a. Notwithstanding the provisions of any local law or regulation promulgated pursuant to the rent stabilization law of nineteen hundred sixty-nine or the emergency tenant protection act of nineteen seventy-four, upon the sale in any manner authorized by law of a multiple dwelling which was previously subject to the provisions of any such laws or acts which was acquired by the city in a tax foreclosure proceeding or pursuant to article nineteen-A of the real property actions and proceedings law, all dwelling units within the multiple dwelling shall be subject to the rent stabilization law of nineteen hundred sixty-nine, as amended, at the last rent charged by the city, or on behalf of the city, for such dwelling unit.
b. If a unit which was subject to this chapter at the time the city so acquired title is occupied by a tenant who was in occupancy at the time of acquisition and remains in occupancy at the time of sale, such tenant shall be offered a one or two year lease at the rent provided in this section as soon as practical at the sale of the multiple dwelling.
c. This section shall not apply to redemptions from city ownership pursuant to chapter four of title eleven of the code.
a. Commencement of agency jurisdiction.
(1) (i) Notwithstanding any provisions of this chapter to the contrary, the department of finance shall grant rent increase exemption orders or tax abatement certificates to senior citizens pursuant to this section and applications for such orders and certificates and renewal applications shall be made to the department of finance.
(ii) Notwithstanding any provisions of this chapter to the contrary, such agency as the mayor shall designate (which agency may also be the department of finance) shall grant rent increase exemption orders or tax abatement certificates to persons with disabilities pursuant to this section and applications for such orders and certificates and renewal applications shall be made to such agency.
(2) The department of finance and such other agency as the mayor shall designate shall have the power, in relation to any application for a rent increase exemption order or tax abatement certificate under such department's or agency's jurisdiction, to determine the lawful stabilization rent, but shall not receive applications for adjustment of the initial legal regulated rent pursuant to section 26-513 of this chapter.
(3) The department of finance and such other agency as the mayor shall designate may promulgate such rules and regulations as may be necessary to effectively carry out the provisions of this section.
b. Rent increase exemptions for certain senior citizens and persons with disabilities.
(1) No increase in the legal regulated rent shall be collectible from a tenant to whom there has been issued a currently valid rent exemption order pursuant to this subdivision, except as provided in such order, if such increase is a lawful increase in the monthly legal regulated rent over the rent legally payable on the eligibility date which is provided under a two year lease, or under such other term as regards dwelling units subject to the hotel stabilization provisions of this chapter, for an increase in rent:
(i) pursuant to an order of the New York city rent guidelines board, or
(ii) based upon an owner hardship rent increase order issued by the state division of housing and community renewal.
(2) A tenant is eligible for a rent exemption order pursuant to this section if:
(i) the head of the household residing in the housing accommodation is sixty-two years of age or older or is a person with a disability, and is entitled to the possession or to the use or occupancy of a dwelling unit. To qualify as a person with a disability for the purposes of this section, an individual shall submit to such agency as the mayor shall designate proof (as specified by regulation of such agency as the mayor shall designate) showing that such individual is currently receiving social security disability insurance (SSDI) or supplemental security income (SSI) benefits under the federal social security act or disability pension or disability compensation benefits provided by the United States department of veterans affairs, or was previously eligible by virtue of receiving disability benefits under the supplemental security income program or the social security disability program and is currently receiving medical assistance benefits based on determination of disability as provided in section three hundred sixty-six of the social services law.
