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New York City Overview
The New York City Charter
The New York City Administrative Code
Title 1: General Provisions
Title 2: City of New York
Title 3: Elected officials
Title 4: Property of the City
Title 5: Budget; Capital Projects
Title 6: Contracts, Purchases and Franchises
Title 7: Legal Affairs
Title 8: Civil Rights
Title 9: Criminal Justice
Title 10: Public Safety
Title 11: Taxation and Finance
Title 12: Personnel and Labor
Title 13: Retirement and Pensions
Title 14: Police
Title 15: Fire Prevention and Control
Title 16: Sanitation
Title 16-A: [Commercial Waste Removal]
Title 16-B: Commercial Waste Zones
Title 17: Health
Title 18: Parks
Title 19: Transportation
Title 20: Consumer and Worker Protection
Title 20-A: [Shipboard Gambling]
Title 21: Social Services
Title 21-A: Education
Title 22: Economic Affairs
Title 23: Communications
Title 24: Environmental Protection and Utilities
Title 25: Land Use
Title 26: Housing and Buildings
Title 27: Construction and Maintenance
Title 28: New York City Construction Codes
Title 29: New York City Fire Code
Title 30: Emergency Management
Title 31: Department of Veterans' Services
Title 32: Labor and Employment
Title 33: Investigations
Title 34: Racial Equity
Appendix A: Unconsolidated Local Laws
The Rules of the City of New York
Title 1: Department of Buildings
Title 2: Board of Standards and Appeals
Title 3: Fire Department
Title 6: Department of Consumer and Worker Protection
Title 9: Procurement Policy Board Rules
Title 12: Franchise and Concession Review Committee
Title 15: Department of Environmental Protection
Title 16: Department of Sanitation
Title 17: Business Integrity Commission
Title 19: Department of Finance
Title 20: Tax Appeals Tribunal
Title 21: Tax Commission
Title 22: Banking Commission
Title 24: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Title 25: Department of Mental Health and Retardation [Repealed]
Title 28: Housing Preservation and Development
Title 29: Loft Board
Title 30: Rent Guidelines Board
Title 31: Mayor's Office of Homelessness and Single Room Occupancy
Title 34: Department of Transportation
Title 35: Taxi and Limousine Commission
Title 38: Police Department
Title 38-A: Civilian Complaint Review Board
Title 39: Department of Correction
Title 40: Board of Correction
Title 41: Department of Juvenile Justice
Title 42: Department of Probation
Title 43: Mayor
Title 44: Comptroller
Title 45: Borough Presidents
Title 46: Law Department
Title 47: Commission on Human Rights
Title 48: Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH)
Title 49: Department of Records and Information Services
Title 50: Community Assistance Unit
Title 51: City Clerk
Title 52: Campaign Finance Board*
Title 53: Conflicts of Interest Board
Title 55: Department of Citywide Administrative Services
Title 56: Department of Parks and Recreation
Title 57: Art Commission
Title 58: Department of Cultural Affairs
Title 60: Civil Service Commission
Title 61: Office of Collective Bargaining
Title 62: City Planning
Title 63: Landmarks Preservation Commission
Title 66: Department of Small Business Services
Title 67: Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications
Title 68: Human Resources Administration
Title 69: Department of Aging
Title 70: In Rem Foreclosure Release Board
Title 71: Voter Assistance Commission
Title 72: Office of Emergency Management
Title 73: Civic Engagement Commission
Title 74: Community Hiring
Enactment date: 12/28/2009
Int. No. 564-A
By Council Members Garodnick, the Speaker (Council Member Quinn), Brewer, Fidler, Gonzalez, James, Koppell, Sanders Jr., Seabrook, Weprin, White Jr., Gerson, Lappin, Yassky, Recchia Jr., Sears, Liu, Mendez, de Blasio, Mitchell, Mark-Viverito, Katz, Vallone Jr., Nelson, Vann, Avella, Gioia, Vacca, Jackson, Ferreras, Comrie, Barron, Arroyo, Crowley, Gennaro, Mealy and Reyna
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to establishing a New York city energy code.
