Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, it is unlawful to construct or maintain any on-site wastewater treatment and disposal system or other facility intended or used for the disposal of sewage.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 364.12[3f])
When a public sanitary sewer is not available under the provisions of Section 95.05, every building wherein persons reside, congregate or are employed shall be provided with an approved on-site wastewater treatment and disposal system complying with the provisions of this chapter.
(IAC, 567-69.1[3])
The type, capacity, location and layout of a private on-site wastewater treatment and disposal system shall comply with the specifications and requirements set forth by the Iowa Administrative Code 567, Chapter 69, and with such additional requirements as are prescribed by the regulations of the County Board of Health.
(IAC, 567-69.1[3 & 4])