General Provisions
34.01   Creation of Department of Public Safety
34.02   Separate identities of Police and Fire Departments and Service Department
34.03   Public Safety Director
General Provisions for Police and Fire Departments
34.15   Additional police officers and firefighters in emergency situation
34.16   Relief for members of Police or Fire Department
Police Department
34.30   Composition and control of Police Department
34.31   Auxiliary police units
34.32   Chief of Police
34.33   Hours of work for police officers; leave of absence
34.34   Property recovered by police
34.35   Disposition to claimant
34.36   Sale of unclaimed property; disposition of proceeds
Fire Department
34.50   Municipal fire regulations; Fire Department
34.51   Composition and control of Fire Department
34.52   Chief of Fire Department
34.53   Schooling of officers and firefighters of Fire Department
34.54   Council may purchase engines and equipment
34.55   Buildings for Department; regulations for use of Fire Station
34.56   Records
34.57   Practice drills
34.58   Assistant Chief
34.59   Firefighters
34.60   Loss of membership
34.61   Maximum consecutive hours for firefighters on duty
34.62   Investigation of cause of fire
34.63   Right to examine buildings, premises, and vehicles
34.64   Emergency medical transport invoicing
   Bureau of Fire Safety and Prevention, see § 91.20
   Fire Code adopted, see § 91.01
   Fire prevention generally, see Ch. 91
   Fireworks and explosives, see Ch. 92
   Hazardous materials and processes, permits required for, see §§ 91.40 et seq.
   Miami Valley Emergency Management Authority, see §§ 33.35 et seq.
   Municipal departments, see Charter § 4.05