(A)   A non-refundable application fee shall accompany each application for a zoning certificate. City Council, by separate ordinance, shall establish a schedule of fees for applications and permits. Permit application fees shall be applied to the cost of permits approved administratively or where the Board of Zoning Appeals reverses the determination of the Zoning Officer, approves a request for variance, authorizes a conditional or special use or approves a change in a non-conforming use. The application fee for applications or appeals denied by the Board shall be deposited with the City Auditor and shall not be refunded.
   (B)   The Zoning Officer shall act upon the original application within 30 days, and shall either issue a zoning certificate or describe in writing the reasons why a permit cannot be issued. He or she will also be responsible for collection and deposit of all fees for credit to the general revenue fund of the city.
   (C)   Zoning certificates shall be issued for a period of one year. A written request for a one-year extension may be submitted prior to expiration of the permit, and shall be reviewed by the authority approving the original application. Zoning certificates shall be revocable by the Zoning Officer if conditions change to the extent that the permit is no longer representative of the proposed activity, or if requirements are not being met. Revocation of a zoning certificate shall constitute an order to cease construction. Application for a zoning certificate shall constitute consent for access onto the premises under construction.
   (D)   If an application is submitted for review by a higher authority, such submittal for review shall constitute consent for access onto the premises by the reviewing authority.
(Prior Code, §