(ii) the aggregate disposable income (as defined by regulation of the department of finance) of all members of the household residing in the housing accommodation whose head of the household is sixty-two years of age or older does not exceed twenty-five thousand dollars beginning July first, two thousand five, twenty-six thousand dollars beginning July first, two thousand six, twenty-seven thousand dollars beginning July first, two thousand seven, twenty-eight thousand dollars beginning July first, two thousand eight, twenty-nine thousand dollars beginning July first, two thousand nine, and fifty thousand dollars beginning July first, two thousand fourteen, per year, after deduction of federal, state and city income and social security taxes. For purposes of this subparagraph, "aggregate disposable income" shall not include gifts or inheritances, payments made to individuals because of their status as victims of Nazi persecution, as defined in P.L. 103-286, or increases in benefits accorded pursuant to the social security act or a public or private pension paid to any member of the household which increase, in any given year, does not exceed the consumer price index (all items United States city average) for such year which take effect after the eligibility date of the head of the household receiving benefits under this section whether received by the head of the household or any other member of the household;
(iii) the aggregate disposable income (as defined by regulation of such agency as the mayor shall designate) for the current income tax year of all members of the household residing in the housing accommodation whose head of the household is a person with a disability does not exceed fifty thousand dollars beginning July first, two thousand fourteen. For purposes of this subparagraph, "aggregate disposable income" shall not include gifts or inheritances, payments made to individuals because of their status as victims of Nazi persecution, as defined in P.L. 103-286, or increases in benefits accorded pursuant to the social security act or a public or private pension paid to any member of the household which increase, in any given year, does not exceed the consumer price index (all items United States city average) for such year which take effect after the eligibility date of the head of the household receiving benefits under this section, whether received by the head of the household or any other member of the household.
(iv) (a) in the case of a head of the household who does not receive a monthly allowance for shelter pursuant to the social services law, (A) the maximum rent for the housing accommodation exceeds one-third of the aggregate disposable income, or (B) subject to the limitations contained within item (d) of subparagraph (i) of paragraph three of this subdivision, if any expected lawful increase in the maximum rent would cause such maximum rent to exceed one-third of the aggregate disposable income, or (C) subject to the limitations contained within item (d) of subparagraph (i) of paragraph three of this subdivision, if such head of household has been granted a rent increase exemption order that is in effect as of January first, two thousand fifteen or takes effect on or before July first, two thousand fifteen regardless of whether the maximum rent or any expected lawful increase described in this clause exceeds one-third of the aggregate disposable income; or
(b) in the case of a head of the household who receives a monthly allowance for shelter pursuant to the social services law, the maximum rent for the housing accommodation exceeds the maximum allowance for shelter which the head of the household is entitled to receive pursuant to the social services law, or subject to the limitations contained within item (d) of subparagraph (i) of paragraph three of this subdivision, if any expected lawful increase in the maximum rent would cause such maximum rent to exceed the maximum allowance for shelter which the head of the household is entitled to receive.
(3) (i) A rent exemption order pursuant to this subdivision shall provide:
(a) in the case of a head of the household who does not receive a monthly allowance for shelter pursuant to the social services law, that the landlord may not collect from the tenant to whom it is issued rent at a rate in excess of either one-third of the aggregate disposable income, or the rent in effect immediately preceding the eligibility date, whichever is greater; or
(b) in the case of a head of the household who receives a monthly allowance for shelter pursuant to the social services law, that the landlord may not collect from the tenant to whom it is issued rent at a rate in excess of either the maximum allowance for shelter which the head of the household is entitled to receive, or the rent in effect immediately preceding the eligibility date, whichever is greater; and
(c) notwithstanding clause (a) of this subparagraph, in the case of an eligible head of the household who has been granted a rent increase exemption order that is in effect as of January first, two thousand fifteen or takes effect on or before July first, two thousand fifteen, that the landlord may not collect from the tenant to whom it is issued rent at a rate in excess of the amount specified in such order, except as may be adjusted by any other provision of this chapter; and
(d) that the landlord may collect from the tenant increases in rent based on an electrical inclusion adjustment or an increase in dwelling space, services or equipment.
(ii) Each such order shall expire upon termination of occupancy of the housing accommodation by the tenant to whom it is issued. The landlord shall notify the department of finance in the case of a household whose eligibility for such order is based on the fact that the head of such household is sixty-two years of age or older, or such agency as the mayor shall designate in the case of a household whose eligibility for such order is based on the fact that the head of such household is a person with a disability, on a form to be prescribed by such department or agency, within thirty days of each such termination of occupancy.
(iii) When a rent reduction order is issued by the state division of housing and community renewal, the amount of the reduction shall be subtracted from the rent payable by the tenant specified in a currently valid rent exemption order issued pursuant to this subdivision. The landlord may not collect from the tenant a sum of rent exceeding the adjusted amount while the rent reduction order is in effect.
