1104.4.2 Communicating spaces.
Where an evaporator or condenser is located in an air duct system, the volume of the smallest, enclosed occupied space served by the duct system shall be used to determine the maximum allowable quantity of refrigerant in the system.
Exception: If airflow to any enclosed space cannot be reduced below one-quarter of its maximum, the entire space served by the air duct system shall be used to determine the maximum allowable quantity of refrigerant in the system.
1104.4.3 Plenums.
Where the space above a suspended ceiling is continuous and part of the supply or return air plenum system, this space shall be included in calculating the volume of the enclosed space.
1105.1 Design and construction.
Machinery rooms shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the New York City Building Code and this section.
1105.2 Openings.
Ducts and air handlers in the machinery room that operate at a lower pressure than the room shall be sealed to prevent any refrigerant leakage from entering the airstream.