2020; Am. L.L. 2021/084, 7/18/2021, eff. 7/18/2021)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1996/042 and L.L. 2020/080.
a. Except as provided in subdivision b of this section, a license or registration issued pursuant to this chapter shall be valid for a period of two years.
b. A labor union or labor organization registration issued pursuant to this chapter shall be valid for a period of five years.
c. The commission shall promulgate rules establishing the fee for any license or registration required by this chapter. Such rules may provide for a fee to be charged for each vehicle in excess of one that will collect, remove, transport or dispose of waste pursuant to such license and for each such vehicle operated pursuant to such registration.
(Am. L.L. 2019/055, 3/18/2019, eff. 7/16/2019; Am. L.L. 2019/198, 11/20/2019, eff. 11/20/2019)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1996/042.
a. Except in the case of a business issued a registration by reason of the grant of an exemption from the requirement for a license pursuant to section 16-505 of this chapter, an applicant for registration shall submit an application on a form prescribed by the commission and containing such information as the commission determines will adequately identify the business of such applicant. An applicant for registration to remove trade waste generated in the course of such applicant's business shall identify, in a manner to be prescribed by the commission, each vehicle that will collect, remove, transport or dispose of waste pursuant to such registration. An application for registration as a trade waste broker shall contain information regarding any financial, contractual or employment relationship between such broker and a trade waste business. Any such relationship shall be indicated on the registration issued to such broker.
b. A registrant shall, in accordance with rules promulgated by the commission pursuant to section 16-504 of this chapter, inform the commission of any changes in the ownership composition of the registrant, the addition or deletion of any principal at any time subsequent to the issuance of the registration, the arrest or criminal conviction of any principal of the business, or any other material change in the information submitted on the application for registration.
c. (i) Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter, the commission may, when there is reasonable cause to believe that a trade waste broker who is an applicant for registration lacks good character, honesty and integrity, require that such applicant be fingerprinted and provide to the commission the information set forth in subdivision b of section 16-508 of this chapter and may, after notice and the opportunity to be heard, refuse to register such applicant for the reasons set forth in paragraphs (i) through (xi) of subdivision a of section 16-509 of this chapter.
(ii) If at any time subsequent to the registration of a trade waste broker or the issuance of a registration issued by reason of the grant of an exemption from the requirement for a license pursuant to section 16-505 of this chapter, the commission has reasonable cause to believe that any or all of the principals of such broker or such exempt business do not possess good character, honesty and integrity, the commission may require that such principal(s) be fingerprinted and provide the background information required by subdivision b of section 16-508 of this chapter and may, after notice and the opportunity to be heard, revoke the registration of such trade waste broker or such exempt business for the reasons set forth in paragraphs (i) through (x) of subdivision a of section 16-509 of this chapter.
(Am. L.L. 2019/198, 11/20/2019, eff. 11/20/2019)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1996/042.
a. An applicant for a license pursuant to this chapter shall submit an application in the form and containing the information prescribed by the commission. An application shall include, without limitation:
(i) a list of the names and addresses of all principals of the applicant business, including any manager or other person who has policy or financial decision-making authority in the business; and
(ii) a list of the names and job titles of all employees and prospective employees of the applicant business who are or will be engaged in the operation of the trade waste business; and
(iii) such other information as the commission shall determine by rule will properly identify such employees and prospective employees.