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. Statement of findings and purpose. The Energy Conservation Construction Code of New York State (State Energy Code), authorized by article eleven of the State Energy Law, sets standards for the energy performance of buildings throughout New York. For existing buildings, the State Energy Code only applies when an alteration leads to the replacement of at least fifty percent of a building's system or subsystem, meaning there are no energy efficiency requirements for many renovation projects of a lesser magnitude or lower threshold. As a result of this loophole, New York City is failing to reap the benefits of energy improvements as the building fabric is updated in those situations. The State Energy Law expressly permits a municipality to promulgate a local energy conservation construction code that is more stringent than the State Energy Code. Accordingly, the Council finds that it is reasonable and necessary to promulgate a New York City Energy Code in order to ensure the enforcement of the State Energy Code within New York City and to impose energy standards for renovation projects at a lower threshold than that mandated by the State Energy Code. If following the promulgation of the New York City Energy Code the State revises the State Energy Code, the more stringent provisions of the two codes shall apply until the New York City Energy Code is amended and made more stringent.
* * *
[Consolidated provisions are not included in this Appendix A]
* * *
§ 30. If any section, subdivision, paragraph, item, sentence, clause, phrase or other portion of this local law is for any reason declared unconstitutional or invalid, in whole or in part, by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed severable, and such unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this law, which remaining portions shall continue in full force and effect.
§ 31. This local law shall take effect on July 1, 2010 and shall apply to work for which applications for construction document approval are submitted to the department of buildings on and after such date; provided, that the commissioner of buildings shall take all actions necessary to implement this local law, including the promulgation of rules, on or before such effective date.
Enactment date: 12/28/2009
Int. No. 967-A
By Council Member Gennaro, the Speaker (Council Member Quinn), Brewer, Comrie, Dickens, Garodnick, Gioia, James, Koppell, Lappin, Mitchell, Palma, Recchia Jr., Reyna, Rivera, Stewart, Liu, Yassky, Sears, White Jr., Mendez, de Blasio, Mark-Viverito, Vann, Avella, Vacca, Gerson, Jackson, Gonzalez, Ferreras, Vallone Jr., Barron, Arroyo, Crowley and Mealy
A Local Law to amend the New York city charter and the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to requiring energy audits and retro-commissioning of base building systems of certain buildings and retro-fitting of certain city-owned buildings.
* * *
[Consolidated provisions are not included in this Appendix A]
* * *
§ 3. Report on capital improvements of base building systems. The department of citywide administrative services shall submit annual reports to the mayor and the speaker of the city council on capital improvements of base building systems completed pursuant to section 224.2 of the charter, as added by section 2 of this local law, for each city fiscal year commencing with the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013. The first such report for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2013 shall be submitted by December 31, 2014. Subsequent reports shall be due six months after the close of the fiscal year covered by the report. Each report shall include at a minimum:
   a.   The latest energy efficiency reports (including energy audit and retro-commissioning) submitted pursuant to article three hundred eight of chapter three of title twenty-eight of the administrative code for each building covered by the applicable report of the department of citywide administrative services.
   b.   An analysis of the most commonly recommended capital improvements of base building systems recommended in the energy audits of such buildings.
   c.   An analysis of the accuracy of such energy audits in predicting costs of the recommended capital improvements.
   d.   An analysis after one year of operation of the accuracy with which such audits predicted the actual saving achieved by the capital improvements.
   e.   Recommendations as to appropriate legislative or administrative actions or a statement as to why no legislative or administrative actions are needed.
§ 4. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or other portion of this local law is for any reason declared unconstitutional or invalid, in whole or in part, by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed severable, and such unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this local law, which remaining portions shall continue in full force and effect.
§ 5. This local law shall take effect immediately.
Enactment date: 12/28/2009
Int. No. 973-A
By Council Members Recchia, Jr., the Speaker (Council Member Quinn), Comrie, Dickens, Fidler, Garodnick, Gioia, James, Lappin, Mitchell, Nelson, Reyna, Rivera, Stewart, Liu, Yassky, Sears, White Jr., Mendez, de Blasio, Mark-Viverito, Katz, Vallone Jr., Gerson, Koppell, Vann, Avella, Vacca, Jackson, Brewer, Gonzalez, Ferreras, Barron, Arroyo, Crowley, Gennaro and Mealy
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to upgrading lighting systems and the installation of sub-meters in certain buildings.