(4) Any landlord who collects, or seeks to collect or enforce, rent from a tenant in violation of the terms of a rent exemption order shall, for the purposes of all remedies, sanctions and penalties provided in this chapter, be deemed to have collected or attempted to collect or enforce, a rent in excess of the legal regulated rent.
(5) A rent exemption order shall be issued to each tenant who applies to the department of finance in the case of a tenant who is sixty-two years of age or older or to such agency as the mayor shall designate in the case of a tenant who is a person with a disability, in accordance with such department's or agency's applicable regulations and who is found to be eligible under this subdivision. Such order shall take effect on the first day of the first month after receipt of such application by the department of finance or such agency as the mayor shall designate, except that where there is any other increase in the legal regulated rent within ninety days of the issuance of the order increasing the tenant's maximum rent which a tenant is not exempted from paying, the rent exemption order shall without further order of the department of finance or such agency as the mayor shall designate take effect as of the effective date of said order increasing the tenant's rent including any retroactive increments collectible pursuant to such order.
(6) A rent exemption order shall be valid for the period of the lease or renewal thereof upon application by the tenant; provided, that upon any such renewal application being made by the tenant, any rent exemption order then in effect with respect to such tenant shall be deemed renewed until such time as the department of finance or such agency as the mayor shall designate shall have found such tenant to be either eligible or ineligible for a rent exemption order but in no event for more than six additional months. If such tenant is found eligible, the order shall be deemed to have taken effect upon expiration of the exemption. In the event that any such tenant shall, subsequent to any such automatic renewal, not be granted a rent exemption order, such tenant shall be liable to the owner for the difference between the amounts the tenant has paid under the provisions of the automatically renewed order and the amounts which the tenant would have been required to pay in the absence of such order. Any rent exemption order issued pursuant to this subdivision shall include provisions giving notice as to the contents of this paragraph relating to automatic renewals of rent exemption orders and shall include provisions giving notice that the tenant must enter into either a one or two year renewal lease in order to be eligible for a rent exemption. The notice that each tenant receives from the owner relating to the right to a renewal lease shall contain similar information. Any application or renewal application for a rent exemption order shall also constitute an application for a tax abatement under such section. The department of finance and such other agency as the mayor shall designate may, with respect to renewal applications by the tenants who have been found eligible for rent exemption orders, prescribe a simplified form including a certification of the applicant's continued eligibility in lieu of a detailed statement of income and other qualifications.
(7) Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, when a head of a household to whom a then current, valid rent exemption order has been issued under this chapter, chapter three or chapter seven of this title moves his or her principal residence to a subsequent dwelling unit subject to regulation under this chapter, the head of the household may apply to the department of finance or such other agency as the mayor shall designate for a rent exemption order relating to the subsequent dwelling unit, and such order may provide that the head of the household shall be exempt from paying that portion of the legal regulated rent for the subsequent dwelling unit which is the least of the following:
(i) the amount by which the rent for the subsequent dwelling unit exceeds the last rent, as reduced, which the head of the household was required to actually pay in the original dwelling unit;
(ii) the last amount deducted from the maximum rent or legal regulated rent meaning the most recent monthly deduction for the applicant in the original dwelling unit pursuant to this section or section 26-605 of this title; or
(iii) where the head of the household does not receive a monthly allowance for shelter pursuant to the social services law, the amount by which the legal regulated rent of the subsequent dwelling unit exceeds one-third of the combined income of all members of the household except that this subparagraph shall not apply to any eligible head of the household who has been granted a rent increase exemption order that is in effect as of January first, two thousand fifteen or takes effect on or before July first, two thousand fifteen.
Such certificate shall be effective as of the first day of the month in which the tenant applied for such exemption or as of the date the tenant took occupancy of the subsequent dwelling unit, whichever is later provided both occur after the effective date of this section.