b. An applicant shall:
(i) be fingerprinted by a person designated for such purpose by the commission and pay a fee to be submitted by the commission to the division of criminal justice services for the purposes of obtaining criminal history records; and
(ii) provide to the commission, upon a form prescribed by the commission and subject to such minimum dollar thresholds and other reporting requirements established on such form, information for the purpose of enabling the commission to determine the good character, honesty and integrity of the applicant, including but not limited to:
(a) a listing of the names and addresses of any person having a beneficial interest in the applicant, and the amount and nature of such interest;
(b) a listing of the amounts in which such applicant is indebted, including mortgages on real property, and the names and addresses of all persons to whom such debts are owed;
(c) a listing of such applicant's real property holdings or mortgage or other interest in real property held by such applicant other than a primary residence and the names and addresses of all co-owners of such interest;
(d) a listing of mortgages, loans, and instruments of indebtedness held by such applicant, the amount of such debt, and the names and addresses of all such debtors;
(e) the name and address of any business in which such applicant holds an equity or debt interest, excluding any interest in publicly traded stocks or bonds;
(f) the names and addresses of all persons or entities from whom such applicant has received gifts valued at more than one thousand dollars in any of the past three years, and the name of all persons or entities (excluding any organization recognized by the Internal Revenue Service under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code) to whom such applicant has given such gifts;
(g) a listing of all criminal convictions, in any jurisdiction, of the applicant;
(h) a listing of all pending civil or criminal actions to which such applicant is a party;
(i) a listing of any determination by a federal, state or city regulatory agency of a violation by such applicant of laws or regulations relating to the conduct of the applicant's business where such violation has resulted in the suspension or revocation of a permit, license or other permission required in connection with the operation of such business or in a civil fine, penalty, settlement or injunctive relief in excess of threshold amounts or of a type set forth in the rules of the commission;
(j) a listing of any criminal or civil investigation by a federal, state, or local prosecutorial agency, investigative agency or regulatory agency, in the five year period preceding the application, wherein such applicant has:
(A) been the subject of such investigation, or
(B) received a subpoena requiring the production of documents or information in connection with such investigation;
(k) a certification that the applicant has paid all federal, state, and local income taxes related to the applicant's business for which the applicant is responsible for the three tax years preceding the date of the application or documentation that the applicant is contesting such taxes in a pending judicial or administrative proceeding;
(l) the name of any trade association in which the applicant is or has been a member or held a position and the time period during which such membership or position was held;
(m) the names and addresses of the principals of any predecessor trade waste business of the applicant; and
(n) such additional information concerning good character, honesty and integrity that the commission may deem appropriate and reasonable. An applicant may submit to the commission any material or explanation which the applicant believes demonstrates that any information submitted pursuant to subparagraphs (g), (h), (i), or (j) of this paragraph does not reflect adversely upon the applicant's good character, honesty and integrity. The commission may require that such applicants pay such fees to cover the expenses of fingerprinting and background investigations provided for in this subdivision as are set forth in the rules promulgated pursuant to section 16-504 of this chapter. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, for purposes of this section:
(A) in the case of an applicant which is a regional subsidiary of or otherwise owned, managed by or affiliated with a business that has national or international operations:
(aa) (i) fingerprinting and disclosure under this section shall also be required of any persons not employed by the applicant who has direct management supervisory responsibility for the operations or performance of the applicant; and
(ii) the chief executive officer, chief operating officer and chief financial officer, or any person exercising comparable responsibilities and functions, of any regional subsidiary or similar entity of such business over which any person subject to fingerprinting and disclosure under item (i) of this clause exercises similar responsibilities shall be fingerprinted and shall submit the information required pursuant to subparagraphs (g) and (h) of this paragraph, as well as such additional information pursuant to this paragraph as the commission may find necessary; and
(bb) the listing specified under subparagraph (j) of this paragraph shall also be provided for any regional subsidiary or similar entity of the national or international business for which fingerprinting and disclosure by principals thereof is made pursuant to (aa) of this paragraph; and
(B) "predecessor trade waste business" shall mean any business engaged in the removal, collection or disposal of trade waste in which one or more principals of the applicant were principals in the five year period preceding the application. For purposes of determining the good character, honesty and integrity of a business that removes, collects or disposes of trade waste, a trade waste broker or a business issued a registration by reason of the grant pursuant to section 16-505 of this chapter of an exemption from the requirement for a license, the term "applicant" shall apply to the business of such trade waste business, trade waste broker or exempt business and, except as specified by the commission, all the principals thereof; for purposes of investigations of employees or agents pursuant to section 16-510 of this chapter, the term "applicant" as used herein shall be deemed to apply to employees, agents or prospective employees or agents of an applicant for a license or a licensee. Notwithstanding any provision of this subdivision, the commission may accept, in lieu of submissions required pursuant to this subdivision, information, such as copies of submissions to any federal, state or local regulatory entity, where and to the extent that the commission finds that the contents of such submissions are sufficient or comparable to that required by this subdivision.
