The Council, by resolution, shall accept, receive and expend all moneys and property donated or left to them by bequest for perpetual care, and that portion of interment space sales or permanent charges made against interment spaces which has been set aside in a perpetual care fund. The assets of the perpetual care fund shall be invested in accordance with State law. The Council, by resolution, shall provide for the payment of interest annually to the appropriate fund, or to the cemetery, or to the person in charge of the cemetery to be used in caring for or maintaining the individual property of the donor in the cemetery, or interment spaces which have been sold with provisions for perpetual care, all in accordance with the terms of the donation or bequest, or the terms of the sale or purchase of an interment space and Chapter 523I of the Code of Iowa.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 523I.503, 523I.507 & 523I.508)
The rules and regulations for the cemetery may be adopted, and may be amended from time to time, by resolution of the Council and may cover such things as the use, care, control, management, restrictions and protection of the cemetery as necessary for the proper conduct of the business of the cemetery. The rules shall specify the cemetery's obligations in the event that interment spaces, memorials or memorializations are damaged or defaced by acts of vandalism.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 523I.304)
Any person who destroys, injures or defaces any grave, vault, tombstone, or monument, or any building, fence, tree, shrub, flower, or anything in or belonging to any cemetery under the jurisdiction of the City shall be liable for any and all damage, in addition to being subject to any other penalty.
The opening and closing hours of the cemetery are as follows:
Opening: No earlier than 6:30 a.m.
Closing: No later than 10:00 p.m.
Any person found within the designated boundaries of the cemetery after closing hours and before opening hours shall be guilty of trespassing, unless special permission is allowed by the City.