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. Declaration of legislative findings and intent. The Council finds that non-residential lighting is responsible for almost 18% of the energy used in New York City's buildings and roughly 18% of carbon emissions from buildings, that tenant electrical use can account for the majority of the electricity consumed in many large non-residential buildings, and that patterns of electrical consumption in tenant spaces are often not known by tenants. Rapid improvements in lighting technology in the past decades have made it feasible to dramatically reduce energy consumption by installing more efficient lighting systems, and any investments made to install such systems will typically be realized through operational savings. Furthermore, most large buildings have one master meter for electricity that measures building-wide usage, as opposed to separate meters that provide such information on a per tenant basis. The Council finds that the consumption of energy for lighting and other electrical equipment can be reduced if code-compliant lighting is installed in non-residential spaces and electrical measuring equipment is installed and data on electrical energy use is made available to commercial tenants.
* * *
[Consolidated provisions are not included in this Appendix A]
* * *
§ 3. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or other portion of this local law is for any reason declared unconstitutional or invalid, in whole or in part, by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed severable, and such unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this local law, which remaining portions shall continue in full force and effect.
§ 4. This local law shall take effect immediately.
Enactment date: 12/28/2009
Int. No. 1014-A
By Council Member White, Jr., Weprin and Mealy
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to regionally significant projects and empire zones.
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. Statement of legislative findings and intent. Under Section 957(d)(i) of the General Municipal Law, certain business enterprises located outside the boundaries of an Empire Zone may still be eligible for Empire Zone benefits as a "regionally significant project" because the economic activity of such enterprise is of a nature that is encouraged by the State, and the Administrative Board of such Empire Zone recommends the designation of such business as a regionally significant project. The New York State Department of Economic Development has determined that Epic Pharma LLC, a minority-owned pharmaceutical manufacturer is projected to create 50 new jobs and has been provisionally approved for Empire Zones benefits as a regionally significant project under Section 957(d)(i) of the General Municipal Law.
* * *
[Consolidated provisions are not included in this Appendix A]
* * *
§ 3. This local law shall take effect immediately and the commissioner of small business services shall immediately take such actions as are necessary for the administration and implementation of this local law.
Enactment date: 12/28/2009
Int. No. 1103-A
By Council Members Avella, Barron, Brewer, Comrie, Dickens, Dilan, Ferreras, Foster, Gentile, Gerson, Gioia, Gonzalez, James, Liu, Mealy, Mendez, Nelson, Palma, Recchia Jr., Rivera, Sanders, Jr., Seabrook, Vacca, Ulrich, Weprin, White, Jr. and Yassky
A Local Law in relation to the naming of 70 thoroughfares and public places, Ron Carey Avenue, Borough of Queens, Betty Pegen Way, Borough of Queens, Sol Soskin Way, Borough of Queens, Kenneth Jackson, Jr. Blvd., Borough of Brooklyn, Power Memorial Way, Borough of Manhattan, Morris R. Lee Place, Borough of Queens, John Hicks Way, Borough of Manhattan, Sugar Ray Robinson Way, Borough of Manhattan, Anthony Aristedes Delgado Way, Borough of Brooklyn, Thomas Joseph Sgroi A 9-11 Memorial Way, Borough of Brooklyn, Mitad del Mundo, Borough of Queens, Veterans Memorial Way, Borough of Brooklyn, Rev. Robert G. Lane Blvd., Borough of The Bronx, FF Alfred Ronaldson Place, Borough of The Bronx, Walter L. Johnson Corner Developer of Dyker Heights, Borough of Brooklyn, Rosemarie O' Keefe Way, Borough of Brooklyn, Hank Vogt Way, Borough of Brooklyn, Dr. Michael Brienza Way, Borough of Brooklyn, Hon. Thomas Tam Way, Borough of Manhattan, The Bowery Mission Way, Borough of Manhattan, Roger Laghezza Place, Borough of Queens, Nicolas A. Nowillo Place, Borough of Queens, Francesco "Frankie" Loccisano Way, Borough of Brooklyn, Dr. Jitendra Sukhadia Crossing, Borough of Staten Island, Benny A. Lyde Place, Borough of Brooklyn, Bernard L. Shapiro Boulevard, Borough of Queens, Janice Marie Knight Street, Borough of Brooklyn, Dr. Saul J. Farber Way, Borough of Manhattan, NYS