c. A licensee shall, in accordance with rules promulgated by the commission pursuant to section 16-504 of this chapter, inform the commission of any changes in the ownership composition of the licensee, the addition or deletion of any principal at any time subsequent to the issuance of the license, membership in a trade association in addition to an association identified in the application submitted pursuant to this section, the arrest or criminal conviction of any principal of the business, or any other material change in the information submitted on the application for a license. A licensee shall provide the commission with notice of at least ten business days of the proposed addition of a new principal to the business of such licensee. The commission may waive or shorten such period upon a showing that there exists a bona fide business requirement therefor. Except where the commission determines within such period, based upon information available to it, that the addition of such new principal may have a result inimical to the purposes of this chapter, the licensee may add such new principal pending the completion of review by the commission. The licensee shall be afforded an opportunity to demonstrate to the commission that the addition of such new principal pending completion of such review would not have a result inimical to the purposes of this chapter. If upon the completion of such review, the commission determines that such principal lacks good character, honesty and integrity, the license shall cease to be valid unless such principal divests his or her interest, or discontinues his or her involvement in the business of such license, as the case may be, within the time period prescribed by the commission.
d. Each applicant shall provide the commission with a business address in New York city where notices may be delivered and legal process served.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1996/042.
a. The commission may, by majority vote of its entire membership and after notice and the opportunity to be heard, refuse to issue a license or any registration to an applicant who lacks good character, honesty and integrity. Such notice shall specify the reasons for such refusal. In making such determination, the commission may consider, but is not limited to: (i) failure by such applicant to provide truthful information in connection with the application; (ii) a pending indictment or criminal action against such applicant for a crime which under this subdivision would provide a basis for the refusal of such license or registration, or a pending civil or administrative action to which such applicant is a party and which directly relates to the fitness to conduct the business or perform the work for which such license or registration is sought, in which cases the commission may defer consideration of an application until a decision has been reached by the court or administrative tribunal before which such action is pending; (iii) conviction of such applicant for a crime which, considering the factors set forth in section seven hundred fifty-three of the correction law, would provide a basis under such law for the refusal of such license or registration; (iv) a finding of liability in a civil or administrative action that bears a direct relationship to the fitness of the applicant to conduct the business for which the license or registration is sought; (v) commission of a racketeering activity or knowing association with a person who has been convicted of a racketeering activity, including but not limited to the offenses listed in subdivision one of section nineteen hundred sixty-one of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations statute (18 U.S.C. § 1961 et seq.) or of an offense listed in subdivision one of section 460.10 of the penal law, as such statutes may be amended from time to time, or the equivalent offense under the laws of any other jurisdiction; (vi) association with any member or associate of an organized crime group as identified by a federal, state or city law enforcement or investigative agency when the applicant knew or should have known of the organized crime associations of such person; (vii) having been a principal in a predecessor trade waste business as such term is defined in subdivision a of section 16-508 of this chapter where the commission would be authorized to deny a license or registration to such predecessor business pursuant to this subdivision; (viii) current membership in a trade association where such membership would be prohibited to a licensee pursuant to subdivision j of section 16-520 of this chapter unless the commission has determined, pursuant to such subdivision, that such association does not operate in a manner inconsistent with the purposes of this chapter; (ix) the holding of a position in a trade association where membership or the holding of such position would be prohibited to a licensee pursuant to subdivision j of section 16-520 of this chapter; (x) failure to pay any tax, fine, penalty or fee related to the applicant's business for which liability has been admitted by the person liable therefor, or for which judgment has been entered by a court or administrative tribunal of competent jurisdiction; and (xi) failure to comply with any city, state or federal law, rule or regulation relating to traffic safety or the collection, removal, transportation or disposal of trade waste in a safe manner. For purposes of determination of the character, honesty and integrity of a trade waste broker pursuant to subdivision c or subdivision d of section 16-507 of this chapter, the term "applicant" shall refer to the business of such trade waste broker and all the principals thereof; for purposes of determining the good character, honesty and integrity of employees or agents pursuant to section 16-510 of this chapter, the term "applicant" as used herein shall be deemed to apply to employees, agents or prospective employees or agents of an applicant for a license or a licensee.