(8) (i) When a dwelling unit subject to regulation under this chapter is later reclassified to a dwelling unit subject to regulation under chapter three of this title, the eligibility of a head of the household to receive a rent increase exemption order upon such reclassification shall be governed by paragraph eight of subdivision m of section 26-405 of this title.
(ii) When a dwelling unit subject to regulation under this chapter is later reclassified to a dwelling unit subject to the provisions of article II, IV, V or XI of the private housing finance law or subject to a mortgage insured or initially insured by the federal government pursuant to section two hundred thirteen of the national housing act, as amended, the eligibility of a head of the household to receive a rent increase exemption order upon such reclassification shall be governed by section 26-605.1 of this title.
(9) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, where a head of household holds a current, valid rent exemption order and, after the effective date of this paragraph, there is a permanent decrease in aggregate disposable income in an amount which exceeds twenty percent of such aggregate disposable income as represented in such head of the household's last approved application for a rent exemption order or for renewal thereof, such head of the household may apply for a redetermination of the amount set forth therein. Upon application, such amount shall be redetermined so as to reestablish the ratio of adjusted rent to aggregate disposable income which existed at the time of approval of such head of the household's last application for a rent exemption order or for renewal thereof; provided, however, that in no event shall the amount of adjusted rent be redetermined to be (i) in the case of a head of the household who does not receive a monthly allowance for shelter pursuant to the social services law, less than one-third of the aggregate disposable income unless such head of the household has been granted a rent exemption order that is in effect as of January first, two thousand fifteen or takes effect on or before July first, two thousand fifteen; or (ii) in the case of a head of the household who receives a monthly allowance for shelter pursuant to such law, less than the maximum allowance for shelter which such head of the household is entitled to receive pursuant to the social services law. For purposes of this paragraph, a decrease in aggregate disposable income shall not include any decrease in such income resulting from the manner in which such income is calculated pursuant to any amendment to paragraph c of subdivision one of section four hundred sixty-seven-b of the real property tax law, any amendment to the regulations of the department of finance made on or after the effective date of the local law that added this clause, or any amendment to the regulations of such other agency as the mayor shall designate made on or after October tenth, two thousand five. For purposes of this paragraph, "adjusted rent" shall mean legal regulated rent less the amount set forth in a rent exemption order.
c. Tax abatement for properties subject to rent exemption order.
(1) Tax abatement, pursuant to the provisions of section four hundred sixty-seven-b of the real property tax law, shall be granted with respect to any real property for which a rent exemption order is issued under subdivision b of this section to the tenant of any housing accommodation contained therein. The rent exemption order shall also constitute the tax abatement certificate.
(2) The real estate tax imposed upon any real property for which a rent exemption is issued, shall be reduced and abated by an amount equal to the difference between:
(i) the sum of the maximum rents collectible under such orders, and
(ii) the sum of rents that would be collectible from the tenants of such housing accommodations if no exemption had been granted pursuant to subdivision b of this section.
(3) For any individual housing accommodation, the tax abatement computed pursuant to this subdivision shall be available with respect to a period commencing on the effective date of the initial rent exemption order, and ending on the expiration date of such order or on the effective date of an order terminating the rent exemption.
(4) Prior to the commencement of each fiscal year, the department of finance shall determine the total amount of taxes to be abated under this section with respect to each property for which rent exemption orders granted to persons sixty-two years of age or older were in effect for all or any part of the preceding calendar year. Prior to the commencement of each fiscal year, such agency as the mayor shall designate shall determine and, if such agency is not the department of finance, shall notify the department of finance of the total amount of taxes to be abated under this section with respect to each property for which rent exemption orders granted to persons with disabilities were in effect for all or any part of the preceding calendar year. The commissioner of finance shall make the appropriate adjustment in the real estate tax payable in such fiscal year.
