2106.3.4 Bonding and grounding.
Metal scouring, brushing and spotting tables and scrubbing tubs shall be permanently and effectively bonded and grounded.
2106.4 Reserved.
2106.5 Prohibited spotting and pretreating operation.
It shall be unlawful to store, handle or use any Class I, Class II or Class III solvent for spotting or pretreating operations in any Type V dry cleaning facility or in connection with the use of any Type V dry cleaning system.
2107.1 General equipment requirements.
Dry cleaning systems, including dry cleaning units, washing equipment, stills, drying cabinets, tumblers, and their appurtenances, including pumps, piping, valves, filters and solvent coolers, shall be designed, installed, operated and maintained in accordance with NFPA 32, the manufacturer's specifications, and the construction codes, including the Building Code.
2107.2 Type II systems.
Type II dry cleaning and solvent tank storage rooms shall not be located below grade or above the lowest floor level of the building and shall comply with the requirements of FC 2107.2.1 through 2107.2.3.
Exception: Solvent storage tanks installed underground, in vaults or in special enclosures in accordance with FC Chapter 57.
2107.2.1 Firefighting access.
Type II dry cleaning facilities shall be located so that access is provided and maintained from at least one side for firefighting and fire control purposes in accordance with FC 503 and the construction codes, including the Building Code.