It is the responsibility of the monument company and the owner of the cemetery lot or an agent of the owner to place the monument on the lot correctly. Prior authorization must be obtained from the Clerk in order to confirm the location of the lot and correct positioning of the monument upon the lot. A person designated by the City Clerk shall be present before the foundation is poured on the lot. Foundation bases and monuments shall be placed in accordance with the Mount Vernon Cemetery design guidelines. The City will not assume responsibility for moving any monuments which are incorrectly placed on cemetery lots.
All arrangements of fresh or artificial flowers, whether they are in urns, pots, wreaths, or stuck in the ground, shall be removed from the cemetery and disposed of by City crews twice a year, in October and May. Prior to October 1 and May 1 any persons desiring to do so should remove any arrangements which they wish to save and the cemetery maintenance workers shall remove all the unwanted arrangements for disposal.