Senator 1956-2006, Hon. John J. Marchi Way, Borough of Staten Island, Catherine Vanden-Heuvel Way, Borough of Staten Island, Elizabeth Stanton Way, Borough of Staten Island, Arthur F. Newcombe Sr. Way, Borough of Staten Island, FDNY Lt. John "Muzz" Murray Way, Borough of Staten Island, Corporal John C. Johnson, Sr. Road, Borough of Staten Island, Custodian Martin T. Cavanagh Way, Borough of Staten Island, Sergeant Gerald A. Johnson Corner, Borough of Staten Island, Carmine Narducci Way, Borough of Staten Island, Bobby Smith Court, Borough of Staten Island, Curtis High School Alumni Way, Borough of Staten Island, Michael Cocozza Way, Borough of Staten Island, Rabbi Dr. Joseph I. Singer Way, Borough of Brooklyn, Sheila Nelson Way, Borough of Brooklyn, P.O. Kevin M. Lee Way, Borough of Staten Island, Eugene S. Devlin III Way, Borough of Staten Island, Michael A. Primiano Way, Borough of Staten Island, Sal Somma Way, Borough of Staten Island, PV2 Isaac T. Cortes Way, Borough of The Bronx, Sister Jane Talbot Way, Borough of Brooklyn, Ken Siegelman Way, Borough of Brooklyn, Lance Corporal Alberto Francesconi Place, Borough of The Bronx, Supervising Fire Dispatcher Dennis Patrick O' Connell Place, Borough of The Bronx, Mr. Joseph Zinzi Place, Borough of The Bronx, J. Clifford Gadsden Place, Borough of Queens, Edith Copeland Baldwin Way, Borough of The Bronx, Det. Rudolph Vinston Edwards, Sr. Way, Borough of The Bronx, Gloria D. Alexander Way, Borough of The Bronx, Dorothy Gomes Way, Borough of The Bronx, Christian Regenhard Way, Borough of The Bronx, Charles Carroccetto Corner, Borough of The Bronx, Officer Dominick Pezzulo Triangle, Borough of The Bronx, Beverly Baxter Blvd., Borough of Queens, Sean Bell Way, Borough of Queens, Ghanwatti Boodram Way, Borough of Queens, Mike Lee Corner, Borough of Brooklyn, Burlingame Court, Borough of Queens, James Court, Borough of Queens, McKee Court, Borough of Queens, Calhoun Court, Borough of Queens, Moncrief Court, Borough of Queens, Lockwood Court, Borough of Queens and the repeal of sections 7 and 10 of local law number 46 for the year 2009, the repeal of sections 17 and 37 of local law number 48 for the year 2008 and the repeal of section 48 of local law number 64 for the year 2008.
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. The following street name, in the Borough of Queens, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Ron Carey Avenue
28th Avenue
Between 203rd and 206th Streets
§ 2. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Queens, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Betty Pegen Way
At the intersection of 12th Avenue and College Place
§ 3. The following street name, in the Borough of Queens, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Sol Soskin Way
215th Street
Between 45th Road and Northern Boulevard
§ 4. The following street name, in the Borough of Brooklyn, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Kenneth Jackson, Jr. Blvd.
Autumn Avenue
Between Conduit Avenue and Sutter Avenue
§ 5. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Manhattan, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Power Memorial Way
At the intersection of West 61st Street and Amsterdam Avenue
§ 6. The following street name, in the Borough of Queens, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Morris R. Lee Place
228th Street
Between Linden Boulevard and 116th Avenue
§ 7. The following street name, in the Borough of Manhattan, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
John Hicks Way
West 139th Street
Between Edgecombe Avenue and Frederick Douglas Boulevard
§ 8. The following street name, in the Borough of Manhattan, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Sugar Ray Robinson Way
Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Boulevard
Between 123rd Street and 124th Street
§ 9. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Brooklyn, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Anthony Aristedes Delgado Way
At the corner of Central Avenue and Palmetto Street
§ 10. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Brooklyn, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Thomas Joseph Sgroi
A 9-11 Memorial Way
Northeast corner of 15th Avenue and 15th Street
§ 11. The following street name, in the Borough of Queens, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Mitad del Mundo
Elmhurst Avenue
Between 94th Street and 95th Street
§ 12. The following street name, in the Borough of Brooklyn, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Veterans Memorial Way
Whitney Avenue
Between Gerritsen Avenue and Burnett Street
§ 13. The following street name, in the Borough of The Bronx, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Rev. Robert G. Lane Blvd.
