Any building, room or other structure within the corporate limits of the City where illegal gaming or illegal gambling of any kind is allowed or carried on, all houses or places of ill fame or where persons resort for the purpose of prostitution, assignation, lewdness or for the use of controlled substances as defined in the Uniform Controlled Substances Act, Chapter 124 of the Code of Iowa as it now exists or is hereafter amended, or where prescription drugs are illegally kept, illegally sold or illegally given away are hereby declared “disorderly houses” and are prohibited and shall be suppressed, and the keepers and inmates thereof punished as herein provided.
Any building, room or other structure within the City where intoxicating liquor or beer is illegally kept, illegally sold or illegally given away are hereby declared to be “wrongful drinking establishments” and are prohibited, and shall be suppressed, and the keepers and inmates thereof punished as herein provided.