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New Carlisle Overview
New Carlisle, IN Code of Ordinances
§ 152.257 BICYCLE RACKS.
   In order to encourage alternative means of transportation, any off-street parking area which contains in excess of 50 parking spaces shall provide a bicycle rack capable of parking a minimum of 10 bicycles. The bicycle rack shall be so located as to provide reasonable visibility and security while not interfering with the safe and efficient movement of pedestrians or motor vehicles about the lot.
(Ord. 1221, § 8.04(g), passed 1-26-2010)
   All uses shall provide a minimum number of off-street parking spaces as indicated below.
Parking Spaces Required
Ambulance and armored car service
1 parking space per vehicle plus 1 parking space per on-duty employee
Amusement centers, skating rinks, pools, natatoriums, exhibition halls
1 parking space per 100 square feet of floor area in public use
Parking Spaces Required
Parking Spaces Required
Amusement park
5 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area within buildings plus 1.5 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of site area accessible to the public, exclusive of the parking area
Assembly facilities without fixed seats, including dance halls, martial arts schools, aerobic and exercise centers, and similar studios or centers
1 parking space per every 25 square feet of floor area in public use
Automobile, motorcycle, truck, bus, RV and boat sales
1 parking space per 300 square feet of sales floor area in excess of 1,000 square feet plus 1 parking space per 2,000 square feet of open area
Automotive repair or service facility
5 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area devoted to retail sales of automotive supplies or parts, plus 2 parking spaces per service bay (a service bay shall not be considered a parking space), plus 3 customer parking spaces
Bar, tavern, nightclub, cabaret, and other establishments for the sale of beer or intoxicating liquor for consumption on the premises
1 parking space per every 3 persons based upon the maximum number of persons that can be accommodated at the same time in accordance with design capacity
Barber shop/beauty shop/hair salon/manicure shop/tanning salon
3 parking spaces per each customer seat or service station
Boarding houses
1 parking space per 2 guest rooms plus 1 parking space for owner or manager
Bowling alleys
5 parking spaces per alley. If, in addition, there are other uses or accessory uses located within or operated in conjunction with the bowling alley, such as restaurants, bars, taverns, nightclubs, and the like, additional parking spaces, calculated based upon the parking requirements for that specific use, shall be provided (calculation shall be based upon the total square feet of gross leasable floor area for such uses located within or operated in conjunction with the bowling alley)
Broadcasting, movie or video producing or recording studios
1 parking space per 200 square feet of gross floor area
Parking Spaces Required
Parking Spaces Required
Car washes
Stacking spaces per wash bay, as required for a drive-through facility, plus 3.5 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area devoted to office or retail sales
Casinos, approved hotels or buildings wherein gambling games are conducted
1 parking space per each employee plus 1 parking space per each 3 persons based upon the maximum number of persons that can be accommodated at the same time in accordance with the design capacity
1 parking space per 2 employees, plus 1 parking space per every 10 students based upon the maximum number of students that can be accommodated in accordance with the design capacity, or 1 parking space per 5 seats in the main auditorium, whichever is greater
Commercial, trade, or business schools
40 parking spaces per each 1,000 square feet of classrooms
Child care centers
1 parking space per employee plus 3 additional parking spaces
Financial institutions/banks
1 parking space per 200 square feet of gross floor area, plus parking spaces as required for each walk-up, drive-through, or freestanding bank machine
Financial institutions/banks - freestanding bank machines, walk-up or drive-through
1 parking space for each walk-up, drive-through or freestanding bank machine, plus stacking spaces as required for a drive-through facility for any drive-through or freestanding bank machine accessible from an automobile
Funeral homes and mortuaries
1 parking space per every 50 square feet of gross floor area in service rooms
Gasoline stations and public garages
1 parking space per each employee, plus 2 parking spaces for each service bay
Grocery store
5 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area
Gun clubs, skeet, target or archery ranges
1 parking space per every 2 employees, plus 1 parking space per shooting position
Parking Spaces Required
Parking Spaces Required
Hardware/paint/home improvement store
5 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area
Hospitals, sanitariums, rehabilitation centers and emergency medical care service centers
1 parking space per every 4 patient beds, plus 1 parking space per every 2 employees, plus 1 parking space per staff doctor
Hotels and motels
1 parking space per guest room, plus 2 parking spaces at office or registration area. If, in addition to guest rooms, there are other uses or accessory uses located within or operated in conjunction with the hotel or motel, such as ballrooms, meeting rooms, dining areas, retail stores, auditoriums, bars, restaurants, taverns, nightclubs, and the like, additional parking spaces, calculated based upon the parking requirements for that specific use, shall be provided (calculation shall be based upon the total square feet of gross leasable floor area for such uses located within or operated in conjunction with the hotel or motel)
1 parking space per every 2 washing machines, plus 1 parking space per every 2 employees
Libraries, museums and art galleries
10 parking spaces, plus 1 parking space per every 300 square feet of gross floor area over 2,000 square feet
Industrial: assembly or manufacturing
