(A)   For the purpose of this section, the term USABLE FLOOR AREA shall be the total floor area exclusively for tenant or business use, including sales areas, stock areas, basements, mezzanines or upper floors and measured in areas or areas, such as toilet rooms, closets, corridors, stairwells, elevators and shafts, machine, equipment and mechanical rooms, lobbies and vestibules or other areas not used for commercial, industrial or institutional purposes.
   (B)   The following parking space requirements shall apply.
Off-Street Parking Requirements
Type of Use
Parking Spaces Required*
Off-Street Parking Requirements
Type of Use
Parking Spaces Required*
Banks, saving and loans and similar uses
1 per 250 feet of usable floor area
Barber shop and beauty salon
2 per work station
Boarding houses and rooming houses
1 per sleeping room
Business, trade or technical school, high school, college or university
1 per each 2 students and 1 per faculty member
Church or place of worship, auditoriums and theaters
1 per 3 seats
Civic, social or fraternal place of assembly
1 per 3 persons of permitted capacity
Funeral home
1 per 400 square feet of usable floor area
Gasoline and service stations on a shift
1 per pump and/or repair bay and 1 per employee on a shift
Hospitals and nursing homes
1 per 4 beds plus 1 per employee on a shift
Hotel, motel and bed and breakfast
1 per sleeping room plus 1 per employee on a shift
1 per 400 square feet of usable floor area
Manufacturing, wholesale, storage and freight terminals
1 per each two employees on a shift
Medical or dental office or clinic
4 per practitioner
Nursery school and day-care
1 per each 5 children
One-, two- or multi-family dwellings including apartments, converted dwelling units, mobile homes and permanently sited manufactured homes
2 per dwelling unit
Professional, business or administrative office use
1 per 400 square feet of usable floor area
Public or private elementary or junior high school
2 per classroom and 1 per 8 auditorium seats
Retail stores
1 per 200 square feet of usable floor area
Self-serve laundry
1 per each 3 washers
Taverns, night clubs, restaurants, dining rooms and eating places
1 per 250 square feet of usable floor area
Veterinary or animal clinic
3 per practitioner
* In the case of uses not specifically listed, the Zoning Official shall determine the number of spaces required by comparison to a similar use or if there exists no comparable use he or she may refer the matter to the Board of Zoning Appeals for interpretation and/or determination.
(Prior Code, §