Washington Avenue
Between East 165th Street and East 166th Street
§ 14. The following street name, in the Borough of The Bronx, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
FF Alfred Ronaldson Place
Washington Avenue
Between East 172nd Street and East 173rd Street
§ 15. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Brooklyn, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Walter L. Johnson Corner Developer of Dyker Heights
At the southwest corner of 82nd Street and 11th Avenue
§ 16. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Brooklyn, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Rosemarie O' Keefe Way
At the intersection of Bay Ridge Parkway and 5th Avenue
§ 17. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Brooklyn, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Hank Vogt Way
At the intersection of 85th Street and 7th Avenue
§ 18. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Brooklyn, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Dr. Michael Brienza Way
At the intersection of 15th Avenue and Cropsey Avenue
§ 19. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Manhattan, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Hon. Thomas Tam Way
Underneath the Canal Street sign on the Southeast corner of Canal and Cortland Alley
§ 20. The following street name, in the Borough of Manhattan, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
The Bowery Mission Way
227 Bowery at the intersection with Prince Street
Between Rivington Street and Stanton Street
§ 21. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Queens, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Roger Laghezza Place
At the intersection of 29th Street and 39th Avenue
§ 22. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Queens, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Nicolas A. Nowillo Place
At the intersection of Crescent Street and 40th Avenue
§ 23. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Brooklyn, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Francesco "Frankie" Loccisano Way
At the intersection of 63rd Street and 14th Avenue
§ 24. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Staten Island, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Dr. Jitendra Sukhadia Crossing
At the intersection of Amboy Road and Arden Avenue
§ 25. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Brooklyn, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Benny A. Lyde Place
At the northeast corner of Lincoln Place and New York Avenue
§ 26. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Queens, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Bernard L. Shapiro Boulevard
At the intersection of Parsons Boulevard and 24th Avenue
§ 27. The following street name, in the Borough of Brooklyn, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Janice Marie Knight Street
East 40th Street
Between Lenox Road and Clarkson Avenue
§ 28. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Manhattan, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Dr. Saul J. Farber Way
At the intersection of East 30th Street and First Avenue
§ 29. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Staten Island, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
NYS Senator 1956-2006, Hon. John J. Marchi Way
At the intersection of Nixon Avenue and Ward Avenue
§ 30. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Staten Island, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Catherine Vanden-Heuvel Way
At the intersection of Mountainview Avenue and Purdy Avenue
§ 31. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Staten Island, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Elizabeth Stanton Way
At the intersection of Richmond Terrace and Jersey Street
§ 32. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Staten Island, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Arthur F. Newcombe Sr. Way
At the intersection of Henderson Avenue and Broadway
§ 33. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Staten Island, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
FDNY Lt. John "Muzz" Murray Way
At the intersection of Kingsley Avenue and Manor Road
§ 34. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Staten Island, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Corporal John C. Johnson, Sr. Road
At the intersection of Curtis Avenue and Manor Road
§ 35. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Staten Island, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Custodian Martin T. Cavanagh Way
At the intersection of Benziger Avenue and Daniel Low Terrace
§ 36. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Staten Island, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Sergeant Gerald A. Johnson Corner
At the intersection of Floyd Street and Raymond Place
§ 37. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Staten Island, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Carmine Narducci Way
At the intersection of Maple Parkway and Walloon Avenue
§ 38. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Staten Island, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Bobby Smith Court
At the intersection of Lawrence Avenue and Forest Avenue
§ 39. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Staten Island, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Curtis High School Alumni Way
At the intersection of Nicholas Street and St. Marks Place
§ 40. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Staten Island, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Michael Cocozza Way
At the intersection of St. Mary's Avenue and Ormond Place
§ 41. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Brooklyn, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Rabbi Dr. Joseph I. Singer Way
At the intersection of West End Avenue and Cass Place
