(A)   Except as noted in division (B) of this section, all persons, whether residents or non-residents within the boundaries of the Fire District, as well as the insurance company, Medicare, Medicaid or other coverage provider of the individual transported shall be invoiced for all emergency medical transports by the Fire District. Said invoicing shall be according to the usual, customary and reasonable charges at the most current prevailing rates for the designated area that includes New Lebanon, at the highest and most appropriate rate allowed by the proper authority. In no case shall the municipality or its representatives send more than three copies of an invoice requesting payment for a particular transport event to the individual transported. After three such invoices are sent for the same event to an individual, no further action shall be taken by and on behalf of the municipality and the Fire District, except collection shall be pursued in instances where the individual has received some payment from their insurance company, Medicare, Medicaid or other coverage provider. In other instances, the Municipal Manager shall take the appropriate action in compliance with acceptable auditing standards to write off said invoice as bad debt, consistent with other like situations. Nothing in this section shall limit the number of copies of an invoice the municipality or its representatives may send to the insurance company, Medicare, Medicaid or other coverage provider of the individual transported.
   (B)   As long as United States Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General Advisory Opinion No. 01-11 remains valid, any individual who is provided with emergency medical transport and who provides proof of residency within the Fire District at the time of said transport, shall not receive an invoice nor shall he or she be required to pay any portion of charges not otherwise covered by the insurance company, Medicare, Medicaid or other coverage provider of the individual transported. It shall be the responsibility of the individual so invoiced to provide adequate proof of residency, if requested. This provision does not prohibit the municipality or its representatives from invoicing the insurance company, Medicare, Medicaid or other coverage provider of the individual transported as many times as is necessary to effect remittance. This provision shall apply only as long as the municipality and the neighboring jurisdictions within the Fire District levy taxes to support the operations and capital requirements of the Fire District.
   (C)   The Municipal Manager shall resolve any disputes arising out of the application of this section.
(Ord. 2001-24, passed 12-4-01; Am. Ord. 2003-13, passed 7-15-03)