The purpose of the Parks and Recreation Board is to advise the Council on the needed facilities to provide open space such as parks, playgrounds and community facilities for other forms of recreation. It shall also plan, develop and promote City programs and encourage other programs for the leisure time of the City’s residents of all ages.
1. The Parks and Recreation Board shall consist of five (5) members, at least eighteen (18) years of age, appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the Council, for two (2) year terms. At least four (4) of the members shall reside within the City limits. The Board shall elect a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson in June of each year. All members shall serve without compensation, but may receive reimbursement for expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. If a member residing within the City moves outside the City limits while there is already one member residing outside the City limits, the moving member's resignation is effective upon change of address. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointments for the balance of the term. Any Board member may be reappointed; provided no person may serve more than three consecutive full terms which may be either preceded or succeeded by a partial term.
2. The Parks and Recreation Board shall plan, develop, implement, and maintain programs and facilities to provide for the cultural enrichment, physical fitness and recreation for the City of Mount Vernon and its constituents.
3. A full-time Parks and Recreation Director shall implement and manage the parks and recreation programs and facilities developed and approved by the Parks and Recreation Board. The Director's duties include financial management and reporting of all financial matters related to the parks and recreation programs to the Board and the Council, as well as a liaison between the Board and Council. Upon recommendation of the Director, the City Administrator may hire additional employees as needed to support the parks and recreation programs developed by the Board.
1. The Board shall develop, administer and review policies, rules, regulations and budgets relating to parks, playgrounds recreational centers and cultural functions and activities. The Board shall review relevant ordinances periodically and make recommendations about present and proposed ordinances to the Council as the Board deems appropriate. The Board shall give special attention to the development of long-range planning, programming and availability of parks and recreational facilities and programs for the use of the public.
2. The Board shall provide monthly minutes to each member, the Council, the Mayor and the City Administrator and shall make the minutes available for public inspection. The Board shall also maintain a long-range plan, communicating the vision of the Board, updated and provided to each member, the Council, the Mayor and the City Administrator annually.
3. The Board shall promote cooperation with the Mt. Vernon School District, other local boards and commissions, civic groups and businesses to expand and improve its programs at a minimum cost to the citizens of the City.