L.L. 1986/002
Enactment date: 4/2/1986
Int. No. 2
By the President (Mr. Stein) (by request of the Mayor and the Comptroller): also Council Members Clark, Dryfoos, Eisland, Friedlander, Gerges, Greitzer, Harrison, Katzman, Maloney, Messinger, Michels, Pinkett, Robles, DiBrienza and Horwitz
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to unlawful discriminatory practices
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. Legislative declaration. The council reaffirms its finding and declaration articulated in the law establishing the city commission on human rights that in the city of New York, with its great cosmopolitan population consisting of large numbers of people of diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and ways of life, there is no greater danger to the well-being of the city and its inhabitants than the existence of groups prejudiced against one another and antagonistic to each other. It further reiterates the prejudice, intolerance, bigotry, and discrimination occasioned thereby threatens the rights and proper privileges of the city's inhabitants and menace the institutions and foundations of a free democratic state.
The council notes that, throughout the history of the city, many New Yorkers have encountered prejudice on account of their sexual orientation. In some instances, the prejudice has impaired access to employment, housing, and other basic necessities of life leading to depravation and suffering. In addition, it has fostered a general climate of hostility and distrust, even to the point of physical violence against those perceived to be homosexual.
The council hereby finds and declares that discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation exists, that it unjustly threatens the well-being of thousands of New Yorkers, and that it should be prohibited in regard to employment, housing, land, commercial space and public accommodations.
In doing so, the Council wishes to make clear that it is not the function of the civil rights statute to promote a particular group or community; its purpose is rather to ensure that individuals who live in our society will have the opportunity to pursue their own beliefs and conduct their lives as they see fit within the limits of the law.
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[Consolidated provisions are not included in this Appendix A]
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§ 3. This local law shall take effect immediately.