(A)   Text amendments. The procedures and requirements for the preparation and consideration of proposal to amend or partially repeal the provisions of this chapter shall be as follows:
      (1)   Text of Zoning Ordinance. The Town Council may, from time to time, upon its own motion or upon the petition of the Area Plan Commission, amend or partially repeal the text of this chapter in accordance with the provisions of I.C. 36-7-4-602 et seq.
      (2)   Town Council action. In the case of proposal to amend or partially repeal the text of this chapter or in the case of a zone map change, the Town Council may act upon the amendment only after a report has been presented by the Area Plan Commission after public notice and hearing in accordance with the provisions of I.C. 36-7-4-604 et seq.
      (3)   Town Council may initiate proposal. The Town Council may initiate and also require the Area Plan Commission to: prepare a proposal to amend or partially repeal the text of this chapter; or consider and recommend a proposal for zone map change, and submit the amendment to a public hearing by the Area Plan Commission within 60 days after formal written request by the Town Council.
      (4)   Review procedure and time limits. The procedure for the referral of a proposed amendment to the Area Plan Commission and the time limits for action by the Area Plan Commission and the Town Council shall be as set forth in I.C. 36-7-4-607 et seq.
   (B)   Zone map amendments (a.k.a. rezoning petitions). The procedures and requirements for the preparation and consideration of proposal to amend zone maps shall be as follows:
      (1)   Zone map change. Proposals to change the zone maps, whether by incorporating an additional map or by amending or deleting a map, incorporated by reference into this chapter may be initiated by the Town Council, the Area Plan Commission, or by a petition of the owners of property
of at least 50% of the area involved in the petition in accordance with the provisions of I.C. 36-7-4-602 et seq.
      (2)   Filing of proposal. A proposal for zone map change (a/k/a rezoning petition) shall be filed in the office of the Town Council. The proposal shall be on forms substantially as provided by the town and available from the Area Plan Commission.
      (3)   Required plans. Each proposal for zone map change shall be accompanied by 6 copies of a proposed site plan which conforms generally to the requirements set forth in § 152.388, above.
      (4)   Referral to Area Plan Commission. The Town Council shall refer a proposal for zone map change to the Area Plan Commission for public hearing and recommendation.
      (5)   Supplemental plans. Depending on the nature of the proposal, the Executive Director shall have the authority to request the submission of other supplemental information, including, but not limited to building elevations, sign plans, landscape plans, lighting plans, or traffic studies. If requested, such additional building elevations, sign plans, landscape plans, or lighting plans shall conform to the requirements set forth in § 152.388, above.
      (6)   Certification. After public hearing, the Area Plan Commission shall certify the proposal with:
         (a)   A favorable recommendation;
         (b)   An unfavorable recommendation; or
         (c)   No recommendation.
      (7)   Commitments. The certification of a proposal by the Area Plan Commission to the Town Council may include written commitments as set forth in § 152.366(D). Such commitments may include: limitations upon certain uses; requirements for specific building or parking area setback or screening; requirements for specific site design features or project amenities; or requirements that development conform with site plans, building elevations, sign plans, landscape plans, or lighting plans which were submitted in connection with the proposal.
      (8)   The Town Council may adopt or reject the proposal for zone map change, as certified.
(Ord. 1221, § 10.05(d), passed 1-26-2010)