§ 42. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Brooklyn, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Sheila Nelson Way
At the intersection of East 21st Street and Emmons Avenue
§ 43. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Staten Island, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
P.O. Kevin M. Lee Way
At the intersection of Cromwell Avenue and Hylan Boulevard
§ 44. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Staten Island, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Eugene S. Devlin III Way
At the intersection of Todt Hill Road and Flagg Place
§ 45. The following street name, in the Borough of Staten Island, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Michael A. Primiano Way
8th Street
Between New Dorp Lane and Rose Avenue
§ 46. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Staten Island, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Sal Somma Way
At the intersection of New Dorp Lane and Hylan Boulevard
§ 47. The following street name, in the Borough of The Bronx, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
PV2 Isaac T. Cortes Way
Unionport Road
Between Metropolitan Oval and Starling Avenue
§ 48. The following street name, in the Borough of Brooklyn, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Sister Jane Talbot Way
East 4th Street
Between Avenue W and Gravesend Neck Road
§ 49. The following street name, in the Borough of Brooklyn, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Ken Siegelman Way
West 5th Street
Between Avenue V and Wolf Place
§ 50. The following intersection name, in the Borough of The Bronx, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Lance Corporal Alberto Francesconi Place
At the intersection of East 187th Street and Park Avenue
§ 51. The following street name, in the Borough of The Bronx, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Supervising Fire Dispatcher Dennis Patrick O' Connell Place
East 180th Street
Between Bronx Park Avenue and Devoe Avenue
§ 52. The following intersection name, in the Borough of The Bronx, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Mr. Joseph Zinzi Place
At the intersection of Arthur Avenue and East 187th Street
§ 53. The following street name, in the Borough of Queens, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
J. Clifford Gadsden Place
175th Street
Between 145th Avenue and 146th Avenue
§ 54. The following intersection name, in the Borough of The Bronx, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Edith Copeland Baldwin Way
At the intersection of Tilden Street and Barnes Avenue
§ 55. The following intersection name, in the Borough of The Bronx, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Det. Rudolph Vinston Edwards, Sr. Way
At the intersection of Schieffelin Avenue and Baychester Avenue
§ 56. The following street name, in the Borough of The Bronx, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Gloria D. Alexander Way
Digney Avenue
Between East 233rd Street and Bussing Avenue
§ 57. The following intersection name, in the Borough of The Bronx, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Dorothy Gomes Way
Edenwald Avenue and East 233rd Street
§ 58. The following intersection name, in the Borough of The Bronx, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Christian Regenhard Way
At the intersection of Aldrich Street and Asch Loop
§ 59. The following intersection name, in the Borough of The Bronx, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Charles Carroccetto Corner
At the intersection of Crosby Avenue and Roberts Avenue
§ 60. The following intersection name, in the Borough of The Bronx, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Officer Dominick Pezzulo Triangle
At the intersection of the Hutchinson River Parkway and East Tremont Avenue
§ 61. The following street name, in the Borough of Queens, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Beverly Baxter Blvd.
Rockaway Beach Boulevard
Between the west side of Beach 108 Street to the east side of Beach 116th Street
§ 62. The following street name, in the Borough of Queens, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Sean Bell Way
Liverpool Street
Between 94th Avenue and 101st Street
§ 63. The following street name, in the Borough of Queens, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Ghanwatti Boodram Way
260th Street
Between 80th Avenue and 81st Avenue
§ 64. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Brooklyn, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Mike Lee Corner
At the intersection of Wythe Avenue and North 6th Street
§ 65. The following street name, in the Borough of Queens, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Burlingame Court
163rd Road
Between 104th Street and Hawtree Basin
§ 66. The following street name, in the Borough of Queens, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
James Court
163rd Drive
Between 104th Street and Hawtree Basin
§ 67. The following street name, in the Borough of Queens, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
McKee Court
164th Avenue
Between 104th Street and Hawtree Basin
§ 68. The following street name, in the Borough of Queens, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Calhoun Court
164th Road
Between 104th Street and Hawtree Basin
§ 69. The following street name, in the Borough of Queens, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Moncrief Court
164th Drive
Between 104th Street and Hawtree Basin
§ 70. The following street name, in the Borough of Queens, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name
Present Name
Lockwood Court
165th Avenue
Between 104th Street and Hawtree Basin
§ 71. Sections 7 and 10 of local law number 46 for the year 2009 are hereby REPEALED.
§ 72. Sections 17 and 37 of local law number 48 for the year 2008 are hereby REPEALED.
§ 73. Section 48 of local law number 64 for the year 2008 is hereby REPEALED.
§ 74. This local law shall take effect immediately.
