No building/structure can be demolished without a permit. Prior to the demolition of any building/structure, the applicant shall be required to submit signed documentation showing all utility connections have been properly disconnected according to the standards set forth by each respective utility representing.
Additionally, no permit for the demolition of a building/structure that is designated as a historic place by the National Register of Historic Places, or lies within a historic preservation district as defined by the City of Mt. Vernon, shall be issued other than in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance, as well as in conformity with the provisions of other laws and ordinances applicable to historic preservation and to the demolition of buildings. An application for demolition shall be made only by the person, partnership, corporation or realty trust which is the deed holder thereof at the time of such application.
Except for structures identified herein, this ordinance does not apply to the demolition of existing porches.
No permit for demolition of a building determined to be a historically significant building under this ordinance shall be granted until plans for use or development of the site after demolition have been filed with the Zoning Administrator and found to comply with all laws pertaining to the issuance of a building permit. All appeals from the granting of such approvals must be concluded prior to the issuance of a demolition permit under this section.