b. The commission may refuse to issue a license or registration to an applicant for such license or an applicant for registration who has knowingly failed to provide the information and/or documentation required by the commission pursuant to this chapter or any rules promulgated pursuant hereto or who has otherwise failed to demonstrate eligibility for such license under this chapter or any rules promulgated pursuant hereto.
c. The commission may refuse to issue a license to an applicant when such applicant: (i) was previously issued a license or a trade waste permit pursuant to this chapter or former subchapter eighteen of chapter two of title twenty of this code and such license was revoked pursuant to the provisions of this chapter or revoked or not renewed pursuant to the provisions of such former subchapter eighteen or any rules promulgated thereto; or (ii) has been determined to have committed any of the acts which would be a basis for the suspension or revocation of a license pursuant to this chapter or any rules promulgated hereto.
d. The commission may refuse to issue a license pursuant to this chapter to any applicant, where such applicant or any of the principals of such applicant have been principals of a licensee whose license has been revoked pursuant to paragraph two of subdivision b of section 16-513 of this chapter.
e. On or after January first, two thousand nineteen, the commission may refuse to issue a license or registration to an applicant that has failed to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the commission that such applicant will meet the requirements of section 24-163.11 of the code, or any rule promulgated pursuant thereto, in the performance of such license or registration, unless such applicant has been issued a waiver for financial hardship, or has submitted an application for such waiver in accordance with the provisions of subdivision c of section 24-163.11 of the code and such application is pending with the commission.
f. On or after January 1, 2023, the commission may refuse to issue a license or registration to an applicant that has failed to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the commission that such applicant will at all times meet the requirements of section 16-526 of the code, or any rule promulgated pursuant thereto, in the performance of such license or registration.
g. The commission may, after notice and the opportunity to be heard, disqualify an officer of a labor union or labor organization subject to the jurisdiction of the commission pursuant to section 16-503 from holding office when such person: (i) has failed, by the date prescribed by the commission, to be fingerprinted or to provide truthful information in connection with the reporting requirements of subdivisions c and d of section 16-505; (ii) is the subject of a pending indictment or criminal action against such officer for a crime which bears a direct relationship to the trade waste industry, in which case the commission may defer a determination until a decision has been reached by the court before which such action is pending; (iii) has been convicted of a crime which, under the standards set forth in article 23-A of the correction law, bears a direct relationship to the trade waste industry, in which case the commission shall also consider the bearing, if any, that the criminal offense or offenses will have on the fitness of the officer to perform his or her responsibilities, the time which has elapsed since the occurrence of the criminal offense or offenses; the seriousness of the offense or offenses, and any information produced by the person, or produced on his or her behalf, in regard to his or her rehabilitation or good conduct; (iv) has been convicted of a racketeering activity or associated with a person who has been convicted of a racketeering activity, including but not limited to the offenses listed in subdivision one of section nineteen hundred sixty-one of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations statute (18 U.S.C. § 1961, et seq.) or of an offense listed in subdivision one of section 460.10 of the penal law, as such statutes may be amended from time to time, when the officer knew or should have known of such conviction; or (v) has associated with any member or associate of an organized crime group, as identified by a federal, state or city law enforcement or investigative agency, when the officer knew or should have known of the organized crime associations of such person. An officer required to disclose information pursuant to subdivisions c and d of section 16-505 may submit to the commission any material or explanation which such officer believes demonstrates that such information does not reflect adversely upon the officer's good character, honesty and integrity. If the commission determines pursuant to this subdivision that there are sufficient grounds to disqualify a person from holding office in a labor union or labor organization, the commission shall suspend such person from holding office pending a final determination and, in the event such person is disqualified, such suspension shall continue pending resignation or vacatur of or removal from office.