1 parking space for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area devoted to such use. If, in addition, there is space devoted to office, retail or other uses specified elsewhere in these regulations, parking required for the additional use shall also be provided
Industrial: warehouse or distribution
1 parking space for each 3,000 square feet of gross floor area. If, in addition, there is space devoted to office, retail or other uses specified elsewhere in these regulations, parking required for the additional use shall also be provided
Medical and dental clinics
5 parking spaces per each doctor
Parking Spaces Required
Parking Spaces Required
Mobile home parks
1.5 parking spaces per mobile home park lot plus there shall be a conveniently located area for visitor parking at a ratio of 1/2 space per lot; provided, however, in no case shall there be less than 25 parking spaces provided per mobile home park
Nursing, convalescent, rest homes, residential facilities for the developmentally disabled, and other health homes and institutions
1 parking space per every 4 beds plus 1 parking space per every 2 employees, plus 1 parking space per staff doctor
Off-track pari-mutuel wagering facility
1 parking space per each employee, plus 1 parking space per every 3 persons based upon the maximum number of persons that can be accommodated at the same time in accordance with the design capacity
Offices and office buildings
3.5 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area
Private clubs, dormitories, fraternities, sororities, and lodges - with sleeping rooms
2 parking spaces per every 3 sleeping rooms or 1 parking space per every 5 members, whichever is greater
Private clubs, fraternities, sororities, and lodges - no sleeping rooms
1 parking space per every 5 members
Publishing establishments, newspaper or printing shops
2 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area, plus 3.5 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet devoted to office or related retail activities
Railroad or motor bus passenger stations or heliports
1 parking space per every 50 square feet of gross floor area, plus 1 parking space per every 2 employees
Refuse dumps or landfills
1 parking space per employee
Religious uses - churches or temples
1 parking space per every 4 seats in the main sanctuary, auditorium, or assembly room
Residential: Multifamily, including apartment houses
2 parking spaces per dwelling unit
Residential: Single Family
1 parking space per dwelling unit
Residential: 2 Family
2 parking spaces per dwelling unit
Parking Spaces Required
Parking Spaces Required
Restaurants: family restaurant, family restaurant with lounge, fast food restaurant
1 parking space per each 3 customer seats based upon the maximum number of persons that can be accommodated at the same time in accordance with design capacity (including outdoor seating areas) (minimum of 5 parking spaces required)
Restaurants: drive-in restaurant
1 parking space per customer service unit, plus 10 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area (minimum of 4 additional parking spaces required)
Restaurants: drive-through only (no seating)
1 parking space per one employee (minimum of 5 parking spaces required)
Retail - integrated centers
< 400,000 sq. ft. - If the total gross leasable floor area of an integrated center is less than 400,000 square feet, 4 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross leasable floor area shall be required
400,000 - 600,000 sq. ft. - If the total gross leasable floor area of an integrated center is greater than 400,000 square feet, but less than 600,000 square feet, 4.5 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross leasable floor area shall be required
> 600,000 sq. ft. - If the total gross leasable floor area of an integrated center is greater than 600,000 square feet, 5 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross leasable floor area shall be required
Provided, however:
(1) In no case shall any integrated center provide less than 5 parking spaces; and
Retail - integrated centers (Cont’d)
(2) The following individual uses: grocery store; hardware/paint/home improvement store; theaters; bowling alley; bar; tavern; nightclub; cabarets; or other establishments for the sale of beer or intoxicating liquor for consumption on the premises, shall provide parking spaces as required for the individual use by this section, and the calculation shall be separate from the calculation of the gross leasable floor area calculation of the integrated center
Parking Spaces Required
Parking Spaces Required
Retail - single use sites
< 100,000 sq. ft. - 3.5 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area, provided, however, that in no case shall any individual use provide less than a total of 5 parking spaces
100,000 sq. ft. and over - 2.5 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area
Schools: nursery, elementary and junior high schools
1 parking space per classroom and office or 1 parking space per every 10 seats in auditorium, whichever is greater
Schools: senior high schools
1 parking space per every 10 classroom seats, plus 1 parking space per every 2 staff members
Service or repair establishments
3.5 parking spaces per every 1,000 square feet of gross floor area
Theatres, auditoriums, gymnasiums, stadiums, arenas, convention halls, and places of assembly with fixed seats
1 parking space per every 5 seats, plus 1 parking space per every 2 employees
Veterinary hospitals, animal kennels and pounds
1 parking space per every 400 square feet of gross floor area
Minimum parking required
Except for residential uses, in no case shall any individual, non-related and separately operated use provide less than 3 parking spaces
Uses not specified
For any use not specified above, specific requirements shall be determined by the Zoning Administrator and shall be based upon requirements for similar uses, expected demand and traffic generated by the proposed use, and other information from appropriate traffic engineering and planning criteria
(Ord. 1221, Art. 8.04, passed 1-26-2010)
§ 152.270 INTENT.
