(A)   Intent. The OB - Office Buffer District is established to promote the development of small-scale office, professional, business, governmental, and quasi-governmental uses. Since the types of permitted uses in the OB District are typically less commercial in appearance and are architecturally more harmonious with residential structures, this district can serve as a buffer between Residential Districts and more intense Commercial or Industrial Districts. The OB District may also serve as a gradual and reasonable transition between major thoroughfares and Residential Districts. The OB District development standards are established to assure small-scale developments.
   (B)   Permitted uses.
      (1)   Primary uses. See Appendix A, Permitted Use Table.
      (2)   Special exception uses. See Appendix A, Permitted Use Table.
      (3)   Accessory uses. See § 152.119.
      (4)   Temporary uses. See § 152.120.
      (5)   Home occupations. See § 152.121.
   (C)   Development standards.
      (1)   Minimum lot width and frontage. Each lot shall have a minimum lot width and frontage on a public street of 35 feet.
      (2)   Yards and building setbacks.  
         (a)   Front. A minimum front yard and building setback of 25 feet measured from the proposed right-of-way of all streets shall be provided along all streets.
         (b)   Minimum side yard and setback. The minimum side yard and setback for all lots shall be as follows:
            1.   Minimum side yard: 5 feet; or
            2.   Minimum side residential bufferyard: 15 feet.
         (c)   Minimum rear yard and setback. The minimum rear yard and setback for all lots shall be as follows:
            1.   Minimum rear yard: 15 feet.
            2.   Minimum rear residential bufferyard: 15 feet.
      (3)   Use of minimum yards and residential bufferyards. All minimum yards and residential bufferyards shall be landscaped in compliance with the requirements for perimeter yard landscaping as set forth in §§ 152.185 through 152.194 and shall remain free from structures except where expressly permitted below:
         (a)   Minimum front yards may include: parking areas, provided that no portion of the parking area may be located closer to the right-of-way than 15 feet; driveways; or signs as regulated by §§ 152.230 through 152.236, and shall otherwise be maintained as open space free from buildings or structures.
         (b)   Minimum front residential bufferyards may include: driveways; or signs as regulated by §§ 152.230 through 152.236, and shall otherwise be maintained as open space free from buildings or structures;
         (c)   Minimum side yards and rear yards may include: interior access driveways; or walkways or other pedestrian way connections to adjoining lots; provided that the remainder of the side yards shall be maintained as open space free from buildings or structures;
         (d)   Minimum side residential bufferyards and rear residential bufferyards shall be maintained as open space free from buildings or structures.
      (4)   Maximum building height. Thirty-five feet.
      (5)   Maximum gross floor area. No building shall exceed 5,000 square feet of gross floor area.
      (6)   Landscaping. See §§ 152.185 through 152.194.
      (7)   Lighting. See §§ 152.210 through 152.215.
      (8)   Signs. See §§ 152.230 through 152.236.
      (9)   Parking. See §§ 152.250 through 152.258; provided, however, a lot in the OB District may include on-street parking located immediately adjacent to the lot, if the adjacent on-street parking is approved as to location and design by the Indiana Department of Transportation (if applicable) and the Town Board of Public Works. If on-street parking is provided, the amount of off-street parking required by this chapter for the lot shall be deemed to be reduced by the number of on-street parking spaces provided immediately adjacent to the lot.
      (10)   Loading. See §§ 152.270 through 152.277.
      (11)   Greenway connection required. If the lot abuts any portion of a greenway, a direct linkage from the project to the greenway shall be provided.
      (12)   Outdoor operations. All uses and operations (except off-street parking, off-street loading and delivery and walk-up customer service windows) shall be conducted completely within enclosed buildings, except for walk-up customer service windows or automated teller machines (ATMs), provided that the facilities are not freestanding and are set flush with the façade of the building.
      (13)   Architecture.
         (a)   Additions to existing buildings. All additions to existing buildings shall utilize building materials that are compatible and harmonious with the materials used on the existing building.
         (b)   Exterior renovations, major additions and accessory buildings. Exterior renovations, major additions and accessory buildings to existing buildings or facilities are encouraged to comply with the provisions in division (C)(13)(c) below, for new construction, however, the minimum requirement for exterior renovations, major additions and accessory buildings shall be the same as in division (C)(13)(a), above, for additions to existing buildings.
         (c)   New construction. In order to create variation and interest in the built environment, all new primary buildings shall comply with 1 of the following 2 sets of architectural regulations regarding building material and architectural features on each façade visible from a public street:
            1.   All brick (excluding window, display window, door, roofing, fascia and soffit materials), provided that the brick used on each applicable façade shall include:
               a.   At least 2 architectural elements (e.g., quoins, pilasters, soldier courses, lintels, friezes, cornices, dentils, architraves, and the like); or
               b.   At least 2 colors of brick, with the secondary color constituting a minimum of 10% of the façade (excluding windows, display windows, doors, roofing, fascia or soffit materials); or
            2.   Two or more building materials (excluding window, display window, door and roofing materials), provided:
               a.   Primary building material. The primary building material shall be either: brick; stone (limestone, granite, fieldstone, and the like); architectural pre-cast concrete, if the surface looks like brick or stone; or exterior insulation and finish system (E.I.F.S.) or equivalent, and shall constitute a minimum of 50% of each applicable façade.
               b.   Secondary building material. The secondary building material shall constitute a minimum of 10% of the façade. Glass curtain wall or a faux window (not intended for use as a window or display window) may qualify as a secondary building material.
               c.   Architectural features. In addition, the exterior building material selection shall be supplemented with the use of multiple colors, textures (e.g., rough, smooth, striated, and the like) or architectural elements (e.g., quoins, pilasters, soldier courses, lintels, friezes, cornices, dentils, architraves, and the like) on each façade visible from a public street.
      (14)   Development standards for single family dwellings. Notwithstanding anything in this OB District to the contrary, a single family dwelling shall be subject to the applicable development standards of the R2 District.
      (15)   Development standards for 2 family dwellings. Notwithstanding anything in this OB District to the contrary, a 2 family dwelling shall be subject to the applicable development standards of the R2 District.
(Ord. 1221, § 4.01, passed 1-26-2010)