1105.11 Emergency signs.
Signs shall comply with the following:
1. Sections 8.11.8 and 11.2.4 of ASHRAE 15.
2. Refrigeration units or systems having a refrigerant circuit containing more than 220 pounds (99.8 kg) of Group A1 or 30 pounds (13.6 kg) of any other group refrigerant shall be provided with approved emergency signs, charts, and labels in accordance with NFPA 704.
(Am. L.L. 2023/077, 6/11/2023, eff. 6/11/2023)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2023/077.
1105.12 Storing refrigerant.
The total amount of refrigerant stored in a machinery room shall be the lesser of: (i) not more than twenty percent of the normal charge in the system; or (ii) not more than 330 pounds (149.7 kg) in addition to the charge in the system and the refrigerant contained in a permanently attached receiver. Refrigerant shall be stored in containers meeting the requirements of the New York City Fire Code.
Exception: Recovery service containers used for storing refrigerant during periods of system maintenance or replacement may exceed 330 pounds (149.7 kg) provided such containers are securely fixed in position and have pressure relief valves piped to the outside in conformance with this code.
1106.1 General.
Where required by Section 1104.2, the machinery room shall meet the requirements of this section in addition to the requirements of Section 1105.
1106.2 Elevated temperature.
There shall not be an open flame-producing device or continuously operating hot surface over 800°F (426.7°C) permanently installed in the room.