(5) Tax abatement pursuant to this section shall be in addition to any other tax abatement authorized by law, but shall not reduce the tax for any fiscal year below zero. In the event that the tax abatement certificate authorizes an amount of deduction in excess of the real estate installment, then the balance may be applied to any subsequent installment until exhausted. In such a case the owner shall submit with his or her real estate tax bill and remittance, a verified statement in such form as prescribed by the commissioner of finance setting forth the carry over amount and the amounts previously applied; provided, however, that at the request of the owner such balance shall be paid to the owner by the commissioner of finance in lieu of being applied to any subsequent installment, except where the owner is in arrears in the payment of real estate taxes on any property. For the purposes of this paragraph, where the owner is a corporation, it shall be deemed to be in arrears when any of the officers, directors or any person holding an interest in more than ten percent of the issued and outstanding stock of such corporation is in arrears in the payment of real estate taxes on any property; where title is held by a nominee, the owner shall be deemed to be in arrears when the person for whose benefit such title is held is in arrears in the payment of real estate taxes on any property.
d. Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter, a tenant who resides in a dwelling unit which becomes subject to this chapter upon the sale by the city of New York of the building in which such dwelling unit is situated may be issued a rent increase exemption order for increases in rent which occurred during ownership of such building by the city of New York provided that such tenant would have been otherwise eligible to receive a rent increase exemption order at the time of such increase but for the fact that such tenant occupied a dwelling unit owned by the city of New York and was therefore not subject to this chapter. Application for such rent increase exemption orders shall be made within one year from the date such building is sold by the city of New York or within one year of the effective date of this provision, whichever is later.
(Am. 2015 N.Y. Laws Ch. 553, 12/11/2015, eff. 12/11/2015)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1986/052, L.L. 1988/067, L.L. 1992/040, L.L. 1992/096, L.L. 1996/001, L.L. 2003/056, L.L. 2003/067, L.L. 2005/021, L.L. 2009/044, L.L. 2014/019, L.L. 2014/039, L.L. 2017/024 and L.L. 2020/112.
a. There shall be a rent guidelines board to consist of nine members, appointed by the mayor. Two members shall be representative of tenants, two shall be representative of owners of property, and five shall be public members each of whom shall have had at least five years experience in either finance, economics or housing. One public member shall be designated by the mayor to serve as chairman and shall hold no other public office. No member, officer or employee of any municipal rent regulation agency or the state division of housing and community renewal and no person who owns or manages real estate covered by this law or who is an officer of any owner or tenant organization shall serve on a rent guidelines board. One public member, one member representative of tenants and one member representative of owners shall serve for a term ending two years from January first next succeeding the date of their appointment; one public member, one member representative of tenants and one member representative of owners shall serve for terms ending three years from the January first next succeeding the date of their appointment and two public members shall serve for terms ending four years from January first next succeeding the dates of their appointment. The chairman shall serve at the pleasure of the mayor. Thereafter, all members shall continue in office until their successors have been appointed and qualified. The mayor shall fill any vacancy which may occur by reason of death, resignation or otherwise in a manner consistent with the original appointment. A member may be removed by the mayor for cause, but not without an opportunity to be heard in person or by counsel, in his or her defense, upon not less than ten days notice.
b. The rent guidelines board shall establish annual guidelines for rent adjustments, and in determining whether rents for housing accommodations subject to the emergency tenant protection act of nineteen seventy-four or this law shall be adjusted shall consider, among other things (1) the economic condition of the residential real estate industry in the affected area including such factors as the prevailing and projected (i) real estate taxes and sewer and water rates, (ii) gross operating maintenance costs (including insurance rates, governmental fees, cost of fuel and labor costs), (iii) costs and availability of financing (including effective rates of interest), (iv) over-all supply of housing accommodations and over-all vacancy rates, (2) relevant data from the current and projected cost of living indices for the affected area, (3) such other data as may be made available to it. Not later than July first of each year, the rent guidelines board shall file with the city clerk its findings for the preceding calendar year, and shall accompany such findings with a statement of the maximum rate or rates of rent adjustment, if any, for one or more classes of accommodations subject to this law, authorized for leases or other rental agreements commencing on the next succeeding October first or within the twelve months thereafter. Such findings and statement shall be published in the City Record. The rent guidelines board shall not establish annual guidelines for rent adjustments based on the current rental cost of a unit or on the amount of time that has elapsed since another rent increase was authorized pursuant to this title.