Enactment date: 12/28/2009
Preconsidered Int. No. 1110
By Council Member Weprin and Fidler (by request of the Mayor)
A Local Law in relation to the date of submission by the mayor of a preliminary management report and the date prior to which the council shall conduct public hearings and the date by which the council shall submit a report or reports pertaining thereto, the date of submission by the mayor of the preliminary certificate regarding debt and reserves and appropriations and expenditures for capital projects, the date of submission by the mayor of the preliminary budget, the date of publication by the director of the independent budget office of a report on revenues and expenditures, the date of submission by the community boards of statements in regard to the preliminary budget, the date of submission by the commissioner of finance of an estimate of the assessed valuation of real property and statement of real property taxes due, expected to be received, and uncollected, the date of submission by the mayor of a tax benefit report, the date of submission by the borough boards of statements on budget priorities, the date of submission by the council of estimates of the financial needs of the council, the date of submission by the borough presidents of proposed modifications of the preliminary budget, the date of publication by the director of the independent budget office of a report analyzing the preliminary budget, the date by which the council shall hold hearings and submit recommendations in regard to the preliminary budget, and the date of submission by the campaign finance board of estimates of the financial needs of the campaign finance board, relating to the fiscal year two thousand eleven.
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. During the calendar year 2010 and in relation to the 2011 fiscal year:
   1.   Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of section 12 of the New York city charter, as amended by vote of the electors on November 7, 1989, the mayor shall pursuant to such section submit a preliminary management report as therein described not later than February 11, 2010, and the council shall conduct public hearings on such report prior to April 20, 2010 and submit to the mayor and make public not later than April 20, 2010, a report or reports of findings and recommendations.
   2.   Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of section 235 of the New York city charter, as added by vote of the electors on November 7, 1989, the mayor shall pursuant to such section submit and publish a preliminary certificate regarding debt and reserves and appropriations and expenditures for capital projects as therein described not later than January 28, 2010.
   3.   Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of section 236 of the New York city charter, as amended by local law number 25 for the year 1998, the mayor shall pursuant to such section submit a preliminary budget as therein described not later than January 28, 2010.
   4.   Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of section 237 of the New York city charter, as added by vote of the electors on November 7, 1989, the director of the independent budget office shall publish a report on revenues and expenditures as therein described on or before February 11, 2010.
   5.   Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of section 238 of the New York city charter, as added by vote of the electors on November 7, 1989, each community board shall pursuant to such section submit a statement and recommendations in regard to the preliminary budget as therein described not later than February 25, 2010.
   6.   Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of section 239 of the New York city charter, as added by vote of the electors on November 7, 1989, the commissioner of finance shall pursuant to such section submit an estimate of the assessed valuation of real property and a certified statement of all real property taxes due as therein described not later than February 25, 2010.
   7.   Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of section 240 of the New York city charter, as added by vote of the electors on November 7, 1989, the mayor shall pursuant to such section submit a tax benefit report as therein described not later than February 25, 2010.
   8.   Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of section 241 of the New York city charter, as added by vote of the electors on November 7, 1989, each borough board shall pursuant to such section submit a statement of budget priorities as therein described not later than March 8, 2010.
   9.   Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of section 243 of the New York city charter, as added by vote of the electors on November 7, 1989, the council shall pursuant to such section approve and submit estimates of the financial needs of the council as therein described not later than March 31, 2010.
   10.   Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of section 245 of the New York city charter, as added by vote of the electors on November 7, 1989, each borough president shall pursuant to such section submit any proposed modifications of the preliminary budget as therein described not later than March 22, 2010.
   11.   Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of section 246 of the New York city charter, as added by vote of the electors on November 7, 1989, the director of the independent budget office shall pursuant to such section publish a report analyzing the preliminary budget as therein described on or before March 26, 2010.
   12.   Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of section 247 of the New York city charter, as added by vote of the electors on November 7, 1989, the council shall pursuant to such section hold hearings and submit recommendations as therein described not later than April 8, 2010.
   13.   Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of subdivision c of section 1052 of the New York city charter, as added by vote of the electors on November 3, 1998, the campaign finance board shall pursuant to such subdivision submit estimates of the financial needs of the campaign finance board as therein described not later than March 22, 2010.
§ 2. This local law shall take effect immediately, except that if it shall have become a law after January 16, 2010, it shall be retroactive to and deemed to have been in full force and effect as of January 16, 2010.