General Provisions
   153.001   Authority
   153.002   Title
   153.003   Purpose
   153.004   Definitions
   153.005   Establishment of districts
   153.006   Zoning map
   153.007   Zoning district boundaries
   153.008   Fencing for junk yards and the like required
   153.009   Compliance with regulations
   153.010   Interpretation and conflict
R-1 Single-Family Residential District
   153.025   Purpose
   153.026   Principal permitted uses
   153.027   Conditional uses requiring approval from the Board of Zoning Appeals
   153.028   Development standards
   153.029   Accessory structures
R-2 Multi-Family Residential District
   153.040   Purpose
   153.041   Principal permitted uses
   153.042   Conditional uses requiring approval from the Board of Zoning Appeals
   153.043   Development standards
   153.044   Accessory structures
M-1 Mobile Home Residential District
   153.055   Purpose
   153.056   Principal permitted uses
   153.057   Conditional uses requiring approval from the Board of Zoning Appeals
   153.058   Development standards
   153.059   Accessory structures
C-1 Downtown Commercial District
   153.070   Purpose
   153.071   Principal permitted uses
   153.072   Conditional uses requiring approval from the Board of Zoning Appeals
   153.073   Development standards
   153.074   Accessory structures
C-2 Highway Commercial District
   153.085   Purpose
   153.086   Principal permitted uses
   153.087   Conditional uses requiring approval from the Board of Zoning Appeals
   153.088   Development standards
   153.089   Accessory structures
I-1 General Industrial District
   153.100   Purpose
   153.101   Principal permitted uses
   153.102   Conditional uses requiring approval from the Board of Zoning Appeals
   153.103   Development standards
   153.104   Site plan review requirements
Supplemental Conditions
   153.115   Adjustments to side yard requirements for corner lots
   153.116   Visibility at intersections
   153.117   Architectural projections
   153.118   Double frontage lots
   153.119   Accessory buildings
   153.120   Sexually oriented business uses
   153.121   Club swimming pools
   153.122   Outdoor lighting
   153.123   Home occupations
   153.124   Bed and breakfast establishments
   153.125   Height regulations for structures
   153.126   Minimum standards for single- and multi-family dwellings
   153.127   Number of buildings restricted
   153.128   Outdoor display, storage and/or sale of materials and equipment
   153.129   Temporary buildings
   153.130   Sign regulations
Off-Street Parking and Loading Facilities
   153.145   General requirements
   153.146   General interpretation
   153.147   Parking space dimensions
   153.148   Loading space requirement and dimensions
   153.149   Paving requirements
   153.150   Drainage
   153.151   Lighting
   153.152   Maintenance
   153.153   Location of parking spaces
   153.154   Joint use
   153.155   Encroachment and screening
   153.156   Width of driveway and access aisles
   153.157   Opening permit required
   153.158   Parking restricted to certain areas
   153.159   Parking within a Historic Preservation District
   153.160   Parking space requirements
   153.175   Continuance of non-conforming uses
   153.176   Expansion or enlargement of non-conforming uses
   153.177   Discontinuance of non-conforming uses
   153.178   Reconstruction of non-conforming uses
   153.179   Non-conforming mobile homes
   153.180   Non-conforming uses under construction
   153.181   Change of non-conforming uses
   153.182   Continuance of non-conforming structures
   153.183   Non-conforming lots of record
   153.195   Zoning certificates required
   153.196   Zoning certificates for existing uses which may be non-conforming
   153.197   Application and issuance of zoning certificates
   153.198   Fees for zoning certificates
   153.199   Zoning certificate records
   153.200   Remedies
   153.201   Enforcement
Planning Commission
   153.215   Organization of the Planning Commission
   153.216   Powers and duties
   153.217   Hearings and rules
   153.218   Minutes and records
   153.219   Witnesses and oaths
Board of Zoning Appeals
   153.230   Organization of the Board of Zoning Appeals
   153.231   Powers and duties
   153.232   Alleged errors or matters of interpretations
   153.233   Variances
   153.234   Conditional uses
   153.235   Expiration of approval of conditional uses
   153.236   Change to non-conforming uses
   153.237   Expiration of approval of changes to non-conforming uses
   153.238   Hearings and rules
   153.239   Minutes and records
   153.240   Witnesses and oaths
   153.241   Department assistance
   153.242   Applications
   153.243   Notification
   153.244   Decisions of the Board
Amendments and Use Variances
   153.255   General
   153.256   Use variances
   153.257   Action by Planning Commission
   153.258   Action by City Council
   153.259   Appeals
   153.260   Hearings and notifications
   153.261   Application fees
   153.999   Penalty
§ 153.001 AUTHORITY.
   The City Council in accordance with enabling legislation for municipal zoning, as provided in R.C. Chapter 713, hereby provides as follows.
(Prior Code, § 27.01.01)
§ 153.002 TITLE.
   This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Zoning Code of the City of Nelsonville, Athens County, Ohio”, except as referred to herein where it shall be known as “this chapter”.
(Prior Code, § 27.01.02)
§ 153.003 PURPOSE.
   This chapter is adopted for the purpose of protecting and promoting the public health, safety, morals, comfort and general welfare of the residents of the city; to protect the property rights of all individuals by assuring compatibility of use and practices within zoning districts; to facilitate the provision of public utilities and services; to lessen congestion on public streets, roads and highways; to make provision for penalties for violations; and for any other proposes provided in this chapter, the Ohio Revised Code or under common law rulings.
(Prior Code, § 27.01.03)