   These off-street loading regulations are intended to provide for the provision of off-street loading areas which are adequate to support the needs of the proposed use and future uses of a site while at the same time assuring that the design and construction of such off-street loading areas meet minimum design standards necessary to provide efficient circulation and prevent undue traffic congestion.
(Ord. 1221, Art. 8.05, passed 1-26-2010)
   All commercial/town center or industrial development or conversions of use for which an improvement location permit is required by this chapter shall provide off-street loading areas in accordance with the regulations in this subchapter.
(Ord. 1221, § 8.05(a), passed 1-26-2010)
   (A)   The design and construction of all required loading spaces or excess loading spaces shall be in compliance with the stricter of the regulations contained in this section, or the minimum specifications prescribed by the town.
   (B)   The following standards shall apply to the design of off-street loading areas.
      (1)   Loading space dimensions. A required or excess off-street loading space shall be at least 12 feet in width by at least 60 feet in length, exclusive of aisle and maneuvering space, and shall have a vertical clearance of at least 14 feet.
      (2)   Minimum aisle width. Each required off-street loading space shall open directly upon an aisle or interior access drive with a width of at least 35 feet and creating a total maneuvering area, inclusive of the loading space, of at least 105 feet, unless subject to the provisions of division (B)(4) below regarding excess loading spaces.
      (3)   Maneuvering. Each maneuvering area, aisle and interior access drive utilized to access a required loading space or an excess loading space shall be so designed and located as to provide safe and efficient ingress/egress to each loading space and so that trucks do not back from or into a public street, or onto an adjoining property (unless the subject property and the adjoining property are located within the same integrated center or industrial park and such maneuvering area is subject to a recorded easement allowing the maneuvering).
      (4)   Design of excess loading areas. Any use which provides loading spaces at a rate of greater than 4 loading spaces, and more than 2 times the minimum required by this chapter, shall provide a total maneuvering area of at least 105 feet which is separate and distinct from the minimum aisle width requirement of 35 feet.
      (5)   Alternate design for loading areas. In those instances where insufficient area exists to provide for perpendicular loading spaces as allowed by division (B)(2) or division (B)(4) above, angled or parallel loading spaces may be proposed, provided:
         (a)   The design of the loading area shall include either a 1-way traffic pattern or orients the loading spaces so that traffic flow from the loading spaces is in the direction of traffic movement on the side of aisle on which the loading spaces are located;
         (b)   The loading spaces are accessed by an aisle or interior access drive having a width of not less than 35 feet plus sufficient maneuvering area outside of the aisle of the interior access drive, based upon the angle of the loading spaces, to provide safe and efficient maneuverability; and
         (c)   The design of the angled or parallel loading spaces shall be subject to the approval of the Public Works Director/Town Engineer.
(Ord. 1221, § 8.05(b), passed 1-26-2010)
   (A)   All off-street loading spaces shall be located on the same lot as the use served.
   (B)   No off-street loading spaces shall be located between the front lot line and the front façade of any portion of the building served; provided, however, in the case of a double frontage lot, off-street loading spaces may be located between a front lot line of a perimeter street and the rear of the building served if: no access is provided across the front lot line; and the yard between the off-street loading spaces and the front lot line is landscaped in compliance with the regulations of §§ 152.185 through 152.194 for a Type C: Full Screening landscaping.
   (C)   All off-street loading spaces shall be oriented toward a side lot line or rear lot line.
   (D)   No off-street loading spaces shall be located in a required side yard, required rear yard, required side residential bufferyard or required rear residential bufferyard.
   (E)   Office, professional services, retail, or other non-industrial uses may provide 1 required loading space per building in a “pull-off” loading area located adjacent to an interior access drive. A “pull-off” loading area shall not be subject to the prohibition against being located between the front lot line and front façade of any portion of the building served set forth in division (C) above.
(Ord. 1221, § 8.05(c), passed 1-26-2010)