For use in this chapter the following terms are defined:
1. “Peddler” means any person carrying goods or merchandise who sells or offers for sale for immediate delivery such goods or merchandise from house to house or upon the public street.
2. “Solicitor” means any person who solicits or attempts to solicit from house to house or upon the public street any contribution or donation or any order for goods, services, subscriptions or merchandise to be delivered at a future date.
3. “Transient merchant” means any person who engages in a temporary or itinerant merchandising business and in the course of such business hires, leases or occupies any building or structure whatsoever, or who operates out of a vehicle which is parked anywhere within the City limits. Temporary association with a local merchant, dealer, trader or auctioneer, or conduct of such transient business in connection with, as a part of, or in the name of any local merchant, dealer, trader or auctioneer does not exempt any person from being considered a transient merchant.
An application in writing shall be filed with the Clerk for a license under this chapter. Such application shall set forth the applicant’s name, permanent and local address and business address if any. The application shall also set forth the applicant’s employer, if any, and the employer’s address, the nature of the applicant’s business, the last three places of such business and the length of time sought to be covered by the license. An application fee of ten dollars ($10.00) shall be paid at the time of filing such application to cover the cost of investigating the facts stated therein.
Every licensee shall pay the following fees before a license shall be issued:
1. For one day or any part thereof — $25.00
2. For more than one day up to one week — $10.00 per day
3. For one week — $50.00
4. For more than one week but not more than one month — $25.00 per week and $10.00 for any day or fraction thereof
5. For one month — $100.00
6. For longer than one month — all fees shall be computed by first computing the monthly fee, then the weekly fee, then the daily fee and the sum of these fees shall be the fee charged.
Before a license under this chapter is issued, each applicant shall post a bond of $500.00 with the Clerk. Such bond shall be conditioned to indemnify and pay the City for any penalties or costs occasioned by the enforcement of this chapter and shall not be retired until after a lapse of six months from the expiration of each license. In addition, each applicant for a transient merchant’s license shall provide to the City Administrator evidence that the applicant has filed a bond with the Secretary of State in accordance with Chapter 9C of the Code of Iowa.
Each solicitor or peddler shall keep such license in possession at all times while doing business in the City and shall, upon the request of prospective customers, exhibit the license as evidence of compliance with all requirements of this chapter. Each transient merchant shall display publicly such merchant’s license in the merchant’s place of business.