c. Such members shall be compensated on a per diem basis of one hundred dollars per day for no more than twenty-five days a year except that the chairman shall be compensated at one hundred twenty-five dollars a day for no more than fifty days a year. The chairman shall be chief administrative officer of the rent guidelines board and among his or her powers and duties he or she shall have the authority to employ, assign and supervise the employees of the rent guidelines board and enter into contracts for consultant services. The department of housing preservation and development shall cooperate with the rent guidelines board and may assign personnel and perform such services in connection with the duties of the rent guidelines board as may reasonably be required by the chairman.
d. Any housing accommodation covered by this law owned by a member in good standing of an association registered with the department of housing preservation and development pursuant to section 26-511 of this chapter which becomes vacant for any reason, other than harassment of the prior tenant, may be offered for rental at any price notwithstanding any guideline level established by the guidelines board for renewal leases, provided the offering price does not exceed the rental then authorized by the guidelines board for such dwelling unit plus five percent for a new lease not exceeding two years and a further five percent for a new lease having a minimum term of three years, until July first, nineteen hundred seventy, at which time the guidelines board shall determine what the rental for a vacancy shall be.
e. With respect to hotel dwelling units, covered by this law pursuant to section 26-506 of this chapter, the council, after receipt of a study from the rent guidelines board, shall establish a guideline for rent increases, irrespective of the limitations on amount of increase in subdivision d hereof, which guideline shall apply only to permanent tenants. A permanent tenant is an individual or family who at any time since May thirty-first, nineteen hundred sixty-eight, or hereafter, has continuously resided in the same hotel as a principal residence for a period of at least six months. On January first, nineteen hundred seventy-one and once annually each succeeding year the rent guidelines board shall cause a review to be made of the levels of fair rent increases provided under this subdivision and may establish different levels of fair rent increases for hotel dwelling units renting within different rental ranges based upon the board's consideration of conditions in the market for hotel accommodations and the economics of hotel real estate. Any hotel dwelling unit which is voluntarily vacated by the tenant thereof may be offered for rental at the guideline level for vacancies established by the rent guidelines board. If a hotel dwelling unit becomes vacant because the prior tenant was evicted therefrom, there shall be no increase in the rental thereof except for such increases in rental that the prior tenant would have had to pay had he or she continued in occupancy.
g. From September twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred sixty-nine until the rate of permissible increase is established by the council pursuant to subdivision e of this section, there shall not be collected from any permanent hotel tenant any rent increase in excess of ten percent over the rent payable for his or her dwelling unit on May thirty-first, nineteen hundred sixty-eight, except for hardship increases authorized by the conciliation and appeals board. Any owner who collects or permits any rent to be collected in excess of the amount authorized by this subdivision shall not be eligible to be a member in good standing of a hotel industry stabilization association.
h. The rent guidelines board prior to the annual adjustment of the level of fair rents provided for under subdivision b of this section for dwelling units and hotel dwelling units covered by this law, shall hold a public hearing or hearings for the purpose of collecting information relating to all factors set forth in subdivision b of this section. Notice of the date, time, location and summary of subject matter for the public hearing or hearings shall be published in the City Record daily for a period of not less than eight days and at least once in one or more newspapers of general circulation at least eight days immediately preceding each hearing date, at the expense of the city of New York, and the hearing shall be open for testimony from any individual, group, association or representative thereof who wants to testify.
i. Maximum rates of rent adjustment shall not be established more than once annually for any housing accommodation within the board's jurisdiction. Once established, no such rate shall, within the one-year period, be adjusted by any surcharge, supplementary adjustment or other modification.
j. Notwithstanding any other provision of this law, the adjustment for vacancy leases covered by the provisions of this law shall be determined exclusively pursuant to this section. The rent guidelines board shall no longer promulgate adjustments for vacancy leases unless otherwise authorized by this chapter.
(Am. 2019 N.Y. Laws Ch. 36 Pt. C §§ 1, 4, 6/14/2019, eff. 6/14/2019; Am. 2019 N.Y. Laws Ch. 39 Pt. Q § 1, 6/24/2019, retro eff. 6/14/2019)