h. Upon written request of a person suspended pursuant to subdivision g of this section within 10 business days of the commission's determination, the director of the office of collective bargaining shall prepare a list of the names of the first fifteen arbitrators selected at random from the roster of arbitrators approved by the office of collective bargaining and present the first five names on such list to the suspended person and the commission. Within alternating periods of five business days the suspended person and then the commission shall each strike a name from the list of selected arbitrators. If the parties cannot within two additional business days jointly appoint an arbitrator from those remaining on the list, the suspended person and then the commission shall within alternating periods of two business days each strike an additional name from the list. The remaining arbitrator shall then be appointed as the arbitrator for that proceeding and shall establish a schedule for such proceeding. In the event that such arbitrator declines the appointment or for any reason is unable to accept the appointment, then the director of the office of collective bargaining shall within five business days present to the suspended person and the commission the next five names on the list of arbitrators previously selected at random and the procedures set forth in this subdivision for appointing an arbitrator shall be applied to this second group. In the event that the arbitrator appointed from this second group declines the appointment or for any reason is unable to accept the appointment, then the director of the office of collective bargaining shall present the remaining five names from the list of arbitrators selected at random and the suspended person shall select an arbitrator from such group. Such arbitrator shall make a final report and recommendations in writing concerning the disqualification. The commission shall accept such report and recommendations and issue its final determination consistent with such report and recommendations. In the event that the suspended person does not make a request for arbitration within the ten business-day period, he or she shall be disqualified from holding office.
i. Upon receiving a final determination from the commission pursuant to subdivision h disqualifying a person from holding office in a labor union or labor organization, such person shall resign or vacate such office within fourteen business days or, if such person fails to resign or vacate such office within such time period, such union or organization shall remove such person forthwith from such office. Failure of such a person to resign or vacate office within such time period shall subject such person to the penalties set forth in section 16-515. Nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize the commission to disqualify a labor union or labor organization from representing or seeking to represent employees of a business required to be licensed or registered pursuant to section 16-505.
j. In reaching a determination to fingerprint an officer of a labor union or labor organization pursuant to subdivision d of section 16-505 or to suspend or disqualify such an officer pursuant to subdivisions g and h of this section, the commission shall give substantial weight to the results of any investigation conducted by an independent investigator, monitor, trustee or other person or body charged with the investigation or oversight of such labor union or labor organization, including whether such investigation has failed to return charges against such officer.
k. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter to the contrary, the provisions of this section shall apply to any labor union or labor organization otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the commission pursuant to section 16-503 and representing or seeking to represent employees of businesses required to be licensed or registered pursuant to this chapter.
l. The commission may refuse to issue a license to an applicant when such applicant has been found to have violated any provision of title 16-B or any rules promulgated pursuant thereto or the terms of any applicable agreement entered into pursuant to section 16-1002 or any provision of 16-306 or any rule promulgated pursuant thereto.
(Am. L.L. 2015/056, 6/16/2015, eff. 6/16/2015; Am. L.L. 2019/055, 3/18/2019, eff. 7/16/2019; Am. L.L. 2019/198, 11/20/2019, eff. 11/20/2019; Am. L.L. 2019/199, 11/20/2019, eff. 5/20/2021; Am. L.L. 2021/084, 7/18/2021, eff. 7/18/2021; Am. L.L. 2021/108, 10/10/2021, eff. 10/10/2021)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1996/042, L.L. 2019/199 and L.L. 2021/108.