The ordinance codified by this chapter is adopted by the Linn County Board of Supervisors and the respective City Councils acting under authority of the City Municipal Code, State Code 29C, Emergency Management and all applicable Federal laws and regulations.
It is the intent of the Linn County Board of Supervisors and the respective City Councils under this chapter to:
· authorize creation of an organization to plan and prepare in advance of a major disaster for orderly and expeditious post-disaster recovery and to direct and coordinate recovery and reconstruction activities;
· direct the preparation of a pre-event plan for post-disaster recovery and reconstruction to be updated on a continuing basis;
· authorize in advance of a major disaster the exercise of certain planning and regulatory powers related to disaster recovery and reconstruction to be implemented upon declaration of a local emergency;
· identify means by which the county and the cities will take cooperative action with other governmental entities in expediting recovery;
· and implement means by which the county and the cities will consult with and assist citizens, businesses and community organizations during the planning and implementation of recovery and reconstruction procedures.
As used in this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
1. Assessed Value. The value of a property, building, or other structured routinely assessed by the County or City Assessor for tax purposes. The assessed value will be the pre-event value of the property as reflected in the Assessor's records at the time of the disaster event, unless extenuating circumstances can be established and approved by the Assessor.
2. Building Official. The person at the county or municipal level authorized to enforce established building codes.
3. Damage Assessment Survey. A field survey to determine levels of damage for structures and/or to post placards designating the condition of structures.
4. Development Moratorium. A temporary hold, for a defined period of time, on the issuance of building permits, approval of land use applications or other permits and entitlements related to the use, development and occupancy of private property in the interests of protection of life and property.
5. Chair. Shall mean the Chair of the Recovery Organization or an authorized representative and/or the Chair of the Recovery Task Force.
6. Disaster Assistance Centers (DACs). A multi-agency center organized by FEMA for coordinating assistance to disaster victims.
7. Disaster Field Office (DFO). A center established by FEMA for coordinating disaster response and recovery operations, staffed by representatives of federal, state and local agencies as identified in the Federal Response Plan (FRP) and determined by disaster circumstances.
8. Disaster Survey Report (DSR). Shall mean a claim by a local jurisdiction for financial reimbursement for repair or replacement of a public facility damaged in a major disaster, as authorized under the Stafford Act and related federal regulations, plans and policies.
9. Emergency. Shall mean a local emergency, as defined by the Iowa State Code, which has been declared by the Board of Supervisors and the Mayor or Mayors of the affected municipalities for a specific disaster and that has not been terminated.
10. Event. Shall mean any natural man-made, or civil occurrence, which results in the declaration of a state of emergency and shall include tornadoes, fires, floods, winter storms, hazardous material releases, as referenced in the Hazard Mitigation Plan.
11. Federal Response Plan (FRP). A plan prepared by FEMA and over two dozen other federal departments and agencies to coordinate efforts of a large number of federal, state and local agencies in providing response and recovery assistance in an expeditious manner.
12. Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). A map showing the outer boundaries of the floodway and floodplain as determined by the Flood Insurance Administration through the National Flood Insurance Program.
13. Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. A program for assistance to federal, state and local agencies whereby a grant is provided by FEMA as an incentive for implementing mutually desired mitigation programs, as authorized by the Stafford Act and related federal regulations, plans and policies.
14. Historic Building or Structure. Shall mean any building or structure included on the national register of historic places, the state register of historic places or points of interest, or a local register of historic places.
15. Individual Assistance Program. A program for providing small grants to individuals and households affected by a disaster to offset loss of equipment, damage to homes, or the cost of relocation to another home, as authorized under the Stafford Act and related federal regulations.
16. In-Kind. Shall mean the same as the prior building or structure in size, height and shape, type of construction, number of units, general location and appearance.
17. Major Disaster. Shall mean a locally declared emergency also proclaimed as a state of emergency by the Governor of the State and by the President of the United States.
18. Multi-Agency Hazard Mitigation Team. A team of representatives from FEMA, other Federal agencies, state emergency management agencies and related State and local agencies, formed to identify, evaluate and report on post-disaster mitigation needs.
19. Public Assistance Program. A program for providing reimbursement to federal, state and local agencies and non-profit organizations for repair and replacement of facilities lost or damaged in a disaster, as authorized under the Stafford Act and related federal regulations, plans and policies.
20. Recovery. Shall mean the process by which most of private and public buildings and structures not severely damaged or destroyed in a major disaster are repaired and most public and commercial services are restored to normal.
21. Reconstruction. Shall mean the rebuilding of permanent replacement housing, construction of large-scale public or private facilities badly damaged or destroyed in a major disaster, addition of major community improvements, and full restoration of a healthy economy.
22. Recovery Organization. An interdepartmental organization, which coordinates staff actions in planning and implementing disaster recovery and reconstruction functions.
23. Recovery Plan. A pre-event plan for post-disaster recovery and reconstruction comprised of policies, plans, implementation actions and designated responsibilities related to expeditious and orderly post-disaster recovery and rebuilding, as well as long-term mitigation.
24. Recovery Strategy. A post-disaster strategic program identifying and prioritizing major actions contemplated or under way regarding such essential recovery functions as business resumption, economic reinvestment, industrial recovery, housing replacement, infrastructure restoration and potential sources of financing to support these functions.
25. Hazard Mitigation Plan. A plan, which addresses protection of the community from unreasonable risks, associated with the effects of earthquakes, landslides, flooding, wildland and urban fires, wind, coastal erosion and other natural and technological disasters. This plan will be incorporated into the County-wide Multi-Hazard Emergency Operations Plan.
26. Stafford Act. Shall mean the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Public Law 93-288, as amended).