Each solicitor or peddler shall keep such license in possession at all times while doing business in the City and shall, upon the request of prospective customers, exhibit the license as evidence of compliance with all requirements of this chapter. Each transient merchant shall display publicly such merchant’s license in the merchant’s place of business.
On surrender of any license before the expiration of the full period for which it was issued, the licensee may apply for a rebate of the fee from the Clerk. Determination of the amount of the rebate shall be made by deducting from the fee paid the amount payable when computed on a monthly, weekly and daily basis from the first day the license was issued. The balance, if any, shall be refunded.
The Council, after notice and hearing, may revoke any license issued under this chapter when the licensee has made fraudulent statements in the application for the license or in the course of conducting business, has made fraudulent or incorrect statements or has violated this chapter or has otherwise conducted business in an unlawful manner.
The following are excluded from the application of this chapter.
1. Newspapers. Persons delivering, collecting for or selling subscriptions to newspapers.
2. Club Members. Members of local civic and service clubs, Boy Scout, Girl Scout, 4-H Clubs, Future Farmers of America and similar organizations.
3. Local Residents and Farmers. Local residents and farmers who offer for sale their own products.
4. Students. Students representing the bona fide local school districts conducting projects sponsored by organizations recognized by the schools.
5. Route Sales. Route delivery persons who only incidentally solicit additional business or make special sales.
6. Resale or Institutional Use. Persons customarily calling on businesses or institutions for the purposes of selling products for resale or institutional use.
Authorized representatives of charitable or nonprofit organizations operating under the provisions of Chapter 504A of the Code of Iowa desiring to solicit money or to distribute literature are exempt from the operation of Sections 122.04 through 122.06. All such organizations are required to submit in writing to the Clerk the name and purpose of the cause for which such activities are sought, names and addresses of the officers and directors of the organization, the period during which such activities are to be carried on, and whether any commissions, fees or wages are to be charged by the solicitor and the amount thereof. If the Clerk finds that the organization is a bona fide charity or nonprofit organization the Clerk shall issue, free of charge, a license containing the above information to the applicant.