(A) Districts allowed. Off-premises signs shall only be permitted in the CB - Community Business Districts, LI - Light Industrial Districts, and GI - General Industrial Districts established under this chapter.
(B) Types of signs. Off-premises signs shall be limited to pole signs.
(C) Sign surface area for off-premises signs.
(1) Arterial streets. The maximum sign surface area for off-premises signs oriented toward an arterial street shall be 672 square feet.
(2) All other streets. The maximum sign surface area for off-premises signs oriented toward any street not classified as an arterial street shall be 300 square feet.
(3) Number of displays. An off-premises sign shall not contain more than 2 displays or messages per sign surface.
(4) Temporary extensions. Temporary extensions or embellishments integrally incorporated into the sign surface and having: a vertical height of no more than 4 feet above the top of the main portion of the sign; a maximum horizontal dimension of no more than 1 foot beyond the sides of the main portion of the sign; or a maximum vertical dimension of no more than 1 foot below the bottom of the main portion of the sign, with a maximum combined area not to exceed 200 square feet in additional sign surface area may be added to a 672-square-foot off-premises sign.
(5) Concealment of sign supports. The backs of off-premises signs shall be: concealed by another sign surface; screened by suitable architectural treatment; or painted to blend with the surrounding (and maintained as such), so that the supports, tie rods, bracing, or framework which supports the sign surface is screened from view.
(6) Empty displays prohibited. Empty sign surfaces, or signs without a display or message covering the entire sign surface, shall be prohibited. This regulation shall apply individually to each display surface.
(D) Distance between off-premises signs.
(1) Linear spacing/all streets. The minimum separation between off-premises signs located along and oriented toward the same street shall be 750 feet.
(2) Measurement of linear spacing. The method of measurement of the spacing between off-premises signs oriented toward the same street shall be along the centerline of the street to which the off-premises sign is oriented, from the point in the centerline closest to the leading edge of the off-premises sign.
(3) Radial spacing. In no event shall an off-premises sign be located closer than 300 feet from any other off-premises sign regardless of location or orientation.
(E) Maximum height of off-premises signs. The maximum height of an off-premises pole sign shall not exceed 35 feet above grade.
(F) Minimum front yard setback, side yard setback, and rear yard setback of off-premises signs.
(1) Front yard setback. The minimum front yard setback shall be the same as required for any building or structure.
(2) Side yard setback and rear yard setback. The minimum side yard setback or minimum rear yard setback for an off-premises sign shall be the same as required for any building or structure.
(G) Separation from certain districts or uses.
(1) Linear spacing. The minimum distance between an off-premises sign and a Residential District, Town Center District, public park - active or passive, residential use, religious use, private or parochial school, or designated historic landmark shall be 200 feet, measured along the centerline of the street to which the off-premises sign is oriented, from the point in the centerline closest to the leading edge of the off-premises sign to the point in the centerline nearest district boundary or lot line of a use specified herein.
(2) Radial spacing. The minimum distance between an off-premises sign and a Residential District, Town Center District, public park - active or passive, residential use, religious use, private or parochial school, or designated historic landmark shall be 100 feet, measured perpendicular from the nearest edge of the sign surface to the nearest district boundary or lot line of a use specified herein.
(H) Construction of off-premises signs. The supports, uprights, bracing, and framework of an off-premises sign shall be of steel construction.
(I) Separations/jurisdictional boundaries. The lineal and radial separation distances contained in this section shall not be limited by jurisdictional boundaries. Required separation distances for proposed off-premises signs located within the corporate limits of the town shall also be maintained from off-premises signs located in adjacent municipalities or jurisdictional areas.
(Ord. 1221, § 8.03(f), passed 1-26-2010)
These off-street parking regulations are intended to provide for the provision of off-street parking areas which are adequate to support the needs of proposed uses and future uses of a site while at the same time assuring that the design and construction of the off-street parking areas meet minimum design standards necessary to promote efficient circulation and prevent undue traffic congestion.
(Ord. 1221, Art. 8.04, passed 1-26-2010)
(A) Parking for buildings, structures, or uses. All new development, additions to buildings or structures, or conversions of use for which an improvement location permit is required by this chapter in any district shall provide required off-street parking areas in accordance with the regulations of this subchapter. Such off-street parking areas may be provided in either a surface parking area or a parking garage. If off-street parking areas are provided in a parking garage, the parking garage shall be located in compliance with the development standards of the applicable district of this chapter regarding: minimum yards and setbacks; landscaping of perimeter yards and residential bufferyards (§ 152.187); and foundation landscaping (§ 152.188).
(B) Exceptions to off-street parking regulations for any TC District. A site in the TC District may include on-street parking located immediately adjacent to the site, if the adjacent on-street parking is approved as to location and design by the Indiana Department of Transportation (if applicable) and the town. If on-street parking is provided, the amount of off-street parking required by this chapter for the site shall be deemed to be reduced by the number of on-street parking spaces provided immediately adjacent to the site.
(Ord. 1221, § 8.04(a), passed 1-26-2010)
Existing off-street parking areas shall not be reduced below the minimum requirement for such use as required by this chapter. Any off-street parking areas existing prior to the effective date of this chapter which were already below the standards established by this chapter shall not be further reduced.
(Ord. 1221, § 8.04(b), passed 1-26-2010)